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  • Minecraft Xbox 360 Weirdness with buckets after installing aquatic update?

    So after installing the aquatic update on the Xbox 360 version of this game I have noticed that when playing in creative mode when I use an empty bucket to collect water a water bucket gets added to my inventory and I do the same thing but with lava I get a lava bucket added to my inventory also when in mines/caves with how you run into streams of flowing water coming out of the walls which is normally one block coming out of the walls I have to mine any of the blocks surrounding it to collect it with a empty bucket it's so weird none of this happen before I applied this update any idea whats going on here?

  • Attachment image

    Received this Email about Yahoo updating it's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and agreeing to it did it do it successfully?

    So I received this email from Yahoo yesterday as in April 18th at about 10am & I'm sure everyone else on yahoo did also but the thing I have a question about is basically well agreeing to it specifically if I did it successfully because it is says at the bottom of this email you have to agree to it to continue using their services so in the email there are a couple of blue buttons that say "Review and agree now" when I clicked them It had me sign into my yahoo account and all it did after that was just got taken to the Yahoo homepage now they probably assume you already went and read it already and by clicking the button it just does it automatically just like that so my question do you think it was successful?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors3 years ago
  • 2013 Dodge Dart SXT Keyless Remote remote start button problems?

    So I got this car back in 2013 or maybe the year after it's been a good car ever since I first got it like the remote start feature but my problem I'm discussing is with the remote start button on the keyless remote itself now it can have up to 7 buttons but mine is only using 5 of them they are the red panic button at the top, the lock & unlock buttons, the trunk button, and the remote start button so with this remote for the trunk button and the remote start button they have a "x2" on them meaning they have to pressed twice to activate em so like 2 pushes to open the trunk & to remotely start the car so anyways the problem I've recently been having is I would go out to remote start the car and what's happening is I push the button twice as indicated by the "x2" symbol on the button and would not do anything but then immediately after I'd try again and then it would work I'm pretty sure the cause is maybe the remote battery needs to be replaced and I hope that's all it is

    The URL is a picture of what my remote looks like so if anyone can help me thanks

    1 AnswerDodge3 years ago
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    Question about latest Firefox Update for those using the 32 bit ESR version?

    I'll try to make this quick but I don't think its anything really to be concerned about so I was trying to check and see if any updates for Firefox were available my guess not any at the moment but its been a while since I updated the browser but the thing is on the Mozilla site at this url there is a message near the top right of the page that says "Update your Firefox for the latest speed and privacy." the first word is a link and is in red this where clicking it takes you but heres thing its obvious that I have the latest version installed and the only one I'm using is 52.2.1 32 bit esr for some reason their site seems to think I need to update my browser even though the latest version is installed & its the 32 bit version as well as esr so why is their site trying to tell me that when I have the latest version installed?

    Do keep in mind that you won't see that message on that page if viewed with a different browser you also might not see it if say for example if using the 64 bit version of Firefox

    1 AnswerOther - Internet4 years ago
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    Question about Firefox Supported HTML5 Supported formats on 2 different pc' ssame browser exactly but pc's show different supported formats?

    This is something I don't quite understand as you'll see from the attached screenshot a computer with Windows 7 & a computer with Windows Xp now because of some of the different versions of Firefox the one I'm using is the same on these 2 computers & it's Firefox version 52.2.0 32-bit esr now out of the 6 different formats shown (note 2 out the 6 on both Pc's have checks by em which are HTMLVideoElement, & Media Source Extensions) now on the Windows 7 machine for the other 4 shown it has checks by H.264, & MSE &H,264 & has "!"s by WebMVP8, & MSE & WebM VP9 however on the Windows Xp machine it has checks by WebM VP8, and MSE & WebM VP9 & has "!"s by H.264, and MSE & H264 the screenshot will show this to help better understand what I'm talking about but what I don't understand is why is this different on these 2 computers?

    Another reason I ask about this is because earlier I was watching some YouTube videos using the HTML 5 player on the Windows Xp PC anyways what happened was I ran into a video that wouldn't play it said "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available." so I got on my other computer went to that same video on YouTube that I got that message on & sure enough I was able to play it on YouTube with HTML5 player on my Windows7 PC I used Firefox again still but this just doesn't make sense to me so my other ? why would that video play on YouTube with the HTML5 player on the windows 7 pc and not on the windows xp pc?

    1 AnswerSoftware4 years ago
  • NOAA tells us to be prepared for a big solar storm likely to cause blackouts across the world & etc on they expect it April 23rd or 24th?

    Its seems like these people really want us to be prepared for the worst and its very understandable but when it comes to stuff like this I was reading up about a very big one that occurred way back in the late 1850's 1859 to be exact it was apparently known as the Carrington Event accordingly it a very big solar storm and known to be one the biggest ones that occurred way back then from what it sounds like this type of storm was so big thats kind of rare that we see storms like the Carrington event but from what they said about it if we had one like that one in todays world of course it'd be catastrophic cause think about all the stuff it would knock out and possibly for a long time now even though they say another is coming but I think its going be as big as that one from many years ago but still big a one

    but heres the thing for me how do we know if this next one would hit us or just pass us by and we'd just have to wait & see will find out 04/23 or 04/24 cause thats when they expect it to reach us also I haven't noticed the effects of solar flares all that much lately heck it might not even be nothing to worry about I think nasa and those guys bullsh*t us about stuff like this a lot I say its not gonna be that big of deal if this does happen because if we go through anyblackouts from this when it comes it would only be about a couple days or so but anyways I would like to get your opinions on this what do you think will happen and are any you worried about it?

    14 AnswersAstronomy & Space4 years ago
  • Question about Reporting Wages to Social Security if we a Government Shutdown after April 28th?

    So I have that disability known as autism the high functioning kind it doesn't affect that much unlike some people that have autism I was diagnosed with it when I was a very little kid it impacted a childhood a little bit but nowadays I learned to cope with it because doesn't affect my life not nearly as much as it did back then I was able to get my driver's license & have so far been successful in my life But here's the thing I also receive income from social security for my disability & since I have a job along with it making a little over minimum wage per hour plus tips, at the beginning of every month I have to report my monthly wages to social security but I have to do it for the month before so in May for example I report my wages for the month before which would be this month April & I tell them the total amount of my wages for that month to do that I take all the stubs for the checks I received for the month then add up the gross income amounts on em & I report that total amount to social security I have to give em my first & last name as well my birthdate, & 9 digit social security number the way I normally do it is through a mobile app or over the phone which is automated system now seeing that there is a chance of another dreaded Government Shutdown which would possibly happen immediately after 04/28/17 if they can't get a budget deal passed now I read that if this did happen again people like me will still their monthly benefits (out of room continued on details)

    4 AnswersGovernment4 years ago
  • Sporting Goods Store Big 5 using a unsupported operating system on their cash registers?

    My dad was exchanging some shoes for my mom and decided while he was there he was gonna take his case for a AR-15 rifle because he didn't like the way it fit inside of it the crazy thing is he didn't buy it from big 5 he got it from my older brother as a birthday present he purchased it on amazon but these guys down there at big 5 were being generous enough to take it and let him exchange it for a different one this all started cause my dad saw one in there store that looked exactly like it so thats what made him want to take it in and try to exchange it but there was one problem & that was that apparently the one he saw at the store was slightly different then the one he had not to mention that the lady helping us couldn't even find the one my dad had in their system the lady thought they stopped carrying it she tried another store and no luck but the thing is while watching the lady trying to find it for us I couldn't help but notice that their cash registers you know how some places have the kind that are almost like a desktop computer but i'm standing right there looking at the monitor screen notice took a good close up look at it and saw their computerized cash registers were running that old outdated Microsoft operating system Windows Xp but the way I could tell was by looking at the taskbar with classic theme but looked over saw the little logo & was like yep thats Xp alright

    Why would they keep using that still don't they realized Windows Xp's not supported anymore?

    2 AnswersSoftware4 years ago
  • Mozilla Firefox Question about a feature for Automatically updating all add-ons in Add-ons Manager page using Firefox version 51.0.1?

    In Firefox when in the add-ons manager page accessed by going to tools in the menu then add-ons at the add-ons manager page you can see all the plugins, extensions, themes you have installed on Firefox in there if you click the gear at the top of the page it'll bring a up a menu with a few different options I'm gonna discuss just 2 of em in the menu it brings up (both are at bottom of it) the first one is "Update Add-ons Automatically" it can be turned on or off its on by default it'll have a check next to show its on & then the option below it in that menu is "Reset All Add-ons to Update Automatically" if you turn off the other option in that menu this option will change to "Reset All Add-ons to Update Manually" but that's only when the other one is off & basically this option & the other one seem to work with each other because it changes the last word of it to manually when the other one is off & the last word of it changes back to automatically if the other one turned back on now I don't about you guys but I think they should made em both just one option the reason I say that because they make it seem so if you turn off Update Add-ons Automatically you'd have to then go bring up that menu and click the below it to reset em all to update manually or say you want to switch the add-ons back to updating automatically obviously you would turn back on Update Add-ons Automatically then the one below to reset em back to update automatically they should've made em both one option

    1 AnswerSoftware4 years ago
  • 2013 Dodge Dart SXT question about operating high beams with multi-funtion lever can't turn on high beams when headlights are off?

    for those who don't who what I'm talking about it I'm talking about the lever used for the turn signals, windshield wipers, etc and in cars like mine (in title) happen to have the feature operate the use of the high beams this obviously has been a feature in cars for a quite some time as we have a 18 year old car that also has this same feature anyways this lever is most commonly used for turn signaling by moving it up & down as in down for left and up for right as for operating the high beams you have move it back and forth when you pull it back towards you have to hold it as it'll go to its normal position when let go it does that because its meant to be used as a flash to flash the high beams on & off in Mopar has tutorial videos that explain that feature as being called "Flash to pass" now if you move this lever in the opposite direction away from you this turns the high beams on they will always be on until you move the lever back to its normal center position anyways in this car I have noticed that I can't turn on the high beams when the cars headlights are off so like when I put the lever in the position away from me to have them always on I can only turn them on if I turn on the headlights I can use the high beam flash when moving the lever towards me but thats all when the headlights are off

    So my question is that some sort of feature this car has or what? is it only meant to be used when the headlights are on?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years ago
  • YouTube app for Apple iPad can't view comment replies if video comments have 2 or less?

    So this is something thats got me a little bit stumped its something everyone is gonna look at when they are watching a YouTube video whether someone is going to post a comment, reply to a comment, rate someone's comment, or flag/mark a comment as spam, etc anyways whether you watching YouTube on the app, a mobile site, or on your computer the comments section its appearance varies depending on what your using to view YouTube but on the Apple app for the iPad one thing I've noticed today is that on the comments section for every comment that has replies to them they'll have a number next to them which is next to the reply button that looks like a text box I have also noticed that with comments with 3 or more replies have a "View all replies" link and comments with 2 or less Don't on the only the ones with 2 or less there is like no way to possibly view them on just this app anywhere I try to tap the comment to view the replies it goes & prompts me to sign-in its like the app is assuming I'm trying to leave a reply to the comment so it brings up the sign in prompt

    Now so far its seems like I have this problem when I use YouTube on that app signed out don't about when sign in because I just choose to stay sign out whenever on YouTube but when viewing YouTube not in the app its just fine the android version I don't know out so if someone can tell me let me know what you think

    2 AnswersYouTube5 years ago
  • Nintendo (nes) accessory idea for their Nintendo Zapper?

    So for everyone out there who remembers the original Nintendo Entertainment System from the 80's it was such a classic gaming console who could forget about it now if you also remember that one accessory out the many for the nes the Nintendo zapper which was a toy gun made for gaming purposes also not sure how many people knew this but Nintendo had a small library of games specially made for the zapper

    Now enough about the console and the accessory's history now about the Nintendo Zapper itself has anyone ever imagined what it would be like if someone or Nintendo made some sort of holster for the zapper gun one that could be mounted on a wall or clip on to your pants & also how would it look tell your ideas

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years ago
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    Did Yahoo Get rid of the On Demand Passwords feature?

    for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about its a feature in which was intended for basically one of the steps they've tried to get of rid passwords the way it works when its enabled upon signing in to your account the password field gets replaced with a button you click on in which sends text message to your phone with a shorter 4 character password you type it in and you'd be signed in apparently with this feature enabled you would have to do this everytime you signed in to your account so obviously the password would be different everytime due to the fact that eveytime you clicked that button this feature puts in the password field it would send you a text with a new 4 character password to sign in with

    Now as far I can tell it sees to me like Yahoo has gotten rid of this feature because when you sign in go to your account security that option is not there so I just want to know did Yahoo get rid of this feature I ran into while doing a google image search for something else Yahoo Related so I tried researching it and can't find out for sure so if anyone knows let me know

    1 AnswerSecurity5 years ago
  • Htc one M7 Can't figure out how to view photos by location in the gallery app?

    I'm trying to experiment with this but I am having difficulties doing it I can't figure out how get the gallery app to display photos by location they were taken at so I have done a little bit of research and have found out the Gallery app is only able to view photos that having Geo-Tagging information so I found out this is a feature to my knowledge apparently can be enabled and disable in the Htc camera app settings so like first all you have to go into your phone's settings and turn on your location settings in order to enable this feature on the camera app to do it in the camera app tap the 3 dots in the upper left corner, tap the gear, scroll down all the way to General Settings, from here check the box to enable the Geo-Tagging feature & apparently all future pictures taken with that feature on will have that information on them

    Now when I pull up the details of picture date, time, etc even on pictures taken after enabling that feature I can't find that information anywhere I find it hard to tell if the picture was even taken with the Geo-tagging info with it enabled what I can't figure out is in the gallery when I got to the location view mode it just tells me "Unable to view photos by location" I had pictures with that info already taken so its like why doesn't it work do I have to be connected to internet? via mobile data or WIFI already tried mobile data didn't work maybe only works via WIFI so can anyone tell me how I can get it to work? don't need to just want to

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • iPad YouTube App not remembering my current Watch/Search History settings for Pausing & Resuming?

    We know about this right? every YouTube video you watch put in Watch History and every search your make is saved in Search History they will appear empty if you try to look at it signed out because according to YouTube its not viewable signed out you can clear it all together delete individual ones and even pause this means any videos watched, any searches made will not be saved until you resume them think of it like a stopwatch you hit stop the time pauses when you hit start again it resumes

    By default the Watch History and Search History will by default be unpaused you know whether these histories are paused or not by looking at whether the button at the top of them say either Pause or Resume History

    The problem I'm encountered was that I have both these 2 histories currently paused in my account but when I sign into it on the YouTube app on an iPad they both appear not paused I know that because if I sign in my account on a computer which is where I first did it it shows its paused & left it that way & if I look at on my phone which is android HTC One m7 I never touched it on YouTube app there and there it shows them both paused now unlike the desktop YouTube its just a on/off switch you toggle to pause or resume them its blue when on & kind of a whitish-gray color when switch is on they're paused when off its resumed in other words unpaused so if any knows why the Apple YouTube app does that please let me know okay

    1 AnswerYouTube5 years ago
  • Mozilla Firefox version 48.0.2 hesitating to load the rectangular shaped advertisements on YouTube?

    Last night I ran into this problem so pretty much plain and simple to whats happening I go to the YouTube homepage in Firefox wait for it to load completely the end result everything loads except for the advertisement at the top of the page the annoying about this it's one of those big rectangular shaped ones that won't load so leaving me with on their homepage a big white box in the same shape as size that the advertisement normally is and it pushes everything down I've tried using Internet Explorer and Google Chrome and it works just fine in those browsers I don't know if there is a bug in the latest version of Firefox which I'm currently using cause I never had this problem in any older versions so if anyone can tell me why Firefox is having this problem please tell me okay

    now I know I already posted a simlair question about this but my intention was to redo it and rephrase it but I cant delete the other one because someone already posted answer on it and please don't post answers like "Idk" because it doesn't help me okay

    4 AnswersOther - Internet5 years ago
  • Advertisement on YouTube homepage not loading in Mozilla Firefox Version 48.0.2?

    This may be a weird thing to ask about on here but let me explain so with Firefox I am having this problem in which on the YouTube homepage (Desktop Site) how it has a advertisement that comes up at the top talking about the rectangular shaped ones sometimes animated sometimes their not and has a close button link in the top right corner of it to close it however this time I started having a problem tonight in which when I go to the YouTube homepage the advertisement for some very strange reason will not load I have never had any problems with this browser like this until now but what happens is as the YouTube homepage is loading it looks like its gonna load but once the homepage has finished loading the advertisement just doesn't load at all you end up just looking at a big white blank rectangular shaped box which is the same size these types of advertisements on YouTube normally are and the thing that bothers me about this is that all the different sections on the homepage are being pushed down by it another problem is you can't close the advertisement because not even the close button in the top right corner of these ads won't load either now I don't have any ad blocking plugins installed that would stop it from loading and this problem is not happening on any other Internet browser & with that being said it bothers me that the problem is only with Firefox so if anyone knows why this problem started happening & not having the problem with other browsers let me know please

    1 AnswerYouTube5 years ago
  • Driver Door very quiet creaking/or speaking noise when rolling it up?

    So once again on my 2013 Dodge Dart SXT the driver window only when rolling it up I'm hearing what sounds like a quiet creak or quiet sqeak noise when rolling it up only now on this car the power windows hardly ever get used cause I'm always running the vent or air conditioner this little noise sounds like the window rubs on the seal at the top of the door all around the window at the top the seal that has sleight fuzzy texture to it I don't think its ever been lubed and I'm sure if I lubed it enough it probably fix it the noise really kind of did sound like it came from rubbing on that fuzzy rubber seal around the window at the top the creaking noise is very quiet and very quick sounding it just happens so fast when rolling it up the window goes up and down with no trouble at all but still my power windows hardly ever rarely get used the only time I ever use them is when going to fast food drive thru and thats it I try to avoid using them as much as possible to keep them from getting worn out it sounds like the window is almost all the way up when the noise happens way more than half way the way I see that fuzzy seal probably just needs to be lubricated up good it not ever being lubed is probably causing a little bit of friction on the seal

    so tell me what you guys think I don't want to tear stuff apart if I don't have to because I want to see if lubricating fixes it first okay

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Internet Explorer 11 Trying to use Flash Player instead of HTML5?

    So let me explain this so I just barely noticed that Internet Explorer 11 on YouTube is now playing videos with HTML5 and no option to switch back to Flash Player I have read about 1 solution of getting it flash player to work again on YouTube in Internet Explorer 11 & so the solution I found was to view YouTube in compatibility mode or add the site to the compatibility mode list it was said that doing this would disable the HTML5 player but the problem is YouTube in Internet Explorer 11 thinks I don't have Flash Player installed in IE11 because I'm getting a message saying "You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it from Adobe." I have found out that with Internet Explorer 11 that Flash Player is working on every other site except for YouTube cause like I said for some reason when I view YouTube in compatibly mode by adding it to the compatibility list & try to watch a video I get that warning message (Mentioned above in quotes) its almost like as if YouTube or Internet Explorer 11 is blocking the use of flash player on YouTube in Firefox I found a way to force flash player on YouTube but IE11 is what I can't figure out I have the latest version which currently for IE is now if anybody can figure tell me how to get flash player to work on youtube in IE11 Please let me know okay

    2 AnswersYouTube5 years ago
  • Why is the Yahoo answers home page & All Categories page displaying just one question? is this another problem YA is having?

    Starting as early as last night when I visited the YA home page I noticed that for some reason below in the middle where it says Discover and Answer there is now just one question titled "What will happen if Trump becomes president?" its posted by adamjrogers anyways something just is not right here because its supposed to be displaying a long list of questions and its supposed to gone forever because normally the list is from all of the categories on here and by the way when this is happening its already set to Discover when viewing that list like it is now and also I go to the All Categories page the list looks exactly the same under Discover and to show what I'm talking about

    Yahoo answers home page /

    Yahoo answers all categories page /dir/index

    also if anyone's interested the homepage link will have /discover at the end of it if I click on Discover or /answer you click the Answer link next to Discover

    my question does anyone know why the list in both of those pages now look like that? is another problem Yahoo answers is having? this starting happening last night

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years ago