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  • Partnership: Do I keep or dump partner?

    My freind and I are soon to start up a salon business. He is lovely and one of my best freinds. It is an equal partnership but I find myself doing all the research, the work, contacting people etc and taking all the strees even though I have a busy n hectic part-time job.

    He doesn't have a job, and when he says he'd do something, rarely actully does it or is too slow to complete the task, or has something going on in the family or just won't see the urgency of a situation or task in quistion.

    This stresses me out even more, but if there is a crisis in the business he is there to support!

    I have treid talkin to him but doesnt understand how stressed I get and can't see how little he does as compared. I may as well of done this by myself.

    I have totally devoted my life to this and when I see him chillin out with his freinds when I am working hard, I get annoyed and upset.

    What do I do? If i dump him as a partner, I lose him as a friend too and he really need this too as it was our draem.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How would you decribe your plastic surgeon?

    if you've been under the knife-- his persoality/attitude towards you -- rude, friendly, intimidating etc?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Anybody had a perm in highly bleached hair?

    How did it turn out? AM esp. interested in body perm or Big curls.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Guy: This ever hapened to you at the doc's clinic?

    Well my Boyfriend went to this new doc, for a general check up, he had slight soreness in his testicles. He was asked to undress, then he did his Blood Press etc, chest and then he grabbed his d**k and nuts, felt the balls and kind of pumped his wand abt 5-6 times till semi erect. then asked him to lie down facing down.He then put his fingers inside his a$$, well he said it felt like gloved fingers quite wet, and then what felt like a wet rod in and out maybe 4-5 times. Then he was told he was ok.

    Is this kind of treatment normal or what? Ever happened to you? He is too embarrased to discuss it with anyone and seems disturbed.

    9 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone used Dr. Sebagh's Products?

    Anyone used Dr. Sebagh's skincare products? Were they any good? Worth the money? what did you use?

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • L'oreal Majirel or Wella Koleston?

    For ashen shades whiiich is better product ??Why?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago