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  • Can two adults agree to waive child supports/rights before conception?

    A female friend asked me to father a child for her. She has agreed to waive her right to seek child support, of any kind, from me and I would agree to give up any rights to the child except in extreme circumstances (as in the child has to either go to me or foster care). But as we all know, situations and friendships can change in an instant. Would an agreement of this nature hold up in court if either she or I decided to change our minds in the future?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year ago
  • What is the name of the episode of American Dad where Steve builds a robot that is foreshadowed to cause the extinction of humanity?

    I remember an American Dad episode where Steve builds a robot girlfriend to "please" him. Later when Stan tries to address the issue, a future is shown where humanity is going extinct because robotic lovers have made traditional relationships no longer necessary for pleasure, therefore no one is reproducing and humanity is dying.

    What is that episode called?

    I know its not Stanny Slickers II.

    1 AnswerComedy5 years ago
  • Was I bitten by a snake?

    I was outside dealing with a skunk problem in crocks. When I came back in the house, I noticed a weak ache/tingling sensation in a spot on the side of my foot just in front of my left heel. I am fairly certain it was an insect of some sort, probably a mosquito, but I am getting rather anxious by thinking it could have been something more serious, like a snake.

    I try to convince myself I would have noticed if it was a snake because the area I was standing it was bare dirt with patches of short cut grass. Also, while I was dealing with the skunk, I distinctly remember feeling something poke the side of my other foot (confirmed to be a stick), so if I was attentive enough to notice that, I would have noticed something like a coral snake latching on to my foot. I view the area on my foot and see no scratches, blood spots, redness or swelling.

    So I guess my question is can a coral snake envenomate without any apparent physical trauma to the skin (such as blood spots or redness)?

    2 AnswersReptiles6 years ago
  • Does using all of the unified tax credit for one year mean it is not available is subsequent years?

    For example:

    In 1999, the unified tax credit allowed an individual to transfer $650,000 tax free for their lifetime.

    In 2014, that amount increased to become just over $5,250,000.

    So, if an individual transferred the full $650,000 in 1999, would they be able to transfer more in the following years because of the unified tax credit increase?

    Or does meeting your lifetime limit in one year mean that the unified tax credit is no longer available to you, regardless of how much it is increased in subsequent years?

    2 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • Is it legal for an ISP to offer one speed and only provide it part of the time?

    My internet service provider markets several tiers of bandwidth (1.5 mb/s, 6 mb/s, and 15 mb/s). For the last few months, I have been noticing that all downloads will start at 700-800 kbyte/s for the first 5 - 10 mbyte and then drop to 300-400 kbyte/s for the duration.

    After extensive testing and a heated call to my isp's main office, they admitted to me that their standard (but unstated) network policy is to provide as close to purchased speeds as possible for "web browsing", but half of purchased speed for sustained data transfers (downloads, streaming video, etc). Hence the 5-10 mb at full purchased speed and then sustained half speeds.

    Is this practice legal in Texas and is there any point in pursuing other courses of action?

    And switching ISPs is not an option. In my area, its either dial up, them, or sat based with a relatively low data cap.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Has anyone dealt with origin pc?

    I'm in the market for a new laptop and decided to go with one that has a bit more graphics power. One name that came up several times was Origin pc out of Florida, apparently a startup from 07' by the guys that started alienware before Dell took them over. As I have never felt with a smaller company, I'm curious if anyone here has completed a transaction with them, laptop or desktop.

    1 AnswerPC8 years ago
  • Craigslist sale offer, scam or not?

    I have not edited or removed any information from the message.

    The message I received reads:


    Thanks for getting back to me, The price is okay by me , I won't be coming down to look on it, as I'm so busy for now and I'm presenting it to my Brother In-law.

    I will appreciate if you can send me more closer picture but if not there no problem and My mode of payment is Cashier Bank check or Money Order check cos its more safer to me and i have been using that to buy items on Craigslist without any problem. Once you have the check i will wait until the check is clear in your bank before any procedure. In order to do this i need your full name and address and contact # in which you want the check to be mail to and what name.

    My shipper will come for the pick up as soon as payment is certified. Also I will be adding an excess to the payment on the check that will be sent to you which you will assist me in sending the the balance to my shipper for their shipping cost. I'm asking you to do this for me cos my schedule for now is very tight. Once again am gonna wait until the check is clear by your bank before any procedure


    My thoughts:

    1. The sender neglecting to state what the item is called (he/she only refers to the item as "it") seems like a dead give-a-way that this is a scam message.

    2. The sender's repeated use of "before any procedure" just screams that the sender's first language is not english and the message was quite possibly translated via an online translator as that grammatical error is common in computer based translations.

    3. The sender stating that he wants the item shipped and will not be able to preview is the kicker.

    BUT, for some reason I'm not 100% certain this guy is a scam, mainly because I cannot imagine what he wishes to scam me out of.


    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam9 years ago
  • Where can I find a large, metal, U.S. Coast Guard emblem?

    I need a large, steel cutout of the main United States Coast Guard emblem, the cross anchors one.

    Dimensions need to be about 1 foot diameter, material should be pretty much any kind of steel, but mild is preferable. Method of production is either by artistic torching or CnC machine.

