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Pisces Princess

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“Oh Lord, help me not to cuss anybody out today I asked that you freeze my tongue, if somebody gets in my way. Today I ask you Lord to meet me at my office door, and sit with me all day. "

  • Trouble Making Coworkers...?

    I work for the government and you'd think the people I work with would act like adults but they don't. One major problem is that I work in an office with mainly females. Now we all know when it comes to working with an office full of females there's nothing but drama. There's a click in the office who bands together everyone once in a while to target a coworker, well at this time it seems to be my turn. They spread rumors about me, they've left things on others coworkers desks then blamed other people. I was dating a guy here at work and they managed to get him to believe the lies about me. That I really don't care about, I just need suggestion on how to get them back without being fired. Someone needs to teach them a lesson so they will stop. Going to management doesn't work because they've got her afraid to even be a manager and deal with the problem.

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Trouble making coworker...?

    I work for the government and you'd think the people I work with would act like adults but they don't. One major problem is that I work in an office with mainly females. Now we all know when it comes to working with an office full of females there's nothing but drama. There's a click in the office who bands together everyone once in a while to target a coworker, well at this time it seems to be my turn. They spread rumors about me, they've left things on others coworkers desks then blamed other people. I was dating a guy here at work and they managed to get him to believe the lies about me. That I really don't care about, I just need suggestion on how to get them back without being fired. Someone needs to teach them a lesson so they will stop. Going to management doesn't work because they've got her afraid to even be a manager and deal with the problem.

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Mixed Emotions From My Ex Fiance'?

    My ex-fiancé and I have been broken up since about November however he keeps calling me. He took the ring back several times however has since given it back to me on Valentine’s Day when he left gifts at my job. He claims that he still wants us to be together and that I’m going to be his wife. The reason why we broke up is because he has a serious drinking problem and became very abusive verbally at first but one night he slapped me and that was enough for me to leave. He was arrested and the courts forced him into anger management classes and AA however it doesn’t seem to be helping. One day he calls me sober crying like a baby saying that he misses me and loves me. When I don’t believe him he gets mad and starts calling me names. He bought me a puppy as an engagement gift and requests to see the puppy just so he can see me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Trouble Making Coworker?

    I work for the government and they allow contract people to work within the offices. There's a contract person that works in my office who does nothing but make comments about everyone all day long. She's been removed from several offices for her running her mouth but that doesn't seem to stop her just makes her mad. She's supposedly moving to CA in July but in the meantime we have to deal with her. My supervisor seems to be afraid of her and therefore she does nothing about this trouble making contractor. I'm coming very close to telling her off but I don't think it will do any good so I've not wasted my time. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this loud mouth trouble making female?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I told her to leave....?

    A very close friend of mine moved in with her man about 6 months ago and the 3 family they live in is his. Legally he can’t throw her out but I told her to leave. Over the weekend he called his ex-girlfriend who is an alcoholic and is aware that my friend lives there. My friend overheard him talking on the phone when she was in the shower but once he heard the water turn off he got off. The ex girlfriend called back and kept calling back. He wouldn’t talk to her even though my friend told him to go ahead and talk because she heard him talking to someone and it must’ve been her.

    My friend let it go and they slept peacefully Saturday night. They said a few minor words Sunday morning and my friend felt everything was cool. He got up threw clothes on and was supposedly going to the laundry mat to wash clothes. My friend called him, his phone picked up she heard a tv and some scuffling noises then the phone hung up.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Effects does diabetes have on the body???

    Other than effecting the eyes and pancreas what other organs or body parts can diabetes effect?

    11 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Just told he's a diabetic....?

    My boyfriend just found out that his sugar is way to high. His doctor doesn't seem like he's really sure of what he's doing. He gave my boyfriend 2 weeks to drop a few pounds and change his eating habits or he will be put on medication. He didn't give him a meter to check to see if it's coming down. He also told him to avoid beer but other alocholic beverages have sugar and carbs so why wouldn't he tell him not to have those as well? He also has sugar in his urine and his blood sugars were well over 500 but no pills were given to him to help bring it down. Since he's only offering weight loss at this time as a cure all can anyone suggest things he can eat to bring it down. I've changed his diet by reducing his carbs and sugar. Now he's feeling depressed and saying he doesn't care because things he's use to is being taken from him.

    11 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • She thinks he's cheating, should she?????

    My friend has been given advice by me on this topic now I'm asking the general public. Her boyfriend that she lives with gets drunk and calls his abusive ex. He tells my friend that he loves her but she doesn't believe him because of his calling the ex. From my understanding he supposedly doesn't do it all the time but he does do it. She now feels that because he may be cheating on her she should cheat on him. He's home when she gets there and doesn't miss a lot of work. At night when he goes out either she's with him or he's only gone like 15 minutes tops. Should she cheat on him because she feels based on his calling his ex he's cheating on her. Keep in mind she goes through his cell phone and this is how she knows he's calling the ex or at least talking to her. Good advise is welcomed.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • No love loss.....?

    My boyfriend has a 13 year old daughter and there's no love loss between them. His daughter only calls around her birthday and Christmas. She was forced to call him for his birthday and on father's day. He calls her and tries to talk to her and she just blows him off if she answers her phone at all. Forget about her returning a call. When he calls her he'll ask her why she can't or doesn't call him and she always says I don't know. I encourage him to continue calling her so she can never say that he didn't try am I wrong for having him do this? Should he just give up like he's said he's going and wants to do. He's said over and over that he's not getting her anything for her birthday or Christmas, her mother can get it out of the child support money. I told him he should buy her something, should he? Her mother and her family has told her that she's white even though she's half black and half white but my boyfriend is so light he looks white. Do you think she's ashamed of him?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • A young girl in trouble....?

    My boyfriends brother's girlfriend has an 11 year old daughter who's been acting out at school and home to get attention because she feels her 2 year old sister gets too much attention. She came over yesterday and was talking to me about things that she does and things that bother her. She was telling me things that disturbed me.She was little she was in foster care and her foster father use to touch her. She also made a comment that her mother doesn't care that she's around or not. Her mother's way of dealing with her is threatening her or just down out right beating her. Her mother has beat this child with extension cords, belts, bats whatever she grabs at the time. I've tried telling her mother that she needs to sit and talk to the child and not beat the hell out of her. The response I got was my parents beat the hell out of me back in the day. I've tried talking to my boyfriend but all he sees is the child acting out. What should I do or could I do to help her?

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do I get my boyfriend to see that his "sister in law" is a 2 faced back stabbing "B"?

    My boyfriend’s twin and his child’s mother live next door. This female constantly calls my fiancée with issues that she should be discussing with her mate but she doesn’t. She will then talk about my fiancée behind his back to his brother and other people. She’s done this in front of me several times. My fiancée feels sorry for her because her family is dysfunctional so he’s taken her under his wing but she’s causing a lot of problems. She walks around trying to act tough and she tries to talk tough. She’s even approached me several times trying to get me to believe my fiancée is cheating on me. However if he was why would she tell me? She’s always telling me that the only female that he’s never cheated on and she made sure of it was one of her friends who he dated many years ago. I’m trying to figure out what her problem is with us being together. How do I expose her to him so he sees she's a back stabbing "B"?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of any good recipes for steak and chicken?

    It seems my finacee and I eat fish, chicken and beef a lot. I have plenty of fish recipes for the few types of fish (seafood) I do eat. Can anyone offer any good recipes for beef and chicken?

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to clear bankruptcy on your credit report?

    I filed bankrupt about 2 years ago. I've considered contacting the creditors that were involved to see if they'd work something out with me as far as my paying these debts off. I'm wondering if I pay them off would they put something on my credit report that states that I've paid as agreed or something that wouldn't make the bankrupt look so bad. At the time I was ill and I tried to work with a company to work on the debt however the company was being paid a lot and was offering me no service at all. I've since then gotten my money back but the end result was my filing bankrupt. My car was included in the bankrupt in error and I've been paying on that faithful because I explained that my car was never suppose to be added to the bankrupt. I faxed some original documentation that stated that the typed documents were incorrect therefore the company was willing to work with me. Do anyone know if there is anything that I can do to clean up my credit history as far as the bankruptcy?

    9 AnswersCredit1 decade ago