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  • ended up hitting on my ex bf?

    we broke up last month. it was a bad breakup. he doesnt like me in that way now. i was devastated but we still decided to stay exactly a month after our breakup we met for a movie. nothing happened during that but while going home i had to take a cab i was bargaining he sat in the cab so i had to sit..we came close..i held his hand..he held mine...i touched his cheeks and he moved back like what am i doing then i just moved my hand which fell on his penis. i didnt move it he didnt react.then i just told him to get down and go to his home. i feeling very embassared..i am still attaracted towards him! what do i do? tell him? say sorry to him?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • dont u think this is cheap facebook behaviour?

    i visited a guy's profile i thought was my old friend only to find out his friends have tagged him in pics like girl's boobs ( not nude but the pic was showing only her boobs) and had comments like "i want that", "nice boobs" ..i find it offensive to you?

    4 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • a mere coincidence????????????????

    last night before sleeping i said to myself if the following three things happen me and my ex bf would get back together..i mean we"ll be a couple again.


    1) he will text me (the moment i decided he texted)

    2) i'll wake up before 11 (i did but slept again)

    3)my mom would cook this dish tomorrow for lunch (she did)

    are these really signs that we would get back together? or i am being stupid?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • was adding my ex bf on facebook a bad idea?

    we broke up on the 1st of this month. he was ignoring me for months and would just meet for sex. he ignored me even when i missed periods because of the unprotected sex we had (but i took test and thank god i am not pregnant). i broke up with him because of this and it was a bad..bad fight. he said he was cheating on me, he has had sex with many girls before me and he going out of country he will have sex with many girls but denies it now and says he was just angry. i asked him if he didnt like me why didnt he breakup (because i could see he lost interest a long ag0 and was just pretending till now). he says though he didnt like some of my qualities but still liked being with me (which i dont believe because he twice said i am too boring..and he was getting bored with me..i mean i could see it) i feel he used me for sex...any way he asked for being friends and i agreed because i was too scared of losing him and him not being around. i cant ever possibly forgive him (right?) ..after the breakup when i agreed to stay friends i fought with him everyday..then he asked me out twice i said no..then i asked him he said he fractured his leg so cant come....then next few days we talked about what i was going to study and all..he asked if i got period then from 4 days we havent talked..i added him on fb sacred of losing him again (he is going out of country for higher studies so not possible to be in contact through phone)..but i am finding it very difficult being friends..i dont have the strength to see him any other girl ..i cant see when he flirts with girls on fb or girls flirt on him on fb..i think it should "unfriend" him on fb? because he will obvioulst add lots of girls..and i dont think i have the strength...i am also scared of the ay when he goes i will not be able to bear it....what should i do? i think i should just cut all contacts with him and focus on my studies..i have an exam next year for which i require some serious very studing...and he will be going in 2 months..i am scared he will tell me he is going i wouldnt be able to bear it and screw up my studies again ( i did this year also because i devoted so much of my time and energy at this relationship thinking it was going somewhere and hoping it would turn into something significant)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • can scientists become astronauts?

    which countries? ...i want to become an astronaut. i am preparing for isat exam ( entrance exam for undergradute programs in iist on completion of which students are absorbed in isro) but india in its 1st manned mission (2015) is selecting only indian air force pilots. the reason for choosing vyomanauts ( indian word for astronaut) from the pool of IAF fighter pilots is that they are already trained to endure high gravity forces. This makes it easier to train them for space missions. i guess nasa does send scientists in space. do u see india doing the same in future? any other way i can become an astronaut? go for nasa? i'll feel betrayal for my country if i go there

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • i am against brain drain..what do i do?

    i am 18 now. i want to do something in space like become an astronaut or somethong. but the thing is india doesnt have really good facilities. i mean eveybody knows superpower america has the best facilities so i am getting attracted towards america. also because of the salary (nasa will pay much more than isro) and kind of lifestyle. i mean i feel isro is in south india i dont see myself staying there. america sounds much more fun. but i want to do something for my country. should i take education in america and then come back in india. but right now i cant afford that..should i work for sometime in india gather money then go for higher education in america, join nasa earn money and experience and come back to india and join isro? but for joining nasa i"ll need to get american citizenship..what do i do?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • how many indians have been in space? has india ever launched people in space?

    as astronauts? i guess three..rakesh sharma, indian origin americans kalpana chawla and sunita williams....

    i guess india has never launched people in space..when will we?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • is aerospace engineering the right branch for me?

    i was vey attracted by space and stuff so i thought of doing it and join isro. but now i feel its not the place for me. because i am a bit materialistic and want to live a luxurious life which isro wont give me also i feel all the ppl working there would be all geeks (no offence) i dont want to go to another country because i am against brain drain and feel that my country needs me any other space organisations in india offer a better life? or any other job oportunities after studying aerospace engineering in india which may give me the life i desire? (airlines?)

    1 AnswerOther - Education10 years ago
  • help! ex-bf problem!!!!!!?

    we broke up 2 weeks ago. i saw it coming but still i was devastated. i abused him, blamed him for everything.

    he would always say i dont take care of him like when he is ill when we were together. a part of me still wants him back. we were to meet today but he canceled it sayin he fractured his ankle. how to take care of him?????????????????????? not like his gf and i also dont want to sound too desperate. i can only text him. what to say (take care?, get well soon?, be careful?)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • how to say it in better english?

    "what if i would have been pregnant. u were in abc(other city) that time ******* other girls. i had to suffer alone. and even now if something happens u r not goin to be here. u will be in xyz(other city) ******* more girls. i would have to suffer for ur 20 seconds pleasure"

    explaining the situation: he had unprotected sex with me. when i missed periods he was in other city and ignored me.after that we broke up. now i am experiencing the side effects of the morning pill i took. he convinced me during sex that the pill is totally safe

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • help!! ex boyfriend problem?

    he was never serious about me. we broke up a few days ago and it was a bad bad fight. it all started when i missed periods because we had unprotected sex and he was ignoring me. (when we fought he said he had sex with another girl during that time.) but then we decided to stay friends. but i am still angry with him. he said he was losing intresrt in me but he didnt breakup because it would have hurt me and he still liked me a bit which i dont believe at all. he also said he didnt have sex with any girl and that was just because he was angry because of the fight. (we abused each other a lot during that fight) i believe he was with me for sex because he would just call me when he was ***** and we would meet only for sex. i know thats how most teenage relationships are but i devoted a lot of time and energy into it because i thougt it was going somewhere. lilttle did i know he could pretend so well. i could see he was wrong i just didnt want to beleve it... so back to the missed period and unprotected sex thing. we had numerous (5) sexual encounters in a year and i took moring pill that many times. he would always convince me that it is safe to use it. i also thought that even if something happens he would be with me and we would always like forever be together. now i found out that using that particualr pill so many times can have really bad long term effects. i did get periods last month but delayed by 7 days. i also experienced vaginal bleeding. this month also periods are due and m worried. i cant go to some doctor because i am just 17. and i really cant go alone. what should i do? i want him to realize what he has done.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • plzz help! what marks for what rank for what branch in what iit? (sc category)?

    how much do i need to score for rank 300-400 in sc category. i want to pursue aerospace engineering.

  • hey guys what is your take about the caste reservation in various educational institutes of india?

    i belong to sc category and i am previleged. my bf is blaming me for being an sc that i am taking up the seat of someone underpriveleged. i cant stop being an sc.

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • is it a good idea to repeat iitjee?

    i messed up all my exams this year because i was distracted by my bf and i hardly studied. i got a score of 90 marks in iit jee and honestly i did not study for even 1 hour everyday (just before the exams i studied for 5-6 hours for a week or two). i dont think i have studied even half of the syllabus. i am thinking of repeating. is it good idea.? i have a dream to become aerospace engineer and join isro. if i dont repeat i wont be able to fullfill that dreaam and i will feel like i did not even try and regret it for the rest of my life ( i am regereting not studying so much now). but nobody can say for sure i will selected and get my desired branch. so is repeating worth it? if i repeat i know i will work hard and wont get distracted by stupid things. i will also be giving isat if i repeat.

  • what should i do in such a situation?

    me n my bf r just 17. he cheated on me by sleeping with a girl when i could have been pregnant. we had unprotected sex and i missed periods that month. he was out of ton n didn't even talk to me that time. i broke up with him. after returning from there he apologized and again was calling me for sex. i lost my cool and we had a bad fight we abused each other and he told e that he cheated on me by sleeping with other girl while out of town sill he was abusing me telling m i suck n that girl was so amazing. he was bragging about all the girls he had sex with for the next day. i told him to **** off. now he apologized and said he was guilty. he was calling me to his home to talk (he always called me sex at his home) i still abused him a lot and told him never to contact me again and why would believe that he wants t explain n not have sex and he should come somewhere else if he wants to apologize. i shouldnt but am feeling a lil bad maybe because i abused him a lot. should i send him a nice text sayin we shoudforget everything n move on i can never forgive him or should i forgive him? is it necessary to forgive for moving on? he would be leaving the country in a few days and i would never get a chance to talk o him. i have mixed feelings. what should i do? i don want him back.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i did the right thing in breaking up with him?

    my bf is out of town and kept no contact with me. we had sex last month and this month i missed periods. i just wanted his support. i was calling and texting him from days but no reply then i messaged him on facebook. and he replied "what can i do" and "m busy here" . i got really angry and just broke up bt messaging on facebook. i took pregnancy test just after a week after sex. i didnt know it was too early neither he. so what he replied after i sent him that breakup text " u took the test. go soak ur head off'... he is goo with me then starts ignoring me just like this time

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • plzzz ppl help me with this breakup message?

    my bf turned out to be a total jerk. we had sex last month and i missed periods this month. i told him and what he replied is "so what can i do" he is out of town for some reason and ignoring me saying "m busy'

    this is what is wrote

    "what the **** do u mean by m busy? oh sorry i forgot m in this alone. nothings gonna happen to u why would u worry. i have to deal with everything myself. enjoy ur life. m breaking up with u goodbye perevert." i want to make it more rude but i also want im to come crwaling back to me. plz help me impove it

    thank u

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help! made my bf feel very to make up to him?

    he is going abroad for higher studies and i just couldnt take. i cried and told him i am depressed. he is feeling very guilty. what should i say to him?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help! bf to make up to him?

    i was fighting with him from 2 days and said some really mean things. we have to breakup in a couple of months because he is going abroad so i really didnt think before saying anything. mean things like he thinks about other girls and am not special to him. so now he sent me a text telling me about all his achievements which can get him a 100 girls but he doent boast about that beacause he loves me and feels i should trust him. i really dont know how to make up. i suck at it. what sweet things can i say? ..should i tell him that i wont fight with anymore and i want him to be happy when we goes sayin that he had a good time with me..? (this sounds a lil irrelevant) but what can i say? i can only text him

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Its not a big deal if my bf doesnt remember my last name?

    we have been dating since a year now and he doesnt remeber my last name saying it is difficult to remember. but he remembers the name of some girls he met just once (he described them as smoking hot). and says that i cant judge him by that. is it acceptable?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago