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I know what it's like to be me every day, and if it weren't for physics and law enforcement I'd be unstoppable. Lets go PHILLIES!!!

  • Why the F*CK is it that now, no matter what level you are, you can only answer 80 questions a day?!?!?

    Seriously, I'm in the middle of a 4 hour class that I've already done all of the work for, but have to stay for the whole thing anyway, and I can't answer anymore questions! Back in the day, I used to be able to answer as many as I wanted at this level and above. This is some bullsh*t!!!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why does multiplying a # by 80% and dividing that same # by 120% not come out to the same answer?

    For some reason, I have it stuck in my head that (300 * 80%) should be the same as (300 / 120%). The respective answers are really 240 and 250. Why is this the case?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Why does multiplying a # by 80% and dividing that same # by 120% not come out to the same answer?

    For some reason, I have it stuck in my head that (300 * 80%) shold be the same as (300 / 120%). The respective answers are really 240 and 250. Why is this the case?

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Do you really have to refrigerate Swiss Colony gift packages?

    I received a Swiss Colony gift pack with different meats, cheeses and sweets in it on Christmas. My mom has given me one of these packs from either Hickory Farm or the Swiss Colony every Christmas for a decade, and this is the first time that I've noticed the sticker that says "refrigerate immediately." I haven't refrigerated it yet, in fact I've never refrigerated one of these gift packs and have never gotten sick from eating one, but I've never noticed that it said to keep it cold. Is it still safe to eat since the product is so full of salt and preservatives?

    2 AnswersEntertaining9 years ago
  • Do you really have to refrigerate Swiss Colony gift packages?

    I received a Swiss Colony gift pack with different meats, cheeses and sweets in it on Christmas. My mom has given me one of these packs from either Hickory Farm or the Swiss Colony every Christmas for a decade, and this is the first time that I've noticed the sticker that says "refrigerate immediately." I haven't refrigerated it yet, in fact I've never refrigerated one of these gift packs and have never gotten sick from eating one, but I've never noticed that it said to keep it cold. Is it still safe to eat since the product is so full of salt and preservatives?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Vector Addition in MatLab...?

    I'm trying to write a vector addition program in MatLab and can't figure out how to do it. This is the first time I am using MatLab to do anything and it is much different than the C++ programming I am used to. If someone could show me a completed vector addition which I could use as a template I would be very appreciative.

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Vector addition in C++...?

    I'm attempting to learn how to use C++ on my own in an independent studies course. I have compleated several different types of programs already on my own and am now attempting to create a vector addition program, but I'm stuck. I'm looking for a program which is already complete to use as a template to understand the programming methods better. Please don't think I am just asking for your help with homework, I'm really just trying to understand how to program better. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Help with C++ programming...?

    I'm taking an independent study course on C++ programming through my college. So far I've created a mean and standard deviation program, a linear regression program, and a few other much simpler programs. I am now working on a program to add up to 12 vectors together, and am having a lot of trouble with it. If anyone could help me find an example C++ vector addition program to use as a template, it would be greatly appretiated. Thanks a lot.

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Help with C++ programming...?

    I'm taking an independent study course on C++ programming through my college. So far I've created a mean and standard deviation program, a linear regression program, and a few other much simpler programs. I am now working on a program to add up to 12 vectors together, and am having a lot of trouble with it. If anyone could help me find an example C++ vector addition program to use as a template, it would be greatly appretiated. Thanks a lot.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Adult Joke, not for the young ones.?

    There's a trucker driving along the highway in Nevada, and he starts to get really horny. He then sees a sign for a Brothel (whore house) 10 miles away. He begins to get very excited when he spots a note at the bottom of the sign which says: "Beware of Sandpaper Sally." He thinks this is a bit wierd but keeps driving and gets hornier and hornier. He finally gets to the Brothel, throws money down on the table, and says: "I want a whore." to which a woman repeats: "Okay, but the only girl we have left is Sally." He decides to take the offer and runs up to the room he's told Sally is in. He opens the door and sees the prettiest blond he's ever seen in his life, throws her down on the bed and procedes to have his way with her when he notices that she is a bit rough and dry down there. He asks what's wrong with her and she gets up and goes to the bathroom. She comes back and they start again. He says that it feels great and asks what she did. To which she replies:"I picked the scabs."

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Here's a good joke for you, be warned, it has some harsh language.?

    There are two guys sitting at a bar, one turns to the other and says: "I f*cked your mom."

    The bar goes silent and everyone looks at the two men.

    Once again the first guy says: "I f*cked your mom."

    The second man turns to the first and replies: "Shut up dad, you're drunk."

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a simple linear regression program in C++?

    I am trying to learn how to use C++ programming on my own. I have already created a mean and standard deviation program using a basic knowledge of math and the help option on the program itself. I would like someone to show me a sample program they have made to find linear regression so that it would help me understand the programming language better, because I cannot get my linear regression program to work. Thank you very much to anyone willing to help me.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago