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  • What is the title of this book?

    I read this book about 8 to 10 years ago and I am trying to remember the title. It is about a girl from a family of settlers in North America who was captured by a native tribe, then years later rescued. the book occurs after she's been rescued. She has a hard time becoming used to the life of a settler and she feels more at home among the natives and wishes she could go back.

    I remember some other little details like she was invited over for tea at some woman's house, but she didn't know how she liked her tea, so she just took it black then wished she had asked for sugar and cream like her younger sister (I know, great clue...). The name given to her by the tribe had something to do with fire because of her red hair and her short temper. I think she got into a fight with her father after he was punishing her younger brother by hitting him with his belt. I also remember her offending some church-goers by asking if Satan was the fourth part of the holy trinity in christianity.

    Any suggestions of what the title of this book might be are greatly appreciated! Thank you all!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What type of spider web/nest is this?

    I just destroyed it, so it's probably not a big deal anymore, but I'm a bit curious about what type it was. I found a spider web/nest under my computer desk in the corner of my room. It was kind of a mess of strings forming a cover over the corner of the room near the floor. It seemed more like a nest than the traditional idea of a spider web. It had a hole about 1 cm in diameter for the entrance. I have found and killed some spiders about that size. They are brown in color, have bodies about 3 to 5 mm wide and thin legs about 1 to 1.5 cm long. I am in Alberta, Canada. I destroyed it already so I can't show you a picture (sorry!).

    The main problem is solved-ish and I'm definitely going to clean my room more often now, but I would just like to know what kind of spider you think it might be. I'll pick the answer that seems most likely. Give pictures of the spider and the web/nest if you can. Thanks :)

    2 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • What is this horrible, terrifying feeling?

    I've been reading through psychology text books, but I can't find much about this specific sensation that I have experienced a few times as a child and that I have just started to experience again. It is very difficult to describe, but I will do my best.

    It is a slightly abstract and very frightening feeling almost as if the walls of the room are moving further and further away. Every move I make, from opening my mouth to waving my arms, feels like an infinitely tiny movement. I feel so delicate and breakable as if I might snap my hand off if I so much as touched my wrist. Nothing is in the right proportion and I feel trapped in this gigantic room where everything is so far away from me and only growing more distant every second. There is nothing I can do but cry and wait for it to stop.

    I know that these feelings are completely irrational and they do go away after a few minutes, but I have no idea what causes these episodes and I would really like to know if there is a name for what I am feeling and if there is anything I can do to prevent myself from feeling this way again.

    I'll tell you a bit about myself in case it might rule out some causes or help point to some kind of explaination. I am a 19 year old woman of above average intelligence. I haven't had a completely balanced diet or normal sleeping habits lately because of stress caused by college. I was sleeping 0-4 hours a night in college, but I've been sleeping 6-14 hours since the winter break. As far as I remember, my childhood was fairly normal and I was eating and sleeping the normal amount for my age at the time when I first had these sensations. I think my grandmother had mild schizophrenia and agoraphobia, but I don't think that either of those have been passed on to me, at least I sencerely hope they haven't been.

    I hope this information makes it easier to answer what this strange feeling might be. If you have any guess as to what it might be, similar stories of your own, some advice to help prevent it, or anything that might be even the slightest bit helpful then please share it. Thank you all so much!

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago