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Lv 31,087 points

megan w

Favorite Answers16%

18 year old female

  • Am so confused?



    and this gonna sound weird; but I just started a FWB relationship. First time we messed around together....well it didn't feel like casual was almost loving. There was a lot kissing and caressing and a lot of conversing; (mostly sex, but some other stuff too) I mean I really don't want to define this relationship as anything other than casual, because it really doesn't feel like a FWB relationship because there isn't any stringent rules besides: neither of us is looking for anything serious "Right now"(both us just recently got out of a relationship.) and like in most FWB it's about sex only.

    I'm just confused, whats the whole point of being FWBs anyway? i mean we talk alot besides sex, and we're getting to know each other via email and im.....thoughts?

    BTW: he's the guy i've been crushing on for months.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • So yeah......insight?

    Well, let's see, i'm shy, so every time i go out and ask a guy out, i feel like i'm gonna well die of fright and embarrassment; thank you high-school for that. Any who because I am shy and and socially awkward, I um, have a hard time asking anyone out; and there was this guy that I well like, that works at my college, and I thought he kind of well likes me because sometimes I'll catch him staring at me, and when ever I enter he smiles at me and what not. So what I did today, instead of well asking him out directly, like I said would have fainted in fright. I sort of wrote him a note. Here's what I said:

    "I'm shy, but I think your cute. I would really really like to get to know you, I hope you feel the same way, If so please email me:

    If not please trash and ignore, and make not mention of it-MW"

    I didn't want to leave my number because well what if it got into the wrong hands? I wouldn't want my phone number to to go to some random guy; I have to tell you this guy is older, and divorced, and has a kid, and it may seem silly and immature to do so, but I have such high anxiety, I would have sound like a complete idiot and be brought to tears.......

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • So guy who works at library, keeps smiling at me when ever I go there?

    Okay there's this guy who works at my college library, he's a bit older, I'm not sure how old, maybe 30ish? I can't tell for sure, cause he has like a touch of grey to his hair, but it's intentional looking, and not erratically random like most grey haired people. Any who, every time I go to the library and if he's working there, he smiles at me, and sometimes greets me in a whispered tone. And sometimes if he's not in library and we bump into each in the hall way he greets me there too. I am not sure what to make of this, I think he likes me because I can see joy in his eyes beyond politeness, but I'm not sure if he's being cordial, I am a pretty young 20 year old, well at least I fancy myself pretty though mostly every guy I met has told me I was pretty and hot.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Plausible financial aid appeal reason?

    Okay, this semester I was struggling with some really chronic health issues i got an infection in my face, and i don't have insurance so i had to go to the er to get it looked at...well low and behold after a raging amount antibiotics it's still here, and bigger. and between going back forth to the er, because convenient care won't see me unless i have insurance, and all the side effects of taking antibiotics i felt really really bad, and was really really struggling to catch up, I only really failed one class which was database apps, but that class it's assignments took me forever to complete, i had spent hours working on one and gotten behind, I tried keeping up.....but it fell behind. it's not like I have ridiculously low grade either I'm like only a point away from seventy. 69.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • 69 precent is what in grade language?

    Is it a low C or a high D?????

    I got a 77 on my intro to business

    and a 69 in database apps???

    4 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Am I in the wrong here? a bdsm related question?

    I'm 20, and my mom was using my tablet, than got curious and looked through my crap, she saw something she didn't like, and then proceeded to yell at me about it, and called me a slut, tart whore all these other rude names. I told her calmly that is was MY business, and MY business alone, and than reminded her that she was in no position to lecture me about sexual behavior, really she isn't because she had two affairs, and sent pictures to all these guys; basically I am in an online bdsm relationship, with a guy who's 43 years old, we're getting kind of serious, we're soon going to have a introductory date, basically nothing sexual, just meet up, discuss in person, limits and what not. I intend on taking this matter seriously as well as safely, and I'm not doing anything sexual with him until at the minimum the third date. I mean it's not all about sex for me, I really like the guy, I feel somewhat, happy with him, and he actually cares about my feelings, and well being, and he listens to me even when I talk about silly things; I guess I can say he gives me something I never really gotten from family. It may seem strange, or almost perverted in way yes, because of the drastic age difference, but yeah.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • if the hymen doesn't break?

    Does that mean that the concept of virginity is non existent?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I'm attracted to older guys?

    Okay so I'm 20, but I'm not attracted to guys my age, I know it sounds like I have daddy issues, but I seem to like guys who are between the ages of 25-40, kind of a broad age range yes, but I like stable successful guys versus the guy who parties and drinks and has sex with every other woman he meets. I'm not generalizing everyone my age, but I am always surrounded with guys like that, and for some reason, I find older men, quite more....handsome? It's weird.........

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do I do next? Vocational rehab.?

    I am not on disability or SSI but I need serious help in finding a job, so I attended a seminar for Vocational rehab, and I am now having an appointment scheduled with a consular. The only issue is IF I qualify for it, that there's going to be a waiting list, and they're only working on class A people first. They're not opening up the other people anytime soon, and if I don't qualify on class A I won't receive services for awhile. What should I do if that happens? Are there any private organizations that offer the same services in south east ga? I am really desperate for a job, and I aspergers autism, plus some anxiety and depression, I don't want to go on SSI but if I can't find a job, what else can I do?

    1 AnswerSpecial Education8 years ago
  • I want to open an adult store but live in a conservative area?

    You know what? I really am sex positive, and I love vaping and new age stuff. and I want to spread the joy of my passions, by selling items in regards to that. How do I go about this? Do I just open a store, and say i'm selling "adult" things, or what? The area that I live in how ever is extremely conservative, that should I even try to open said store, I might get run out of town, or have my store burned to the ground, no kidding. What can I do? I don't feel that I should I be dictated to by a bunch of rednecks, what I can or can't sell in my shop, and I want to allow people with like minded interests and who other wise unable to get the in store experience.

    4 AnswersOther - Local Businesses8 years ago
  • I'm female, and I think I want to date a girl?

    Idk, it's just lately I am not really being attracted to guys any more, I mean i'm pansexual, I like both men and women, but so far I'm not getting aroused so much lately being with a guy, more so when I'm imagining I'm with a women. I mean I'm not trying to be pervy, but I worry what implications this may have for dating in general. I want to find some one to love, and be happy, but my parents, scratch that, my whole family is so anti-homosexuality it's not even funny. I mean I don't see why it should matter, if I'm in love with someone and they make me happy, regardless of gender, shouldn't my happiness be all that matters? It shouldn't matter too, because I don't want kids, and I don't give a **** about race, just as long as we get along and have the same interests. I don't know, I guess what I'm asking is, what do I do? should I just take the plunge?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Who here thinks #fatshamingweek is okay?

    If you haven't heard #fatshamingweek was a huge thing on twitter and tumbler, brought out by the trolls at return of kings; who asshattery philosophy is not only retarded, flawed, sexist, it would offend everyone. So I have a question, for all of you, you may answer regardless, are you for or against fats haming?

    If you are for, explain why? Why does it matter? How does others being fat affect you? Directly or Indirectly? Why do you feel the way do?How does the actions of putting down another person make you feel? What do you hope shaming would accomplish? and are your willing to accept any good or bad consequences you may have cause? What is fat to you?

    Same for against

    Why? Why does it matter? How does this issue affect you? Why do you feel the way you do? What do you hope body acceptance would accomplish? are you willing to deal with consequences?

    I don't want stereotypical answers, that oh they're a burden, or it's about health, or they would look better etc. I want deep personal answers; I want your true unblemished feelings, whether good or bad. If you hate fat people say it don't cover it up with some socially acceptable reason. This is the internet after all

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Cigars, cigarillos, filtered cigars, and cigarettes?

    I like Cheyennes, for some reason, I mean they're cheap, and they come in all these flavors, but the after taste, either it's motor oil, or molasses, badgers me a bit, but I find that, the smell goes away in an hour, I am not irritated as if I smoked a light cigarette, cheap light cigarette such as eves, though I kind of enjoy them too due to the price, and the length. I also like djarums, those are my once in a while cigar, especially Bali hai. I find them exceptionally sweet, the smoke smells a bit like incense, but not bad, a bit strong, and due to cloves I wouldn't smoke them more than once a day, or week. I only smoke once in awhile period with maybe anywhere from a few days to a month in between. I always stop when I feel it's adversing health abit, or if I get sick, or if I feel a bit addicted, but start back up when I'm better. I also like trying new brands, lol, I love variety, don't suppose anyone would recommend a good cigar or cigarette?

    so far I tried

    Eves menthol 120s

    Salems full and light

    Pallmall red and green


    A few marlboros



    Swisher Sweets



    Oh and please no anti-smoking cigarettes, I am an adult, and am aware of the consequences of smoking :) I just want recommendations, not truth bullshit.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • ERC human resources said she would call me on last friday?

    I applied at ERC collection agency a few weeks ago, received a call, tried calling back, couldn't get a response, called almost once an hour to see if I could get a hold of someone. So I walked up to see if I can perhaps get a hold of someone....I didn't want to be a bother but I had gotten a hold of her in person, we chatted for a bit I explained to her why I was here, that I had applied to the collection agency, and I was a little bit unsure with the nature of the call though I had suspected it had something to do with my application. (I didn't mean to bother her, I had really tried getting a hold of someone) She said she would look at my application, and would call me later that day. I left a message saying that not only was I available that day before 5, but all weekend, and Monday before 12. I had waited patiently Then had called a little before 12, left a message, saying I

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Sandwich board advertising?

    I'm desperately looking for a job, and was wondering, what if I stand out in the middle or on the side of a busy high way saying? "Young, 19 seeking work experience, needs to have a job, has ailing mother; has references upon request." or something with my phone number...>_< I heard it works for some but not for all. so what would you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • No job, minimun experience and I've applied everywhere I can....what now?

    I liv ein southeast GA. i've applied almost everywhere, I can not get a work study job because I'm on financial planning and I've applied to everywhere, even the local library and landed only one interview and no call back. I don't get, and I'm so angry, It's pointless, everyone else get's a job, why can I? Why is it always the miserable, and the ungrateful that gets a job? I alsways do everything right, I even have a bunch of references I'm going to school, and my parents keep complaining, "Why don't you get a job?" How??? I'm competing with almost 50 other people each time if not more, I only had one real job and no experience; nothing is in my favor, and the only little I make is due to scraping metal for cash. I don't know what else to's pointless, I'd leave but I have school here.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • My mom makes fun of me all the time and 19?

    I live with my parents, I do not have a job, and im going to school. My mom makes fun of me all the time; just the other night she wouldn't stop joking about me. IT WAS FUNNY THE FIRST 5 TIMES, and now it has gotten old fast. I kept asking her nicely to stop, enough, no more, it got to be so bad I was literally screaming to get my point across. She even encourages my brother, and sister to do it too; she let's my brother make inappropriate jokes about me, and I can't tell him to stop because every time i do it's like "You're infringing upon my authority." etc. it's getting depressing, I am actually starting to think, "Why bother?" because all they ever say is negative and bad stuff about me. I mean I feel like I'm worthless. I shouldn't have to feel this way from my own family. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I don't deserve to be the subject of everyone's jokes. I never even have anything nice said to me anymore...I mean I stay in school for as long as I can just to be away from them; I do not feel like I'm anyway loved, or supported. I mean even when my mom talks about my GED she says it's not good enough like a high school diploma.

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • How to make money scraping metal?

    What is the best way to start?

    What tools would I need?

    Would having a truck or something to haul it over be required?

    What do scrapers want?

    What is the current rates in south eastren GA?

    I currently have a little hoard going, but I want to make more any help would be nice!

    I collect mostly odds and ends, soda cans, wires, once I found a hunk of aluminum on the side of the road.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • clove cigars, is it normal to feel short of breath smoking them?

    Okay so I smoke normally I smoke light menthols. but I thought I should switch it up, I bought a pack of djarum bali hai, they were good, but hours later I just feel....bleh, and have allergy like symptoms, I haven't smoked more than one, and I normally don't get this way smoking menthols cigs.

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • best place to get an a tattoo?

    I want to get a small one nothing extreme, but I don't want it to be on everyday place, I want it to be something I can conceal easily....for when I get a potential job, what would be a good place?

    3 AnswersTattoos8 years ago