    Does anyone know of a company or online seller that carries or can manufacture such a thing?

    1 AnswerSculpture9 years ago
  • What comedy movie is about a guy building a modern day noah's ark?

    I remember a comedy movie about a guy being told by god to build a modern day noah's ark. In the end it's not a flood coming but a shoddy dam upstream breaking that leaves the ark on the steps of the capital building.

    I think it might be a Jim Carrey film and it's fairly recent (as in the last decade or so). What is the name of this movie?

    6 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Levi civita tensor contraction help?

    Problem reads:


    a) dij*djk*dkm*dim

    c) Ejk2*Ek2j

    The answers in the back of the book for those two are a) 3 , b) 2

    My question is, since the kronecker delta is defined for 0 and 1 and the levi-civita symbol is defined for 1, 0, -1, how does one obtain answers that are greater than 1?

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • How do you use this parametrized path to solve this line integral?

    Problem reads:

    a) Prove F(r) = [3+2y , 2x+10y(z^2) , 10(y^2)*z] is a conservative field by finding a scalar function f(r) such that F=grad(f).

    b) Evaluate Integral(F.dr) where path C is parameterized as r(t) = [(t+2)cos(2*pi*t) , (t^2)sin(2*pi*t) , 4t^3] for t<=t<=1 by using function f(r) from part "a".

    For the scalar function "f", I found [2x*y + 5(y^2)(z^2) + 3x + z^3]. This solves part "a", but how does one use the found scalar "f" and the given parametrized "path C" to solve the equation?

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • How do you solve this proof?

    Problem reads: Prove B(n,n) = B(n,1/2) / 2^(2n-1)

    Given hint: use identity 2*sin(theta)*cos(theta) = sin(2*theta) and put 2(theta) = (phi).

    B() denotes a Beta function.

    Best answer to first right answer.


    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me what movie this is?

    I remember a movie from late 90s / early 2000's where a group of researchers time travel back to the middle ages for something, conflict ensues and one of them gets left behind. One of the final scenes is the rest of the researchers (present day) finding the decorative sarcophagus of the guy that got left behind.

    Best answer to the first right answer.

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Why would a doctor prescribe prednisone for when patient is fighting an infection?

    The doctor recently diagnosed me with tonsillitis and prescribed 875 mg Augmentin (2/day) and 5 mg Prednisone (1/day).

    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Prednisone immuno-suppressant? I thought the idea here was to boost my immune system to help combat the infection.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Question regarding water heater element current draw.?

    I routinely use a 30 gallon drum with 3 water heater element brazed in the side of it for load testing. The heater elements are each rated at 5500 watt draw @ 240 volts, no neutral.

    However, when testing a 16 kw generator, I was able to put all three elements on the generator without bogging it down too much or tripping either the inline 50 amp breaker or the 70 amp generator breaker. The math doesn't work out, as all three should have been pulling ~66 amps through that 50 amp breaker. I ran all three, without problem for about 5 minutes.

    I put a clamp meter on each of the elements and it read 11~12 amp draw, where rated current should be ~22 amps each.

    So whats going on here? Are my elements failing or could it have something to do with the ambient temperature being ~33 degrees F? Note that I took the amp reading after the water was just shy of boiling.


    2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Laplace transformation problem?

    Problem reads: "By using L2, verify L7 and L8 in the Laplace transform table."

    The Laplace transform table in the book gives the following for L2, L7 and L8:

    L2: e^(-a*t) ==> 1/(p+a)

    L7: [e^(-a*t) - e^(-b*t)] / (b-a) ==> 1 / [(p+a)(p+b)]

    L8: [a*e^(-a*t) - b*e^(-b*t)] / (b-a) ==> p / [(p+a)(p+b)]

    Condition for L7 and L8: RE(p+a) && RE(p+b) > 0

    If I'm understanding the problem right, I need to treat the L2 transform as an identity and solve L7 and L8 for their transforms using it, but I keep running into issues, especially with the minus sign between the e^-at and e^-bt terms. Any help on this would be appreciated.


    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • How do you integrate this?

    Problem is:

    F(t) = (3x^2 + 6y)i - (14y*z)j + (20x*z^2)k

    Find S( F(t).dr ) where "S" is the integral sign. It has a "C" where the lower bound should be.

    From (0,0,0) to (1,1,1) along the following trajectories C:

    a) x=t, y=t^2, z=t^3

    b) the straight line that joins the point (0,0,0) and (1,1,0)

    How do you solve this integral?

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • How do you find the value of -e^(i*pi)?

    Problem is: Find one or more values for the complex expression


    answer in the back of the book is -e^(-pi^2), how was that determined?

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Proving linear independence?

    Problem is: show that v - (1/3)w and 3v - w are parallel, I.e. Linearly independent.

    The issue I'm having is that they are multiples of each other, so my linear algebra text says they are linearly dependent. What am I missing?

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • How would you integrate this?

    Problem is: By means of the integral S e^[(a+ib)x] dx = e^[(a+ib)x] / (a+ib) calculate:

    S e^(ax) * cos(bx) dx

    Note, I am using S to denote the integral sign.

    Im not sure how to solve this problem using the given integral, any assistance would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago