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I love animals, music, art, etc...I'm also a vegan :) Me in a nutshell: I feel I should have been a teenager in the 70s and 80s rather then now.


    I'm 17 been with this guy for over 3 yrs hes tall skinny sexy has a beautiful face and amazing hair. No one has ever made me feel so special, funny, sexy, and happy. But no one has ever made me feel so low and confused and betrayed before either. The only times I ever cry is because of him. I have broken up with him at least 10 different times. Sometimes I over react but I shouldnt have to put up with his **** either. The constant lying. Then he refuses to admit hes lying when its clear as ******* day. Hes a hypocrite and also is getting worse and worse into drugs. Ugh but I love him and his company....when he finds the time for me. I have finally been able to admit to myself he has been using me this whole time. It's so hard. It's almost like its worth it for him to use me as long as I can sleep with him at night and laugh with him. But hes so ******* irresponsible and immature. But what if all guys are and I just ****** u my only chance at love? And now I'm going on a vacation with his ex best friend who really likes me. He's fat. I'm 110 lbs. FML. Please give me advice. Thank you so much to everybody who takes me seriously.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to smooth out skin?? 17 y.o with harsh cheek lines !!:(?

    I have acne and scars but my biggest concern is the harsh weird lines on my cheeks I can't figure out why I have them but its like I need botox or a face lift for them . maybe you guys know about a skin tightening cream ? Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body5 years ago

    I have the symptoms of thyroid problems someone has even mentioned to me before they think I need my thyroid checked I have every symptom of it . I'm mostly worried about my health but also the face swelling and harsh cheek lines and puffyness . it makes me look Chinese I'm so healthy and hydrated I am broke it ******* sucks I have no one in my life who Cares and can afford the doctor or any blood test . I need some advice . and dont tell me to get acne cream I couldn't care less about my acne I care about my thyroid my health and my puffyness acne is not the issue . I'm scared and alone and broke. Thanks for ur help

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases5 years ago
  • 17 yr old girl I NEED to go to the doctor I have no money or insurance my dad can't afford it I'm so sad and scared !!!?

    I know I have thyroid problems and its so ****** up I need to talk to a doctor that isn't expensive I don't know what to do I'll need blood tests I don't have the money for that , why does this have to happen to me plz tell me any tips on how to afford the doctor I'm just a ******* kid I should be able to go to the doctor if I have a problem !! My face is swollen my acne mediviation barely helps it and my skin is sooo dry I have no one to listen or take me seriously BC no one can afford it it ******* sucks man I need advice I'm stressed out !!

    2 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Help me plz 17 yr old and thyroid problems ?! No health insurance can t go to the doctor I m so scared?

    I m so scared I think I have thyroid problems and have for at least a year or more. Someone has even mentioned to me before they think I need my thyroid checked :( im only 17 I can t afford to go to the doctor and no one can thanks to Obama . I can never afford a blood test : ( my face is swollen always has been people literally think im Chinese . its so sad because I work out everyday I m so healthy , Also I have acne and super dry scalp I have psoriasis but its way better since I been eating healthy except my scalp is so dry literally nothing helps it all makes sense that its my thyroid . it seems a little swollen actually and my face is definitely puffy I have weird lines I could never figure out why but its puffy by the sides of my nose which makes big ugly lines going down my cheeks :( I m so sad what should I do can someone please give me some tips ? Thanks so much ...

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases5 years ago
  • GIRLS: BRA PROBLEMS. Please help me this is hopeless?

    I'm 14 and honestly know NOTHING about bras. I bought 34A bras today, and I'm DYING on the loosest clip! I feel like a 38A would be good, but they don't seem to exist lol. I don't know what the number means, really. I think it's the size of the band...but that confuses me. Would a 34B be about the same as a 38A? I have pretty small boobs but I have a big rib cage apparently :( I just need help! The only family member I have is my dad & idk, I'm just in the middle of a bra crisis & a bra fitting isn't an option. I'm about to cry I don't know what to do. I'm a moron & don't know anything about this crap. Help me please :(

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • GIRLS: BRA PROBLEMS. Please help me this is hopeless?

    I'm 14 and honestly know NOTHING about bras. I bought 34A bras today, and I'm DYING on the loosest clip! I feel like a 38A would be good, but they don't seem to exist lol. I don't know what the number means, really. I think it's the size of the band...but that confuses me. Would a 34B be about the same as a 38A? I have pretty small boobs but I have a big rib cage apparently :( I just need help! The only family member I have is my dad & idk, I'm just in the middle of a bra crisis & a bra fitting isn't an option. I'm about to cry I don't know what to do. I'm a moron & don't know anything about this crap. Help me please :(

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do I make my profile only visible to my friends? I don't want to be searched up either?

    I want the friends on Facebook that I have added now to be able to view my profile, and not anyone else. I don't want to be searched up or anything. There's just certain people I don't want them to be able to create new accounts and be able to see my profile and stuff. Is that possible? I thought most celebrities had Facebook, but they have them blocked from everyone except people THEY add? I don't know...please help me lol

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I just took double the amount of laxatives..?

    I'm so backed up and constipated. So I got some ex-lax...and I'm supposed to eat 2 pies of the chocolate laxative and I ate 2 and then like 3 hours later I ate 2 more...what will happen?? Lol I don't know what to expect

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Could my acne pills be what's causing this?

    My acne is gone...but the rest of my skin is bad. Ever since I got rid of my acne, I got psoriasis, cellulite, and stretch marks. Do you think it's possible that the pills I'm taking is what's doing this? They're "the strongest stuff I've got" is what my dermatologist said to me. It would make sense; since the pills totally mess with my hormones and stuff. I'm 14 so my hormones are out of wack anyway, let alone me taking those intense pills. Thanks for every ones feedback!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Could my acne pills be what's causing this?

    My acne is gone...but the rest of my skin is bad. Ever since I got rid of my acne, I got psoriasis, cellulite, and stretch marks. Do you think it's possible that the pills I'm taking is what's doing this? They're "the strongest stuff I've got" is what my dermatologist said to me. It would make sense; since the pills totally mess with my hormones and stuff. I'm 14 so my hormones are out of wack anyway, let alone me taking those intense pills. Thanks for every ones feedback!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • I never had cellulite before, do you think this will help it go away? 10 pts!?

    I used to have great legs and now they're disgusting. I gained about 15 lbs but it was gradual. But, I had developed and eating disorder and had gone on totally fad diets and starved and binged and just did crazy things. I also used to be very physical and now I do nothing ever since my sister moved (I have no one to run around and be stupid with anymore). But yeah, last year my legs were fine and now they're just crazy. The skin even looks bad. 90% of everyone I know's legs are smooth and totally cellulite free. I also got stretch marks on my legs at the same time. If I start riding my bike again and eating better (I've recently changed my eating habits) and lost like 20 lbs or something, do you think my legs would be better again? I'm 5'1, 130 lbs, and 14 years old. I'm not overweight, and I have worse legs than many obese people I know. Thanks for your answers.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • My eating disorder is out of control. I need to talk to my dad about getting serious help?

    How should I tell my dad that I need SERIOUS help? I have EDNOS, which stands for "eating disorder not otherwise specified" and it basically means I binge, purge, starve, pig out, freak out, etc etc. I'm a healthy weight. I have so many symptoms of so many different things, that's why it's EDNOS. But anyway, it's such a mental ******* pain in the ***, I cry while I eat everything I can get my hands on. Then I regret it and throw up. When it's a time that I can't throw up for some reason, I'll freak out and just cry myself to sleep. No one knows how bad it really is but me. My dad knows I have a problem but he basically calls me and idiot and tells me to get over it and it's something I have to deal with myself. Which is right, I am being ridiculous but I've been being ridiculous since I was 11, and it's not getting any better. I live in the middle of ******* nowhere also. So I don't know if therapy would even be an option. Plus therapy is so ******* stupid and they'll put me on meds and all that crap and I will refuse any of that so it's pointless anyway. It's my own problem. Are there any websites where I can anonymously talk to someone or something? I just need help, but I don't want to be humiliated. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • 300 calorie diet, what would happen?

    (I am not attempting this, I'm curious)

    If someone ate 300 calories everyday for 2 months, what would happen to them? Would they die?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Good techno/dubstep/upbeat songs?!! Give me suggestions! :) 10 pts!?

    I always listen to The Beatles, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, etc etc.

    But when I work out, for some reason dubstep and totally hardcore bass drops really get me going. Hell, I HATE rap and I HATE Jay-Z, but I can't wait for his new album...just because I want the instrumentals!! I need some techno bass crazy weird Jay-Z-Magna-Carta-sounding-beats!! I can't work out listening to my darling Fab Four, or my darling David Bowie or my darlings in Pink Floyd...they're music for the soul and mind to relax to...I need some stupid sh*t to workout and dance to lol if anyone has suggestions that would be great! Thank you!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is it possible that I'm pregnant? Please help me, I'm a paranoid 14 yr old?

    Judge me all you want. I'm 14 and my boyfriend is 17. I love him so much. We're like the same person, it's amazing. I am like 99% sure I'm not pregnant, but things aren't adding up. I'll tell you want happened. We were basically screwing around and rubbing on each other and he came in his pants a little. He put a condom on and we were having sex, and for a second he thought the condom broke. It didn't. But he had some sperm on his abdomen from coming in his pants. Could it of gotten on his penis, and got in me? I'm having cramps, it feels like period cramps but I shouldn't get my period for like a week but I don't really keep track...but this happened on Friday...I wouldn't be feeling sickness after 2 days that crazy. I'm also bloating but I think it may very well be my period. I'm always paranoid about this because my dad would dis own me if he knew I wasn't only lying to him about where I was going, let alone me having sex and being pregnant with a 17 year olds baby. Help me out here. Thanks a bunch.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • 10 PTS SIMPLE! Is this grammatically correct?!?

    Apparently she "casually uses the word in private" all the time, but many people do; I don't see why it's this big of an issue.

    is that statement correct?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago