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how do I fix ridged and brittle finger nails and toe nails?
My finger nails have vertical lines on them, and my finger - and toe nails keep breaking when I try to trim them. How do I fix this? Thanks
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years agoMy computer locks up several times a day. Why?
My computer locks up several times a day. It's a IBM Duo Core 2.5 Ghz, with a ASUS duo core mobo. I have 2+ Gb RAM. I have a ASUS EN6200TC512 video card. Drivers are all current, and I just upgraded my BIOS. The only reasons I can come up with are: old mouse (but that wouldn't lock up the keyboard), or my mobo needs replacing. The one other thought I'm having is that I need to replace my video card.
What actually happens is that EVERYTHING freezes, eventually, I get an electronic whine or rattle for several seconds, and then if I don't reboot, the computer reboots.
Any intelligent suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoCan someone "tech savvy" tell me where I can find a copy of MSDOS 6.01 online??
Can someone tell me where I can find a copy of MS-DOS 6.01 online? I mentioned in a chat group that I worked on it many years ago while on a temp job with Microsoft (I worked on the DOS 6.01Help Desk), and someone is now claiming that there never was a MS-DOS version 6.01.
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoDoes anyone have the 1995 or the 2002 or the 2004 copyright edition of the Book Of Mormon?
Does anyone have the 1995 or the 2002 or the 2004 copyright edition of the Book Of Mormon?
(not the published date, necessarily); the copyrighted date.
I'm looking for one published in the 90s (1995 or later, probably), or after the Millennium.
I'd appreciate it you'd type the following verse into your answer: Alma 7:10 Thanks.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoCan someone give me the latest copyright date for the most recently published Book of Mormon?
Can someone give me the latest copyright date for the most recently published Book of Mormon? And can someone...
I'm in a discussion with someone who says the most recent BOM is copyrighted 1981. I have a copy that's dated 1987.
Also, can you (with the most recent copy) quote Alma 7:10 for me? Thanks.
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoI'm looking for a complete list of the names of the US servicemen who died in the Vietnam War.?
I'm looking for a complete list of the names of the US servicemen who died in the Vietnam War.
I've been to "The Wall", the monument to the servicemen in Washington, DC. A lot of my classmates from high school are named on that wall. When the first combat troops were ordered in was RIGHT ABOUT the time I graduated high school. I'd like to know which of my buddies died over there. I've never seen a complete list. Do you know where I can find (online) a complete list of all our servicemen (and women) who either died in Vietnam or are MIAs? Your help is appreciated.
1 AnswerHistory1 decade agoI'm looking for a church in Izmir, Turkey. Can you help?
I'm looking for a church in Izmir, Turkey. Can you help? I'm not looking for "just any church." I'm looking for one specific church. It's a large church. Residents of the city who I've talked with since I was there say it's a city block long, a city block wide. The outside (when I was there) was very plain. (I was probably at the back of it). There was no name (probably because I was behind) There WAS a tall (like 6 feet high) metal CROSS (like plain brass) on the double doors. The church is VERY significant to ME, and I need photos and I need video. OR, if you're headed to Turkey from the USA, and you'd like to do a retired, disabled VET a favor, I'd like to come along. I need to find that church, and it isn't on Google Earth (???), and it isn't on the church registries (strange, since it's VERY old: 1st Century) Can you help me? Contact John at Thanks!
1 AnswerTurkey1 decade agoHas anyone reading this ever been to RAF Alconbury?
Has you ever been to RAF Alconbury? (Little Stukeley, England) Do you live in England (or you know a friend who does), and you live close enough to Huntingtonshire (near Cambridge, Ealy, Ipswich), to make a day trip (or weekend, or holiday) there? I'm looking for a TINY church there, that doesn't appear on any maps, and that isn't in any registries. ??? Can't find it in Google Earth. The tiny church would look like a large house (it wouldn't hold 100 people), and it would be a short walk (in distance) from the base's main gate. (walk out the main gate, turn right; walk for 5 minutes or LESS, it's set off the road on your RIGHT/could be on your left if the roads have been altered) Can you help me? I need to find the church/ I need photos and or video. Or, if someone stateside would like to help out a senior, disabled person who is a vet, and give me a lift there (from Seattle/and back) Contact John at Thanks
2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade agoSomeone just advised "Use Microsoft Picture Manager." ??
Someone just advised "Use Microsoft Picture Manager. ??
Where do I get "Microsoft Picture Manager?"
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoI need help with a project. I'm trying to scan a book (for fun). The image is HUGE. How do I make it small?
I need help with a project. I'm trying to scan a book (for fun). The image is HUGE. Like the size of the page after it's scanned is 2 feet by 2 feet. How do I make it small? (so I can read it on the monitor) If I reduce it with the software I know works, I can't read the words. (it "breaks up") Is there a program (it has to be cheap / like under $50, prefer under $25) that will reduce a 2 foot by 2 foot scanned image to like 6 inches by 6 inches? I have a scanner that does this beautifully (an HP), WHEN it works. And I don't have several hundred dollars to buy a "high-end" scanner. Is there software that will reduce the image size? It has to be SMALL AND READABLE. Thanks!
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoDoes anyone in WA state know about the ban on Bibles in public high schools?
I'm in an on-line debate ("argument"). I was a TA in the Kent, Washington, Kentridge High School in the 90s. I taught English. When I was a TA, it was against the rules for students (or teachers) to bring Bibles onto the school grounds. I saw a kid from my church reading his Bible in study hall one day, but the cover was the Sunday funnies. I asked about it, and he told me he had to disguise the Bible or be expelled if caught with it. I then found out at church that the Minister of Music's son was caught on campus at his high school (Renton School District), and he was expelled. That case was something like "Renton, WA school board vs [ Jared / or John Bryant. Jared was the student, John was the parent, my friend. Does anyone know of any case law (cite) to back this up? I'm being called a liar, and I know Bibles were (I believe they still are) banned in many (all?) public schools in Washington state. Anyone have a cite?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoCan anyone tell me the MTBF of a Canon Powershot A540?
Can anyone tell me the MTBF of a Canon Powershot A540? For the uninitiated and the non-engineers (I've worked a LOT in engineering environments), "MTBF" stands for "mean time (average) between failures.
I'm looking at a HUGE art project, one that could realistically give birth to a dozen others. I'm on my 2nd scanner, and my 2nd camera (my first Powershot A540). I could EASILY take 300 or more pictures a day, 5 or 6 days a week, if I had the energy to do so. (I'm a senior) I'm wondering if I'm going to have to buy a new camera every six months. (not realistic)Photography seems to be the smarter way to go, but I don't want to burn up my camera. Is there a MTBF for a camera?
Or can I expect it to "go and go?"
I'd think anything electronic/mechanical (digital camera) would have a limit at which point it wears out, and I'm not sure it's something that would be repairable, as opposed to "throw-away." Can I expect to run 200 - 300 shots a day "forever?"
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade agoI need to buy or create glass that's non-reflective. Help?
I'm doing a special art project. Without going into too much detail (commercial art project), I need to photograph various flat items THROUGH a piece of glass (like you get with a frame for framing family photos). The glass holds the materials flat for photos.
The project requires some very bright lights directed AT the glass/item, and as of now, I'm getting a LOT of undesired reflection, when all I want to see is the object/material UNDER the glass. What I'm seeing is ME, the lights, and the camera. I only want to see what's UNDER the glass.
Can someone suggest where I might find "non-reflective glass" that would do the job? I heard many years ago that there's a product you can SPRAY on the glass that is invisible, but that prevents the reflections. Anyone know about this? Please let me know what I can do about this, because I'm actually trying to create a cottage industry that could eventually employ a LOT of people. (I'm trying to "give back" and make a buck.)
7 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoWhat would I use to seal a product label to a product container so it's waterproof/permanent?
I've been buying gourmet jam in decorative glass containers, and I enjoy the jam so much, and I like the glass so much (I collect glass), I thought I'd give the jam/glass as gifts to close friends and family. The thought struck me of how pretty it would be to seal the pretty decorator labels on so that the glass containers, with the labels attached, would be waterproof/diswasher safe. It would also be nice if the "sealant" were easy to apply (brushed on or sprayed on) and CHEAP. $10 an ounce does me no good. $2.50 a can is more like it.
Can anyone suggest a way to seal the label/contents label onto the container so they won't come off or shred in washing?
Happy Holidays!
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoI recently asked about a dictionary that contains all the "vulgar" 4-letter words. I'll ask again.
I recently asked about a dictionary that contains all the "vulgar" 4-letter words.
I'll ask again.
The dictionary was published in the 1970s or 1980s, LIKELY BEFORE many of you (including those who answered last time) were born. So likely, many/most/all of you aren't aware of it. It WAS a "legitimate" "brand name" dictionary
I said it was a DICTIONARY. It was something like Webster's Collegiate, and it was only published ONE YEAR. There was such an uproar from the "Christian Right," and scholars that the dictionary was only published ONCE, if I recall correctly. The "Best Answer" I got wasn't correct, and didn't even reference a DICTIONARY. I may have to look elsewhere for the answer. I may even have to go to my local library.
I'll get back to all of you with an answer when I have it. It's something you all should know
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHi! There was a dictionary published ? years ago that contained all the '4-letter words.' Do u remember which?
There was a dictionary published some 20 ? years ago that contained all the '4-letter words.' At the time, I didn't have the spare cash for it, AND my wife (now ex-) wouldn't have it in the house. Now that she's long gone, I am hoping to find and buy a copy. Can anyone tell me which dictionary that was? Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHelp! What software do I need to design web pages?
Help! What software do I need to design web pages? What can I get for free? Where do I get it? My girlfriend wants to learn web page design. I gave her the one program I have, which is pretty basic (not adequate). We're both unemployed (disabled), so we're limited to VERY cheap ($10 or less) or free software. What do you recommend? She'd like to be able to learn it and then find web design work. I've tried to learn web page design, but that's not in my skill sets. The one she tried so far (Web Studio 1) was "easy", but too basic to be any good. It DID give her the assurance that she'd be able to learn to program web pages if we can find affordable (free) software. What do you recommend for cheap, effective software?
6 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoPLEASE Take Seriously! Can you feel your brain thinking?
PLEASE Take Seriously! Can you feel your brain thinking?
I am absolutely serious. I have some issues that I need not get into, but let's say "I'm different." I'm very bright, very artistic (writer). I've noticed for YEARS that I sometimes can actually FEEL my brain working when I am thinking about certain things (categories, we'll say) Particularly, if something comes up that I've never encountered before, it's like I can feel my brain growing a new "wrinkle". I've contacted a friend who's a Clinical Psychologist, and one who's a psychiatrist. But I'd like to know if anyone else in here has this, or knows of anyone. I just saw a GEORGEOUS lady on TV, "Judge Mulian", and I was thinking, " ___ ____ ____!" ( < censored) Then I was thinking, "I shouldn't be thinking that!" The conflict made something like a "wiggle worm" sensation in the front of my brain. Then I realized, "This has happened to me like THOUSANDS of times!" Does anyone else FEEL their thoughts? Thanks for your time
10 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoDo You Think People Would Enjoy/Participate In A Nude Theatre?
I want to put on a "Nude Dinner Theater." Sadly, there are MANY who are not in relationships who never see another human being naked. For men, seeing women with no clothes on is life-sustaining and enhancing.
I am wondering if I put on a "Nude Dinner Theatre", where one could come and have a NICE dinner (fancy even) while looking at naked members of the other gender.
Do you think there'd be 50 or 100 people in Seattle, or in your city who would want to participate on either the customer level or people who would strip down and be waiters or entertainment in the nude?
I know there are cities (New York, Chicago, probably Miami, I'm betting there's a nude club in Mexico City, I know there are several in Tijuana, I know there are some in San Franciso. I want one (or several) in Seattle. What do you think?
6 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade agoThis Isn't A Request 4 Funds! This Is a Request For Information!?
This Isn't A Request 4 Funds! This Is a Request For Information about how to most quickly secure emergency funds.
My son is in the Army. He's a recruit, heading to his first assigment, He's roughly one step down from being a surgical RN.
His skills are vital to our nation, and he's my only child.
He doesn't have enough $$ to sleep in a rented room on his way to his assignment, so he is sleeping in his truck on the way.
How would you suggest that I go about seeking funds online?
I'm sure I could raise the young man $500 or $1,000 in an hour or two, If I knew how.
Help? suggestions?
3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago