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  • BREAKING NEWS: Cheney survived an assassination attempt in Afghanistan...?

    So my question is, Is anyone on here sad that the attempt on the Vice President's life failed?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will Democrats call Republicans bigots or racists???

    Hypothetically, if Hillary or Obama were to get the Democratic nomination, but a Republican were to win the 2008 presidential election...

    Is there a chance Democrats will NOT call Republican voters either a bigot and chauvinist (if they beat Hillary) or a bigot and racist (if they beat Obama)?

    The way I see it is if either one of them gets the nomination, and they lose to a Republican, conservatives will get called names (unfairly and inaccurately). However, wouldn't the Democrats themselves be in no position to talk since they would have not voted for the other one to get the nomination? (i.e. If Hillary gets the nomination, people could unfairly and inaccurately call them racist because they failed to vote for Obama to get the nom, or vice versa.)

    Yet how many will still call Republicans sexist or racist if a Republican wins the election?

    Or maybe Republicans won't get called names? Thoughts?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If global warming is "unstoppable" as the new report says, then why should I change anything?

    They said that higher temperatures would "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution.

    So what's the point?

    If it is indeed man-made, and it is indeed "unstoppable", and there is nothing we can do to stop it, then what is the point of changing anything?


    22 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do people think Nixon WAS impeached, but think Clinton WASN'T?

    In line with similar questions in the past few hours:

    This is one of the easiest things to research. There have been 2 Presidents who have been impeached, Johnson and Clinton. Nixon never was.

    My question is, Why do people not understand this? Is it a failure of the public education system? People believing what they want to believe? Why?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why are all of the big Hollywood stars big-time liberals?

    Okay, most sane people would admit that most of the big Hollywood stars are big liberals. There are some conservatives, but not nearly to the extent that there are liberals.

    My question is, Why? Thanks.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The names aren't that hard, what is wrong with you people?

    The Honourable Senator for Illinois is named *Barack Obama*. Not Barrak, Barak, Barrack, or any other foolishness.

    The Honourable Senator for New York is named *Hillary Clinton*. Not Hilary, Hillery, Hilery, Hillory, or any other foolishness.

    Since these people will be in the news much more often in the coming year and a half, can we all please learn to spell their names correctly? How hard is it to spell?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are these 14 people the only ones who disagree with Jimmy Carter?

    14 people from an advisory board of the Carter Center resigned in the light of Jimmy Carter's position on Israeli/Palestinian relations, saying:

    "'Israelis, through deed and public comment, have consistently spoken of a desire to live in peace and make territorial compromise to achieve this status. The Palestinian side has consistently resorted to acts of terror as a national expression and elected parties endorsing the use of terror, the rejection of territorial compromise and of Israel's right to exist. Palestinian leaders have had chances since 1947 to have their own state, including during your own presidency when they snubbed your efforts.'"


    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago