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  • What do you think about the recent decisions in uniform (Army)?

    Yesterday, I read that it was announced that the beret will be replaced with the patrol cap (unless in ASU's) and now name plates, rank, and skill badges are going to be authorized to be sewed on once again.

    I personally think it's great news about the beret because I felt that it served no purpose with the ACU's. So many disadvantages with the beret that I won't even get in to, but if you are Army, you already know. I do agree that it should remain with the ASU's for appearance. But I am glad to welcome back the patrol cap with the ACU's.

    As far as being able to sew on plates, I'm neutral. I never suffered from the "bacon effect" from my name or army plates. And you still can use the velcro, or you can sew the plates over the velcro.

    And buttons on cargo pockets once again!

    Of course the Army is leaving the date of this change up to everyone's command, but I wanted to see what everyone else in the Army (or retired) thought about these changes.

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • USAA in the military?

    I have been using the same bank since I was young, and had them fill out the direct deposit paperwork that my recruiter gave me (but have not turned it in yet, since I dont ship out until Oct). It's an East Coast bank with most of its branches in NC and SC, with some in GA and FL. I know for a fact I wont be back in the east coast for at least 2 years and probably longer. Someone told me about USAA and I was wondering if other people thought that USAA was worth it. opinions?

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Cell Phone/Air Card contracts and moving in the Army?

    I leave for basic in October, but my wife, daughter, and I are moving in with her parents in Sept. For internet, they use an air card for their computer. When we get there, we were thinking about getting our own air card through our cell phone provider but all we can find are 2 year contracts. We really don't need one for 2 years because as soon as we are able to be back together on a base we will be getting high speed internet again. Since I will be in the military, is there a way to get out of our air card agreement once we dont need it anymore?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Army Pre-Basic Task List for promotion...?

    I know that I have to do the future soldier stuff, know time, rank, creed, orders and all that. The one thing that is confusing me is the physical assessment. Do I need to be able to do the beginning basic qualifications, the 50pt grad basic qualifications, or the 60pt grad AIT qualifications in order to complete the checklist?

    Also, if anyone has the complete list or website to it, can they give it to me. I am completely going off memory of what my recruiter said and a little handout he gave me (which doesnt have the physical stuff).

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How many times do people ask about North Korea?

    Do they not see a search for questions space on the page before they ask questions that are asked 40 times an hour?

    Does typing North Korea in the search bar take more effort than typing a rhetorical question, then adding detail, then choosing category, then waiting on people to respond?

    Can't people just look at the list on the main military page before asking the question since it is probably already listed 10 times on the first page?

    Who else is ready to nuke North Korea just so people quit asking the same question over and over?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Fights in Army basic?

    I was reading through some questions, and someone mentioned something about fights happening at basic. I know a person should show restraint at all time, and fighting is bad, but what happens if someone actually attacks you (throws a punch and actually tries to cause harm, not just shoving you to act all big and bad)? Can you defend yourself? What happens if you defend yourself and you seriously hurt the other guy who attacked you?

    The reason I am asking is because I have studied martial arts for 23 years (24 by the time I go in BCT) and hold black belts in 4 of the arts I have studied. I can show a lot of restraint in fighting, but when someone attacks me with intention to harm, my body goes straight to instinct and reflexes and I may do something before I can even think about it.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • DEP Correspondence Program?

    When I enlisted at MEPS I was given a DEP book (for Army) that talked about a correspondence program to go ahead and start earning promotion points. The website they have listed is broken and does not work. I talked to my recruiter and he said it was an old link and gave me a new one, but I cannot find the same courses on the link (which is an aita link). The courses aren't on futuresoldiers or ako that I have seen either. Anyone know where I can find them at in order to do them.

    The courses are:

    Land Navigation (there's one in futuresoldiers, not sure if same)

    Drill and Command/Rifle-bayonet Fighting Techniques

    Self-Aid and Buddy Aid

    Use and Maintenance of Protective Mask and Clothing

    Effective Army Writing

    Principles of Communication

    PS: I didn't list the links I have because I am not sure if I can.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Question about going from enlisted to officer in the army?

    So I have enlisted in the Army, but I am also in school (online) to eventually get my doctorate in psychology. Right now, I am still undergrad and plan on having the military help me pay for school so I can complete my doctorate. It's a weird question, but if I am enlisted (let's say I like the army and want to stay in) and finish my doctorate in psychology, would I automatically be commissioned as an officer or would I have to go to OCS?

    If I do like the Army, I would like to maybe be an officer, but I may need a waiver because of my age (30) to go OCS before I get my doctorate. I'd also prefer to not go straight to commission because I would respect myself more to start from the ground up so I can see all sides of the coin.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can you wear watches in army basic?

    Someone who used to be in the Army told me to make sure I set my alarm on my watch 10 minutes early before everyone else got up so i would have a little extra time to get everything done that morning. On the list of stuff I should take to basic, watches aren't on there. This person was in basic over 14 years ago, so I don't know if the rules have changed since then. So can you wear watches in basic? And what watch is a good one to get if you can? (I was told to get a timex ironman).

    PS: I know I should ask my recruiter, but everytime I talk to him I always forget to ask this question.

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Taking my family when I go to DLI?

    I've heard after 30 days my family will be able to accompany me to DLI and the army will give us BAH to pay for residence at Ord Military Community (The Parks). My question is it possible for my family to drive there with me when I go and I just pay for the first month at OMC out of my own pocket? Since OMC is privately contracted you have to fill out an application anyway and their site says you can submit it up to 30 days of your coming to Monterey, CA. I realize the army won't move our stuff until they are suppose to... Would I be able to just take my family with me and use my own personal money and would there be any problems if I did?

    PS: I know I'll be in phase 4 when I get there so I will be staying at a dorm for a month and not be able to see them. It's just a long way for us to take 2 vehicles from NC to CA and my wife and 3 year old would be travelling by themselves if they don't go with me.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Army 35w MOS question?

    I've enlisted in the Army as a 35w, which is a place holder for either 35p (Cryptologic Linguist) or 35n (Signals Intelligence Analyst). I scored a 123 on my DLAB (although they told my recruiter 140) and will be going to DLI after basic. How do they determine which MOS to put you in after DLI? Also, I know some about these MOS's but is there anyone that can elaborate on what kind of duties I can expect in either MOS? I know that the 35p can be deployed with a unit or sit behind a desk in the US, but thats about all the options I know with that.

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • Taking my family when I go to DLI?

    I've heard after 30 days my family will be able to accompany me to DLI and the army will give us BAH to pay for residence at Ord Military Community (The Parks). My question is it possible for my family to drive there with me when I go and I just pay for the first month at OMC out of my own pocket? Since OMC is privately contracted you have to fill out an application anyway and their site says you can submit it up to 30 days of your coming to Monterey, CA. I realize the army won't move our stuff until they are suppose to... Would I be able to just take my family with me and use my own personal money and would there be any problems if I did?

    PS: I know I'll be in phase 4 when I get there so I will be staying at a dorm for a month and not be able to see them. It's just a long way for us to take 2 vehicles from NC to CA and my wife and 3 year old would be travelling by themselves if they don't go with me.

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • getting tattoos during DEP?

    I'm currently in the DEP for the army. I've been thru MEPS and they listed the one tattoo I do have on my leg. However, I have been planning on a back tattoo (across the shoulders and half way down the back) for some time with a good friend of mine who is a tattoo artist. I know I can have tattoos in the army, and I'm pretty sure the one I am planning on fits the policies. I've just been debating on whether I should get it now, before I ship to basic, or wait until I get done with basic.

    Here's the reason I want to get it now. I dont go to basic until Oct 14. During that time, my wife is going to move from NC to SC to stay with her parents. After BCT, we are going to CA to DLI. Not sure how long I have between basic and DLI, and still would have to make a special trip back to NC to see my friend. However, he designed the tattoo and I wouldnt ask anyone else to do it, so if I dont get it now, I may have to buy a plane ticket to fly back out. My recruiter hasnt said much other than he has tattoos and as long as it dont get infected, but hasnt mentioned any policies between MEPS and BCT. What is everyone's thoughts on what I should do?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • DLI, language and married life?

    Two part question... I enlisted in the Army as a 35w and took the DLAB after I enlisted. I scored high enough to qualify for cat 4 languages (they told me 123, told my recruiter 140). However, my enlistment papers were before I took the DLAB so they don't state a language. My recruiter hasn't told me what language was selected for me (i don't think he knows). So when and how do I find out which language I am going to study??

    My next part of the question is... I am married with a 2 year old daughter. Everyone tells me that my wife gets to move to California with me when I attend the school, but no one is sure when they get to come.. whether it is right when I go, 30 days after I go, or later. Does anyone know when the family gets to move out there with me (at the military's expense)? We currently live in North Carolina and are trying to make preparations.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago