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Stephanie R
In England soap Eastenders where is heather?
This has been bugging me for ages...
It just seems Heather, shirleys friend has vanished. What has happened to her?
If you watch this show and know please tell me.
5 AnswersSoap Operas10 years agoIf you were a building what would you be and why?
I got an odd art homework and we have to photograph ourselves as a building.
I wondered what building you would be and why?
For example: I would be a beach hut because I'm small, colourful, not many like me and you either love me or hate me.
But how about yourself?
3 AnswersHistory10 years agoIf you were a building what would you be and why?
I got an odd art homework and we have to photograph ourselves as a building.
I wondered what building you would be and why?
For example: I would be a beach hut because I'm small, colourful, not many like me and you either love me or hate me.
But how about yourself?
1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts10 years agoShould i be worried my bf and best friend getting too close?
Worried that my boyfriend of nearly 2 years is getting to close to my best friend. He constantly tickles her and hugs her a lot. They have lots in common. He says its more fun with her around, Something worse she even likes him a lot too what, with asking for hugs after he hugged me. As well as kissing him on cheek for buying her chocolate and then random when we were making jam tarts together....but that was when we were all hyper eating too much sugar and flour fight.
How do I get him to back of a bit? Should I be worried? What do you think?
Don't mind them being friends but just want them to keep off each other.
But my best friend just said that if they did go out she would just end up hitting him....and I wouldn't loose my best friend.
Whats worse is if that my boyfriend said that if he met my best mate first he wouldn't be going out with me or something on those lines....
3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoHow do I stop my boyfriend flirting with my best friend? Is my bf liking her too much?
Worried that my boyfriend of nearly 2 years is getting to close to my best friend. He constantly tickles her and hugs her a lot. They have lots in common. He says its more fun with her around, Something worse she even likes him a lot too what, with asking for hugs after he hugged me. As well as kissing him on cheek for buying her chocolate and then random when we were making jam tarts together....but that was when we were all hyper eating too much sugar and flour fight.
How do I get him to back of a bit? Should I be worried? What do you think?
Don't mind them being friends but just want them to keep off each other.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoHow to become successful illustrator quickly?
Currently on an art course at college and going to start Illustration at university but after that I do not know what to do.
I wondered where to start going to look for a job as something similar to an illustrator.?
Where do I go?
What do you advise me to start doing and where to show and how to show my work to employers?
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration10 years agoWhat person do you think of called MAYA?
What do you think a girl called Maya will be like
also do you like it?
9 AnswersBaby Names10 years agoI have a girls name but what for the boys?
Surname is Cooper
Girls name will be something similar too Natalie Violet Faith Cooper
Boys name is just too hard.... I would love a flowin unique boys name but finding one is hard...
Any suggests are totally welcome.. Thanks.
9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoIn your opinion What hair colour should I go for?
Basically I have really dark eyebrows and big blue eyes. Right now my hair is natural long blonde with side fringe.
Should I :
a) Add bright purple streaks...
b) dye fringe bright purple and have plum streaks
c) dye fringe dark blue with turquoise streaks and rest with bright purple streaks
d) all over purple with turquoise highlights
Also tell me why you like your pick best? OR any other bright suggestions....
5 AnswersHair1 decade agoI need middle name for name Opal/Faith?
I would love it if you gave me suggestions for middle name for Opal (a girls name).
Also give me your opinion on Opal and also Faith as a name,
If it helps surname is Cooper.
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoPlease rate these names out of 10?
I want your opinion on these names.
rate out of 10. 1=bad and 10= amazing. Also please say why.
7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoYour opinion on these names please?
What do you think of these:
Natalie Faith Cooper
Natalie Violet Cooper
Faith Violet Cooper
Violet Faith Cooper
Violet Natalie Cooper
Faith Natalie Cooper
14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat is the longest name you know. First name length i mean?
First name only I'm interested to know the longest first name that you know.
Be it a friend or just heard it randomly.
5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat type of girl do think of with this name?
What type of girl do you picture when you think of a girl called
Natalie Violet Faith Cooper
And also what is your opinion on this name?
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoYour opinion on these names is needed?
Ok I'm wondering which combination is better?
Violet Faith Cooper
Natalie Faith Cooper
Natalie Violet Faith Cooper
Violet Natalie Copper
Natalie Violet Cooper
Also any other uncommon name that works well with Cooper.
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoHow to make an easy animal costume with little effort?
I'm having a fancy dress party. Its an animal theme and I need ideas to make costumes to make with little effort as I'm not too skilled. I was thinking either a pig, cat or dog, (help with these animals or any other easy make will be amazing).
4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoHow to make broccoli more exciting?
Broccoli is boring how can I make it more fun to eat. What can I either do to it or make with it to make it nicer.
Hope you understand.
16 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhat is the difference between a tree and a bush?
A debate with family make me confused
What is the difference between a bush and tree. Is it just a tree has a trunk and bush don't?
Please stop me being confused.
10 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoIs it me or does what a person is wearing tell a lot about there personality?
I just wondered if you agree with me. Do find you can tell things about a persons personality by the clothes people wear.
What do you find you can tell about peoples personality by the clothing worn?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoDoes this guy fancy me even a little bit?
Just wondered what you make of this situation. At school in queue for lunch this guy i fancy started talking about how we used to be friends. (we not right now). and i mean friends as in pre-school age. What do u think of this.
Also something his mum once said to my mum makes me think he do like me. Her mum said to mine that he talks about me alot. (not sure y or anything). And randomly this guys mum called me blonde bomb shell.
I'm so confused by this situation! can you help me out. and can you work out what I should do now?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago