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Lv 31,376 points

Love life and share happiness

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I am longing for the world to become a fairer country to live in and especially everyone should be able to travel on public transport with their kids and pushchairs, buy a house on a normal wage and be free to travel. SO I am happy things are starting to get better !

  • How did the UK get to be so Great and such a fine country, leading the World to Peace and friendship?

    Family reunification is TOP priority.


    The UK is OK and everyone is welcome home.



    NO Volkswagen Work until DEATH CAMPS.



    1588 1715 1815 1918 1945 1982 2013

    WE provide FREE Education for World Peace

    and International Friendship. WE are

    WE DEPLOY the Royal Navy to STOP €URO €U RISK

    WE Promote ONEWORLD history because The UK was

    always on the side of Humanity. WE abolished colonial

    French Slavery, WE sank the Spanish Slavery armada,

    WE toppled Napoleon and Bismarck and Adolf and AN

    GEL ER M€RK€L MAD M€RC€D€$ R€GIM€ and the

    EVIL Volkswagen Workcamps. WE ARE GREAT!




    God Save The Queen.

    7 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Why is the EU not seen as the fascist empire it is?

    The EU caused homelessness and

    Poverty and Unemployment and war.

    ALL our problems came from the EU.

    NAZI Germany is responsible for the war

    against childhood in Syria, Egypt and the UK.

    2013=1933=1943 and we will STOP EU RISK.

    VOTE for HEROES because ALL our HEROES

    have served so well. Now we are ready to finally

    topple the Unholy Roman Empire of the EU which

    was the Spanish Armada, Napoleonic France, NAZI

    Germany and the M€RK€L R€GIM€. To God be the Glory.

    1588 1715 1815 1918 1945 1982 2013 The UK is OK!


    God Save The Queen.

    For Royal Global Democracy and

    FREEDOM from the machines of the R€GIM€$.

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Has Spain risen up yet?

    The EU caused homelessness and

    Poverty and Unemployment and war.

    ALL our problems came from the EU.

    NAZI Germany is responsible for the war

    against childhood in Syria, Egypt and the UK.

    2013=1933=1943 and we will STOP EU RISK.

    VOTE for HEROES because ALL our HEROES

    have served so well. Now we are ready to finally

    topple the Unholy Roman Empire of the EU which

    was the Spanish Armada, Napoleonic France, NAZI

    Germany and the M€RK€L R€GIM€. To God be the Glory.

    1588 1715 1815 1918 1945 1982 2013 The UK is OK!


    God Save The Queen.

    For Royal Global Democracy and

    FREEDOM from the machines of the R€GIM€$.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Why is the EU still around?

    The EU caused homelessness and

    Poverty and Unemployment and war.

    ALL our problems came from the EU.

    NAZI Germany is responsible for the war

    against childhood in Syria, Egypt and the UK.

    2013=1933=1943 and we will STOP EU RISK.

    VOTE for HEROES because ALL our HEROES

    have served so well. Now we are ready to finally

    topple the Unholy Roman Empire of the EU which

    was the Spanish Armada, Napoleonic France, NAZI

    Germany and the M€RK€L R€GIM€. To God be the Glory.

    1588 1715 1815 1918 1945 1982 2013 The UK is OK!


    God Save The Queen.

    For Royal Global Democracy and

    FREEDOM from the machines of the R€GIM€$.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Does anyone believe in the EU?

    The EU caused homelessness and

    Poverty and Unemployment and war.

    ALL our problems came from the EU.

    NAZI Germany is responsible for the war

    against childhood in Syria, Egypt and the UK.

    2013=1933=1943 and we will STOP EU RISK.

    VOTE for HEROES because ALL our HEROES

    have served so well. Now we are ready to finally

    topple the Unholy Roman Empire of the EU which

    was the Spanish Armada, Napoleonic France, NAZI

    Germany and the M€RK€L R€GIM€. To God be the Glory.

    1588 1715 1815 1918 1945 1982 2013 The UK is OK!


    God Save The Queen.

    For Royal Global Democracy and

    FREEDOM from the machines of the R€GIM€$.

    2 AnswersInternational Organizations7 years ago
  • What impact will the UK and China trade deals have on the USA and EU?

    Will the UK be able to resume World leadership together with China and Russia

    and the Great British commonwealth now that the EU and USA are bankrupt?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Why is yahoo so biased against honest questions in current events?

    Any question about France, Democrats, Syria, Mistakes etc. is deleted.

    What sort of Spanish Inquisition is Yahoo turning into?

    Surely we are free to ask and answer honestly?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What are your plans for the Great British Century?

    We are re-opening the Great British Russian Railways to Hong Kong

    We are deeply happy that Great Britain is now back on top of the World.

    The REAL America has rejected the Obama CIA USA backed Al Qaeda.

    The Grand old people have seen through the French colonial plot of 1799.

    God bless the GOP and the wise American public that wants small government.

    Say It is absolutely correct to join the UK and China.

    Great Britain is Great with NO more Brussels sprouting EU dictators.

    We now lead the BRIC Alliance against the EU of National Socialists.

    Just like we did in 1939 to 1945. Welcome to the Great British century.

    Great Britain, Russia, India and China are on top of the world.

    France is trapped with a National Socialist madman who wanted 75% tax.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Will President Assad win the 2014 election?

    Previously I would say let's see but now the USA backed Al Qaeda it

    is my bet that people have seen through the French colonial plot of 1799.

    Say It is absolutely correct to join the UK and China.

    Great Britain is Great with NO more Brussels sprouting EU dictators.

    We now lead the BRIC Alliance against the EU of National Socialists.

    Just like we did in 1939 to 1945. Welcome to the Great British century.

    Great Britain, Russia, India and China are on top of the world.

    France is trapped with a National Socialist madman who wanted 75% tax.

    4 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Will America support the Great BRIC allies or the National Socialist F. Hollande?

    Great Britain, Russia, India and China are on top of the world.

    France is trapped with a National Socialist madman who wanted 75% tax.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will the UK invitation to China enable us to lead the World to Peace, again?

    The UK is big in China, Russia and India with our commonwealth.

    This new BRIC alliance is truly awesome. Great Britain is BACK!

    Meanwhile France is really going down with Hollande caught in our net.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will the Government back down and support the people?

    The shutdown is a political game. Southern democrats want big government,

    war, slavery, death and will do anything to support colonial France, their masters.

    FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY means small government and World Peace with

    NO Southern Democrat slavery. The elephant is for freedom, the Thai Blue Elephant.

    Syria is Syria and Vietnam is Vietnam and Portsmouth is Portsmouth, UK=OK!

    Love the elephant, love Thailand, love the UK.

    STOP the Southern Democrat KKK French Terrorist Al Qaeda supporters.

    Do you agree with my assertions? Will the big evil government back down?

    FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. NO Big government! NO National Socialism!

    6 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Will the American Military help us to STOP terrorism?

    Current events prove the REAL America is for peace in Syria.

    Meanwhile Southern Democrats wanted war. The UK is for

    Peace. Southern democrats are for war, slavery, death,

    colonial extremist FRANCE. National Socialist FRANCE.

    The UK loves REAL America and we love JFK and World Peace.

    JFK was assassinated to make way for Johnson who was for the war.

    Democrats in the White House today want to send our HEROES into war

    so that they can pay for Obamacare and massively corrupt big "government"

    The TEA Party are for small government and FREEDOM.

    Love the elephant, the Good Old Party of the REAL America.

    Peace to you all. Love and Peace from the UK=OK!

    8 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can I safely say that Republicans are for the Union (Jack) these days?

    Great Britain loves America, especially self defending NATIVE America.

    Most of my friends are Republican Obama supporters, as Obama fits the

    Republican narrative, while his party betrayed him in Vietnam and Syria and Afghanistan.

    Surely it is clear that backing Al Qaeda rebels in Syria and the "strategic hamlet"

    theories are failing. The Good American people need to say America FIRST.

    Meaning, get our troops home and rebuild America FIRST. Leave Eurasia to Eurasians!

    Actually the democrats are the confederacy.

    Republicans are the union.

    Obama is in fact a NON southern democrat who wants to

    start wars, this is Kerry and Clinton (Bosnia, Syria, Vietnam).

    USA politics is very complex. So vote for independents.

    So it is necessary to study the history of the USA and Native

    America in order to understand the present.

    Republicans were against Jacksonian slave owners.

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Can we have a one world government based in London, Moscow, Beijing and Honolulu for World Peace?

    The Good people of Great Britain and America (the vast majority)

    as well as Russia and China all want World Peace.

    The Hawaiian People want independence as do Texans and Alaskans.

    Everyone wants an end to the ridiculous shutdown and political games.

    We're all utterly FED UP with the FED printing money for banksterism

    and fed up with the Chicago mafia. People demand democracy and

    FREEDOM with no dictatorship of Obamacare and war.

    Great Britain is inviting China and Russia for more cooperation and

    we're taking over the corrupt EU to reform it into the Eurasian Union.

    So are we able to move on today with our One World for Peace agenda?

    14 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why does the USA want war when peace can prevail?

    Germany and Britain and Russia and China are at peace.

    Why does the USA and France continue to support terrorists in Syria?

    Have not enough people suffered already?

    Have not enough lives been lost at sea?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • When will all Americans be Loyal and help me STOP RISK?

    I am the elephant in the room. Barack Obama is LOYAL.

    When will all Americans respect the Commander in Chief?

    And be Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen of Earth?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Will there be an American civil war?

    Syria is becoming peaceful, so now could the war come to the USA?

    Because the red and blue are very angry with each other?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Could we just close the Channel Tunnel?

    And trade with our Northern friends, Scandinavia, Ireland, Russia and China.

    France tried to escalate the war against Syria and Spain is a dictatorship.

    We do not need Volkswagens and we can sail to Greece on holiday.

    How can we close off that tunnel immediately, as France is not democratic.

    I'm not saying the UK is democratic, but at least we did not support the war.

    The UK is OK and peaceful. We need to protect our borders.

    5 AnswersImmigration8 years ago