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Lv 42,792 points

Amber R

Favorite Answers8%

I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of girl with an open-mind. I very oppinionated and outgoing. I love to have fun and smile. I love horses and rodeos. I love my boyfriend and my family. I have great friends and a great life. I try to live life to the fullest everyday and wouldn't be able to do so without the help of God. I try to thank Him everyday for the life he's given me and without Him I wouldn't have learned to get through the things I have.

  • How to look for a friend..?

    I'm wanting to look for a friend from my childhood. Wondering if anyone knows of any sites or programs where I can do this for free?? I would love to get in touch with her and see how she is doing?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is it?

    What's a healthy weight for an 19 year old femal, who is 5'2? I would like to start losing weight, but I kinda need a goal to reach..please help if you can!! Thanks

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is it normal?

    To have a wannabe mother-n-law. I mean, I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now. We love each other and we've talked about marriage and kids. It's his mom. Everytime I go to his house or their family functions, she's talking about mine and his kids and how much fun she's going to have babysitting and teaching him/her all these new things. She's one of the nicest people I know, and I've never had a problem with her. I just want to know if it's normal. Has anyone else been in this situation? How did you handle it?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can you....?

    Can you get a bladder infection from having sex for long periods of time?? I heard that somewhere and I would really like to know. My boyfriend and I had sex for over 30 minutes 3 days in a row and I now have a bladder infection. I'm not saying the sex was the cause, but I have heard that it could. Help me out here...please.

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What's the best.....?

    Inexpensive gift that you can buy for a guy...I'm not cheap, but me and my bf set a limit of 10 bucks that way we can save money for later days....haha!! Help me out please!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Movie Trivia...?

    What movie is this from??

    "Your not tryin' to brighten up the place....your tryin' to whiten' up the place!!"

    Hahah...I love that part, it's hilarious!!

    Good Luck!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about this quote?

    "I would rather die believing that there is a God and find out there isn't, rather than die believing there in NO God and find out that there is."

    I love it....what's your oppinion?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you...?

    Consider it cheating if you had a bf and ya'll got in a big fight. Then some random guy calls you and you both have a steaming hot intimate conversation over the phone for about an hour!! Not that I've done this or anything like that...*wink-wink!!

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How long....?

    How long does it take for your eyebrows to grow? I mean I was a victim of the very skinny eyebrow trend and now I want them to be thicker. How do I get them to grow and how long will it take?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How was your Christmas?

    I hope all of you got the things you wanted and asked for on Christmas. I know I did..I even got a little extra, haha! Well, explain to me how your family celebrates the it went, did any one show up, who got in a know just the basics. My aunt and my dad got in a fight about who was going to clean the kitchen, yes, I know...childish,but they did!! Hehe!

    10 points for Best Answer...obviously!!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why aren't there....?????

    I want to be recognized...give me some ideas on what to do. I want questions posted for me..... Is this greedy? Myabe I'm just extremely bored here at this lame job...HELP!!

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one.....?

    Who minimizes their internet screens when a fellow employee or boss enters the room?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many of you...?

    Have actually gotten a degree online? I'm considering going to an online school, but I don't know if it's just a scam or if it's for real! If any of you have or are attempting to get your degree online which schools are best and which ones should I stay away from? Thanks!!

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • May I wish this for you...?

    I wish all of you a safe and exciting weekend!!! If you plan on going to any company christmas parties, I hope that you all be careful and drive safe and responsible. I will pray for you all, all weekend!! God Bless you all!!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts...?

    My best friend just moved to Alaska with her husband. In the last week, he's been late to army work 3 days in a row. His officer told him that if he's late again that he's going to send my friend(his wife) back home and he won't see her for 6 months. His reasoning for being late isn't great. He stays up playing x-box until all hours of the night. Well, my question is.....Will my friend finally figure out that this guy is a loser and that he doesn't deserve her? I love my friend and believe me, I have tried not to get in her business, but it's amazing how much she loves him and how much she wants him to lover her. I just want what's best for her. Should I leave her alone and let her learn or try and help her out?

    Please, don't leave rude and crude comments!!!

    15 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Do any of you know..?

    My aunt takes Relacore, it's a weight-loss pill. She looks great and said it didn't take very long for it to start working. I want to know how many of you take it or have taken it. Did it work? I'm not extremely overweight, but it just seems that even though I work out, I'm not losing what I want. So, please let me know your thoughts on it and if it worked for you or not.

    Thank you!!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Guys....If you were him..?

    Ok, this is for the guys!! Let's say you have been dating me for almost 2 years. I know your not racist or prejudice, but you just make stupid remarks about black people and mexicans, and I asked you not to talk like that, atleast around me, what would you do? Would you respect me or would you keep doing it anyways?

    Just a question......10 points to the winner!!

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Was I in the wrong?

    Ok, so last night I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years. I'm exhausted from all the fighting we do. It just doesn't seem worth it anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love him and I always will, it's just that I'm sick and tired of fighting over the dumbest things. One time we fought about who was going to jump in the pool first. It was retarded. We're 18 and fight like we're in middle school!! Well anyways, he got totally defensive and started talking crap to me. He told me that I was the worst girlfriend in the world and that I never did anything for him. Which is a complete lie. Anyways, I guess all I'm wondering is if I did the right thing. This isn't the first time we've broken up about this. Should I go back and work it out like we always do, or should I just leave it alone? I would love to get back with him, but I don't know if it's exactly the right thing to do! Help, please!!

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How was yours...?

    How was your weekend? Mine was great! My aunt went out of town and I watched her house for her all weekend. I also watched her 150 lb. dog, Damien!! He's a bull mastiff, he's huge!! Well anyways let me know how your weekend went!!! 10 points to the most outrageous!!

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you do this?

    Let's just say you had an uncle and his name was jack. One day your walking along and you get a phone call from your uncle jack,"Can you help me, I'm stuck on my roof." Would you help your unlce jack off!!!

    Hahahah...this was hilarious, I just heard it today!!

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago