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  • I need help editing my name on yahoo?

    I'm legally changing my gender atm. That requires changing all of my online stuff, like this. I know for whatever dumb reason we can't change gender, I'm working on finding a work around, but my name. I changed my name/nick name to my new name, but it's still trying to send my emails with my old name and I bet this is posted with a male name. How do I make it send with the right name? If no one knows how to do do I ACTUALLY contact these *******, because I can't find a support email or phone number.

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles4 years ago
  • Does Caffeinated Lotion Work?

    I'm obsessed with caffeine. I hate sleeping and love being productive. So one of my friends has been on me to try caffeinated lotion. I bought some, but reading the labels it only talks about weight loss and reducing the oarngeness of skin (wtf???) but not like, staying awake. It says it has caffeine. Even has pictures of coffee beans on the front. Does it actually have the same properties as straight caffeine (like in pill form)? Also, could I just make caffeinated lotion by disolving caffeine pills in water and mixing the water into lotion?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Anyone know any good jet combat simulators on PC?

    I love Ace Combat and play it all the time on my Xbox, but I want some sort of jet combat game on my PC that I can play between classes. I know that Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is on PC, but it's trash. I have War Thunder downloaded, but I really want something a bit more modern, like with F-22s and F-15s and the like. Anyone have any suggestions?

    PC5 years ago
  • Should I buy the Gamo P-25 or Pt-85 pellet pistol for self defense?

    I'm not a huge fan of actual firearms, but I do appreciate good self defense and have been looking into Co2 powered peelet pistols for defense. I just don't know which to buy. I was pretty sure I wanted the Gamo P-25 because I saw all of these great reviews, but then I saw the Pt-85 on Amazon with the same damn rating. Like, Idk if one is better than the other or if I should just go with the best looking one. Hopefully someone here has insight.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • How can I use adrenaline if I'' not allergic to anything?

    So we've all played Left 4 Dead, right? And used those adrenaline spikes to move really fast? Now, I in no way believe that to be a factual representation of the uses of external adrenaline, but all of this Epipen pricing **** has got me wondering, exactley what uses could it have? Maybe as a combat enhancer or maybe as an amphetamine substitute? I'm curious, please help.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • Where/How to find a blacksmith/metal worker.?

    Okay I've seen questions like this on here before, but in my case this is more technical than nerdy. I want to build a sword- not just any sword, but a telescoping blade that would be constructed from two pieces of metal and the hilt. I got the idea from Dishonored and drew out a design. At present I have an early work-up being 3D printed and I do really believe that if it could work (would need a light but durable metal) then it could be patented and sold as a self defense weapon. Only blacksmiths aren't on every corner anymore and I need help in finding them. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • How are spec ops team leaders selected?

    I don't mean in any particular unit (SAS, SEALs, Delta) so much as special operations in general, but I'm wondering how spec ops team leaders are typically chosen. I imagine it is harder than just getting into the unit itself. Like completing Buds is great, but being a leader requires a bit...more. Anyway, I ask because I've created a fiction unit for a fiction city-state for a novel I'm writing and in my novel I detail it more as an apprenticeship where if an officer completes the rigorous standard training, they serve on their future team under a veteran officer until said officer decides they qualify to lead themselves. By the way, I mean in the idea officer's act as spec ops squad leaders, I know a lot of special forces have NCO squad leaders. I just want to know what the actual process is and if you think I should change mine. Thanks.

    3 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • Question About Nuclear Weapons?

    I'm doing research for a novel set in an alternate 1950s and part of it concerns nuclear weapons. In my (painstaking) research I've learned a bit more about the original bombs (Fat Man and Little Boy) than I'll probably need. But one question: Fat Man used an implosion system with Plutonium and Little Boy used a gun type with Uranium. But, could you use Uranium implosion system? Theoretically, at least? Just trying to put interesting stuff in this novel.

    3 AnswersPhysics5 years ago
  • What on Earth is wrong with me? Someone please help?

    I don't know where to begin with this? With the part that's the issue, or the normal parts of me that seem to make me so much more unnormal in comparison? For the record, I'm sorry if this gets really wordy. I'm a really wordy person. But I need to understand this stuff and I can't talk to a doctor about this.

    Okay, I'm 20. I live in the US. My IQ is really high, if you think IQs matter at all; I seem to come and go there, but if you do, it hovers somewhere in the area of 180ish, but you never can be sure. I'm a white male who comes from a kind of middle class family...also I'm not really a "male", I guess. I'm trans. Um, like I have a penis, but don't want one.

    My problem is, I think I'm a psychopath. Thought me being trans would be my issue? Nope. Anyway, I think about murder, a lot... Sometimes the thoughts make sense and are meant to be justified, like me being a hero that fights a bunch of robbers, but more often, they're just random... Like I read an ask from a girl who has similar thoughts, but hers are always directed at rapists because she was sexually abused as a child, but mine aren't as sensical. My most common one is that I just go to Walmart or something, late at night and get under somebody's car, when they get back and start putting their stuff in the trunk I slip out. Force my knife into the base of the neck, killing them. Then slip their body under the car and get lost.

    I'm running out of characters. That's all I can say. I think about murder, a lot.

  • Question about Thorium?

    Simple question: could Thorium be used in a nuclear weapon? I know it is one of only two elements to still occur naturally and radioactively and it can be used in nuclear power. Simple answer seems like "yes" it could be, but I'd like someone a bit more educated on this to fill me in before it goes in my novel.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Militias in South Carolina?

    So, I'm a bit scared to ask because of repercussions on government back ground checks in my future, but where can I find out about militia's in South Carolina. Online, obviously.

    I've done some research- it's for a novel I'm writing- and found two listed They list the South Carolina Civilian Defense Group, a not so over the top sounding group, and, the complete opposite, South Carolina Special Force Group Fox Hound (I wonder if they can read my memory card?!) But none of the links provided gave me any info.

    For the record- this is just for a book. I'm not actually crazy and want to go live in a compound surrounded by AR-15s- and if you found that last statement factually incorrect or offensive, please provide me with literature to the contrary, cause it's what I need.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • I have a few questions for a current/former combat medic in any NATO force?

    First off, let me- for once- say thank you for your service. I personally have a lot of issues with the current situations of our wars and why we fight them, but medics are only there to help and nothing more. So, yes, thank you.

    Anyway, I want to know how many medics/corpsmen would be attached to a company or a platoon at one point. I'm doing research and I can't seem to find my answer, so I'm asking here. Thanks a bunch.

    2 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • How much hard science fiction is too much for YA?

    Hi! So, I am a writer and for the past few years I have been working on a young-adult novel dealing with invasion, the loss of innocence, coming of age and essentially the message you can trust very few people.

    I started writing this when I was 14, and am now 20. Needless to say, I have done SO much revision. I also created the basic plot at 14, which involved someone that really didn't matter who, invading America. My original idea was aliens- that was scrapped before it could even be mentioned, in favor of North Korea and later an international coalition involving NK because I'm also really into geopolitical stuff and really wanted it to be believable. Now, it has been morphed with a concept about super-soldiers kidnapped as children by the US government (specifically the Army's ISA) and then...I had to start explaining stuff.

    I have a detailed history of the ISA along with my own stuff (they're so secretive you can pretty much rearrange call-signs and anything is plausible) and then did WAY too much research on how they could use magnoreception (cryptochrome and O2) to track and have cloaking armor (plasma and bending EM/visible light waves around the suit's metamaterial frame) for stealth...

    I have no idea how I had time to pass any classes...

    Anyway, thoughts? Too much? I really meant for the science fiction elements to be really small, but when I had to make the invasion realistic (which was hard enough) I went all OCD and everything had to be hard-sci-fi.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Question about electromagnetic triggers and World War 1?

    Okay, so I was doing research on a particular weapon used by the German air force during the first world war for a book I'm writing. The Parabellum MG14. Really a cool aircraft gun if you're into that sort of thing. Well, reading Wikipedia, the first picture they had of the massive gun specified that in the picture the weapon was equipped with an "electromagnetic trigger". I have no ******* clue what that is, but I sure want to know. Well, electromagnetics seem a bit out of place for WW1, but so does color photography and they had that. I'm thinking about the modern electric Vulcan miniguns and such, so I start some more googling. My beloved Wikipedia has nothing, and google shoved me three PDFs about the Hadron Collider at CERN, which is a long way from WW1. So, my ultimate question(s) are: what is an electromagnetic trigger? What did it do? And what was it doing in WW1?

    4 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • How do I write acronyms in dialogue?

    I've been trying to figure this out for a while. So I obviously don't change a fully spoken acronym, like DARPA, DEVGRU, NASA or NORAD. But then with the acronyms spoken with individual letters, what do I do? For the CIA would I just write "CIA" or "see-aye-a"? Would it need to be verbatim?

    I mean, whenever not in dialogue I will just write CIA, but in dialogue I have no clue and can't remember anything from books to save my life. Just the written dialogue from the comic book-esque Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker where the CIA was spoken as "La Cia" in one word. Please help.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • iTunes/Apple Music Two Part Question?

    Okay, so I really like owning physical copies of my media, at least what I really like, like Star Wars DVDs and some CDs. Well, lately I ve imported three CDs into my iTunes, but the album cover has only transferred with two of them. My old copy of Fearless worked fine, but the 1989 and Wilder Mind didn t. Any clue why and how to handle this?

    Actually, here is the second part, that problem was actually somewhat fixed when I signed up for Apple Music. The album covers were suddenly on my music files. Except, I don t plan on keeping Apple Music. Once my free trail ends, I m not renewing. So will the covers go away? Does anyone know?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players5 years ago
  • How can a woman be born infertile?

    Okay so I'm trying to write a character who is unable to have children, and it has to be a birth defect. I know about Rokitansky syndrome, but would like to hear some other things. No offense to anyone with Rokitansky syndrome, but the story is in a post apocolyptic-ish setting and involves some sex, so the surgery generally needed for someone with Rokitansky syndrome probably wouldn't be availabe. Anyone who knows this stuff, if you could help me I would appreciate it greatly.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases5 years ago
  • Question for any British Soldiers?

    Okay so I'm an American, and one thing I find fascinating is how the UK and her former colonies (like South Africa and India) drive on the opposite side of the road of us. But something occurred to me, do your military vehicles follow the same right side driver specifications? Do just your deployable vehicles (like ones in Afghanistan) or none at all? I'm curious, if anyone has an answer.

    2 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • How did the Dust Bowl end?

    Seriously, how? I know what caused it and those things seem like they'd have kept going for a long time. The Dust Bowl is categorized as ending at the same time as the Depression ended and America's entree into World War Two. Are we just supposed to imagine that when the economy turned upwards that the environment decided to stop being dead, or that with everyone at war or in factories that it wasn't paid attention and realized dust-bowling wasn't any fun if it couldn't hurt people? (Yes, I'm personifying the Dust Bowl) Was it just time? I'd imagine something like that would take at least thirty years to end. Anyone know why it really ended?

    7 AnswersHistory5 years ago
  • How does the turret on a Humvee work?

    Okay, so to my military people out there, how does it work? Like not the machine gun, I get how an M2 works, but like, the spinning. Do you just move the gun, or like, can the whole thing spin around? So you can handle threats to the rear. I'm doing research for a story and must admit, my only experience with Humvees is video games and civilian-douche bag mobile hummers.

    4 AnswersMilitary5 years ago