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  • Will the Senate actually do this?

    Sen. Arlen Specter(R) : "We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will...authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president's acts declared unconstitutional,"

    Is the rubber-stamp congress in revolt, or just fearful of losing their cushy jobs?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is Yahoo messenger down?

    What did Cheney's pet chimp do now?

    [end sarcasm]

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who said this about the Neocons in the administration?

    "Are these people nuts? You've got to ask yourself. I certainly hope the president is not listening to them because I really question whether they've got America's national interest at heart. They're calling for wars against people that never attacked us. I don't care how bad they are. There are wicked people all over this world but you don't go after people unless they come after you."

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What happens when Republicans actually go to Iraq?

    Congressman Gil Gutknecht (R-MN) on Iraq June 15:

    "Members, now is not the time to go wobbly. Let's give victory a chance."

    Congressman Gil Gutknecht on Iraq after actually visiting the place:

    ""The condition there is worse than I expected. I have to be perfectly candid: Baghdad is a serious problem. Baghdad is worse today than it was three years ago. We learned it's not safe to go anywhere outside of the Green Zone any part of the day. All of the information we receive sometimes from the Pentagon and the State Department isn't always true. What I think we need to do more is withdraw more Americans"

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will President Bush have the stones to attend "Kenny Boy's" funeral?

    Ken of the few people I can think of when I say....

    "Death is too good for him".

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hey, Neocons! Want to know a deep, dark liberal secret?

    I'm a little scared to tell you all. I was sworn to secrecy by Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon at the last big "Let's Destroy America and Give it to Osama" rally.

    The secret is..

    Liberals don't care at all about your religion. In fact, we'd rather not hear about it at all.

    Be a christian. Be a muslim. Be a jew.....whatever you want for yourself. Pray to a 50ft high jesus that spurts blood out of his hands and feet. Give all your money to televangelist so they can buy another Cadillac.

    Liberals won't stop you.

    When you start forcing all of us to participate, by drafting laws decreeing that students be cohersed to say a prayer before class, or that Federal tax dollars should go to glorify some deity on public buildings, or that the 10 commandments (that most christians can't name if you ask) be the basis of everyone's legal system, that's when you have a fight on your hands.

    Liberals don't want to live in a theocracy. Neither did the founders of the country.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do some of you think being a "liberal" is akin to being a traitor?

    Why would "conservatives" trade their liberty for what would be perceived as "security"?

    Why would you rather not know if YOUR government is being honest and forthright with you?

    Why do you think your god is on your country's "side"?

    Why do you think the men who founded the US would agree with what this administration is doing?

    Answers would be apreciated. Stupid,childish comments will be ignored, so don't bother patting yourselves on the back for them.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Just what was Rush doing in the Domincan Republic with a bottle full of Viagra and a wad of cash?

    You'd be surprised what $100 bucks will get you down there.....

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are the Republicans about to give congress a pay raise when they just denied one to us?

    How crass can one party be?

    (This is a Republican bill, introduced by a Republican. The Democrats have already come out against it, so don't bother saying that both parties want it.)

    17 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • This is what Justice Scalia had to say about today's death penalty ruling:?

    "The American people have determined that the good to be derived from capital punishment — in deterrence, and perhaps most of all in the meting out of condign justice for horrible crimes — outweighs the risk of error."

    My questions are, what deterence is he talking about? Doesn't seem to me the death penalty is slowing down murder rates, and certainly doesn't stop homocidal maniacs from butchering people.

    Why does Justice Scallia feel that "the risk of error" (in this case, innocent people put to death by the state) is acceptable?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 decades ago
  • Turns out those chemical weapons don't constitute WMDs after all.?

    Of course, (surprise, suprise) the Republicans were just "exagerating" again.

    From the article: "One of the report's key findings was that since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, coalition forces have recovered about 500 shells, canisters or other munitions that contain degraded mustard gas or sarin nerve agent."

    "The intelligence officials also said that the munitions referred to in the report were produced before the Persian Gulf War in 1991 and that they had degraded and could not be used as designed. "There is no evidence today of any post-1991 WMD munitions," said the official, who agreed to speak with reporters only if his identity and his agency were not disclosed."

    Will we ever see a retraction, or any explenation from the party of "moral values and personal responsibility"?

    18 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • OK Rebublicans, you've had the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court.?

    The Democrats had been powerless to stop your leaders. The liberals were quaking in their boots. What stopped the GOP from enacting all those laws they promised you? Why can't I buy a gun at Quick Trip now? Why aren't abortion doctors strung up in the town square? Why aren't homosexuals banished to one of those funny sounding European countries? Why doesn't James Dobson have a cabinet post? Why don't we have a border wall with guard towers, machine gun nest, and vicious dogs ready to tear apart any kid trying to get into our country? Why havent we turned them countries who get all uppety into a "glass parking lot" yet? Why isn't the bible the basis for law yet? (Bet a lot of you would dig going to stonings, huh?) Why isn't jesus on our money yet?

    Why isn't the US a conservative utopia by now? What stopped them?

    Maybe they used you to vote against your own interest, and have used the opportunity instead to let their corporate buddies rape and plunder the country.

    5 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago
  • Why did Syd Barrett lose his sanity?

    1) Massive acid ingestion

    2) Sudden fame thrust on him

    3) He was already headed that way

    4) All of the above

    5) "What exactly is a joke?"

    3 AnswersMusic2 decades ago