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  • So who else deserves a title like Nobel Peace Prize winner according to how they seem to choose...?

    Tom Brady - Might as well induct him into the hall of fame tomorrow with his potential and what he promises to do

    Tim Linecum - Another hall of famer from his promise and potential

    Sacha Baron Cohen - An Oscar for best actor because he has potential to be a serious actor.

    The next CSI spin off- It hasn't aired yet but hey let's give in an emmy because it has promise and potential to be a success.

    Tiger Woods- Give him the next masters jacket tomorrow as he has the potential to win it again

    Does anyone else see the idiotic move the nobel peace prize council did by giving a man who has never done anything remotely deserving of (what I thought was a well thought out and prestigious) award? He has done nothing but make false promises. He has done nothing for the world, nor for the US. "In the west shall rise a man on false promises as a false prophet and he shall be praised and accepted by the world, he will be known as the Anti-Christ," (Im paraphrasing of course). Just thought it made sense. We are all doomed.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Anyone else find this a bit disturbing?

    I am not a conspiracy theory believer. However, has anyone been seeing an increase in commercials, ad campaigns, and new media reports on making sure you go out and get your flu shot. Also pushing this new H1N1 flu vaccine (made way too quickly in my view) to be used. Maybe there is something up with this whole conspiracy to control the populace, and by a democratic administration too!...intelligent feedback is appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is criticizing Obama and his initiatives considered racist?

    As I recall the First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    Hmmm...a double standard for those who pull the race card to gain public office?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think the ALCU is too big and needs to be abolished?

    I mean I am all for people's rights. However, when suing for every little thing, comment, or action because someone is "offended", that's ridiculous. Now they want a law that schools must read "Miranda Warnings" to students before saying the Pledge of Allegiance so that they can choose to say it or not. When did one's love of country become offensive? Also the ALCU siding with Illegal Immigrants because they are wrongly deported...they are hear against the law and the law states they need to be deported! Just so many issue by brown nosing, butt into everything ultra liberals. They are an embarrassment to America and the reigns need to be pulled in on them. I am 100% for abolishing the ALCU (and factions of the NAACP) all together.

    29 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with this picture?

    I'll elaborate. My little sister has been out of middle school since June. I got a phone call from my parents saying that a letter came to them from the school about 2 weeks ago. I guess like a final progress report/report card. There was a note attached saying that stated my sister was marked as absent without a call for one class. According to the letter my sister, being 13, stood up in her Social Studies class and asked to leave as the subject matter was offensive to her and she believed it shouldn't be taught. She was being taught about religion, and the teacher (being Islamic) was giving the class heavy doses of Islam teachings and (according to my sister) bad mouthing other religions. The teacher called my sister an ignorant and closed minded teenager and that she should sit through the class anyways. My sister refused and apparently sent to the principals office for "Insubordination and Bad Behavior" (as it states on the letter). My sister is a straight A student, she is very outspoken, and very stubborn. The school wants to schedule an in home meeting and monitor her behavior through the next school year.

    Does anyone else find something wrong with this? Someone stands up for their right of freedom of speech and expression. They make a huge deal out of it like she is a problem child because she doesn't want to hear, nor learn about Islam. When a minority states they are offended, things change. However, when a white person says it they are deemed a problem. I am a cop and I am going to charge the schoolboard with harassment if they do monitor her upon no grounds to do so. Anyone else have a similar issue?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What should I get XBox 360 or Nintendo Wii, Which is better?

    I am getting a little sick of my PS2. I am thinking of getting an XBox 360 or a Nintendo Wii. However, I am more of a sports or shooting game person and Wii seems a little more geared towards kids. I've played the Wii before but never the XBox 360. Which is better? your thoughts or suggestions.

    9 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • What NFL player (past and present) has the best character? As in role model?

    My pick is a toss up between Walter Payton and Reggie White...

    I am talking conduct on and off the field. Just curious on how you all feel. I am sure some idiot is going to say Micheal Vick just to cause controversy.

    24 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Why are Colts fans classless?

    Here it is folks...a reason to hate the Colts. Punt/Pass/Kick contest the NFL holds for kids had thier champions crowned for each age group at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well they went through each kid, and then they went to the girl from New England, who is in Indy for the first time in her life probably, is on National Television, and because she is from New England (Stratham, NH to be exact) the fans Booed her. That is classless, disrespectful, and ludicrious. Despite her jersey she did something wonderful and gets recognized and they boo her? Any fan that agrees with Colts or not should be ashamed of themselves. You Colts won 1 SuperBowl in a fluke win, get over it you are not that good.

    14 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What idiot will ask "Why do the Patriots run up the score?"?

    Get over it...It's your defense's job to stop the other team from scoring...if you can't do it, then you get b*tchslapped 56-10!

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Colts...oh how the "mighty" have fallen...why do you think they are so good?

    Lost to the Patriots 24-20...good game, I'll give them that, but a loss is a loss. Then this week they lose 23-21 to the San Diego. To add insult to injury Manning tossed 5 INTs and Mr. "Game Winner" Vinatieri missed the game winning field goal. No Championship this year, last year was a fluke. Now the Patriots destroyed the Chargers 38-14. So that shows you who the better team is in the AFC...heck the NFL!

    PATRIOTS RULE!!! 9-0!!!

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Ocho Cinco who?

    Go PATRIOTS!!! 4 and 0!!!

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Why are the Chargers considered so great. LT who?

    After they were demolished by the Best team in the league New England Patriots 38-14....HAHAHAHA

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Religious differences?

    The girl I am dating has a strong faith and conviction to God and her religion. I, however, do not. I told her my take on religion and she accepts it as my choice. However, recently she wants me to go to church with her, attend religious events, etc. A lot of stuff has happened to me and my family in the past that has severly split my "relationship with God". I believe in him, but I believe he gave us free choice and free will for the fact to make the right choices. I do not believe I have to worship and lead a life dictated by the church. I know in my heart I live a good life. I am prepared that in the event of the day of my judgement that I can explain my actions wholeheartedly. He has also deemed it to take quite a few people close to me. Going back to her, she goes to confession once a week, church every sunday etc. I accept that she does that and that is her choice. I am not sure how to react, if she is just wanting to hang out more with me or if she is trying to push

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where in Fort Lauderdale would be a good place to get scuba certified?

    I am going on a cruise in December and have always wanted to get scuba certified. Might as well use the cruise as an excuse.

    2 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • Should I say something?

    I was contacted by my hometowns police department as an offer to apply for 2 open positions. I am already a police officer for the Federal Gov't, but I thought it would be nice to go back where I grew up. I looked at it like either way I am still a cop, so it wouldn't be a loss. I filled out the application, added the necessary paperwork from trasnscripts, to commendations, to letters of reference etc. I knew and was told going in I was the highest qualified candidate. After all was said and done I was not offered a position. I looked into it and asked around as to why. I had my degree with a 3.89 GPA, I'm academy trained, I've been on the job for 2 years now with the Gov't, I was the only certified EMT, etc. Out of the 2 that were hired, 1 had a degree w/ no experience and the other was a reserve deputy w/o a degree. I have no real proof or anything that there was nepotism or someone did a favor. However, my hometown is noutorious for that sort of thing.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Where can I find high quality truck accessories at a reasonable price?

    In terms of running boards, grille guards, push bars, etc..

    8 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Why do women put so much stock in a guy who is "educated"?

    Here is a good question. When talking to women who I know and from personal experience, they tend to shy away from a guy who does not have a degree. Whether or not if he is a great guy in all other aspects, as soon as they hear that he does not have a degree they drop him like a bad habit. My theory is that most women are (don't take this the wrong way) inherently gold diggers. They may not think they are, but subconciously when they hear no degree they automatically assume he doesn't make that much money. If anyone can shed some light on why us good guys who are "blue collar" who learn from experience are left in the dust for the with B.A's in Liberal Arts etc?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why don't women be more the pursuer than the one pursued?

    I am getting a little sick of doing all the work to get a girl. I would like to be pursued for once. Why is it so hard for a woman to pursue a man? To let him know she's got her eye on him? Granted we are in the animal kingdom and like most animals we do "mating rituals" to attract females; i.e. flirt with them, compliments, act like fools to impress, etc. Anyone?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago