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  • This is a computer problem.?

    After formatting C drive and reinstalling all the softwares, I get a lot of "Access Denied" messages and some softwares like installing a PC suite for mobiles, printer etc is blocked. I am not able to connect after installing a LAN modem. Some old files and folders that were encrypted cannot be decrypted or opened as access is denied. Also no permission for opening my own files is displayed. There was no change of operating system as the original XP2 was again loaded after C drive formatting. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can vegetarians and vegans compete with others in sports and win? Can they kill militants or the enemy? milita?

    Vegetarians and vegans claim that humans are naturally non flesh eaters. Their intestine length is not meant for the digestion flesh or meat products. What I have heard and read is the early man hunted for his food. They did not survive just on fruits and tubers naturally available. The early man did not have the skills to cultivate his food. So he couldn't have been a born vegetarian. There is ample proof that he hunted with some weapons. It was much later that he learnt the art of cultivation.

    Vegetarians believe that they do not take any life of any living thing to sustain themselves but plants do have life. Also the farmer protects his crop by using pesticides and other means to kill scores of insects, rodents and birds (they also have all the right to feed on that) and brings his produce to your table. It is just as the butcher who brings to your table the pieces of meat. So when you eat anything, some killing of life is involved. Also milk is considered to be vegetarian by many. Any herbivore will not take milk but all carnivores will consume it and that proves milk is not a vegetarian item but no killing is involved here.

    So coming to the main question, can the vegetarians and vegans win Olympic medals competing with other flesh eaters? And how many such people are there? Also, being vegetarian and vegan constitutes abhorrence of killing so can they kill the enemy or terrorists when employed as security personnel or a defence personnel?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Why are women more vituperative and have a vicious tongue?

    Whenever an argument breaks out and women are involved then in majority of cases it is the women who excel in tongue lashing administration. If it is a man to whom it is directed to then he gets so enraged that he cannot match her with words but has to use his physical strength to stifle her.And if is a woman, she will have some choicest abuses ready or have a counter argument to make the other wince. When we see some such quarrel breaking out in some places where women gather to fetch water from a common tap, men cannot stand there. In the home front, when such a quarrel breaks out between two ladies, men dread to intervene.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • They say luck favours the brave. After all how luck plays out in the lives of many of us? See details.?

    Many smoke and lead a normal healthy life till they succumb to old age, many get drunk regularly and drive with no accidents to their credit, many just laze around and make lots of money, many soldiers see action in many fronts and have no scars to show. On the other hand there are many who just take to smoking and develop lung cancer, many expert drivers never having a driven drunk cause silly accidents, many put up hard work all their lives and live hand to mouth, many soldiers just die or get hurt on their very first engagement with enemy. There are many such examples where luck has favoured both the brave and the weak and good for nothing people. So how does the luck work? How can one become luckier. Any statistics available on these?

    1 AnswerTrivia1 decade ago
  • I purchased Nokia 6700 classic recently. I am not able to synchronize calender/notes/contacts with my laptop.?

    I had N72 before this and it had a PC Suite that was easy as everything could be synchronized instantly. I could open several applications all at once and inter-relate in that. Photo editing/Video editing features were very good that is absent in this new mobile. I thought I was upgrading but there are many things that I cannot do in this new one as I did in that old one. I could also carry some MS Word/excel files but this new one doesn't support that. Nokia;s 'contact us' is also of little help as they do not answer. While launching a new phone, all the features should be made public and the dealers should know everything.

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Swine flu related deaths are just 70 or much much more?

    There are just 18 centres for testing swine flu virus across India and now the H1N1virus has spread wide and far. Symptoms of swine flu is almost same as ordinary flu initially and complicates later. People who are not aware of this disease may be in millions as only the people who read newspapers, watch television news or surf the web are knowledgeable about it. Rural folks and people in small townships do not have any access to health care. People afflicted with flu like symptoms generally do not go to a doctor initially and only go to a local doctor who also may issue his own medicines or prescribe some common drugs. After three days when the patient's condition aggravates, he may refer to the government hospital. By that time it may be too late if it were swine flu. What I mean to say is may be because of such things the deaths due to swine flu may be thousands but has gone unnoticed. Many doctors would have signed the death certificate for different reasons especially in small townships and rural areas. Can my surmises be true?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How far it is true - God creates and destroys all, Without God willing nothing, not even a leaf can flutter.?

    Generally it is believed that without God's will nothing can happen and accept whatever is happening as God's will. When there is any natural calamity and hundreds of lives lost, it is God's will but when some lives are lost in a terrorist bomb attack we do not accept it as the same. Natural deaths are alright but accidental deaths and murder are not God's will. Anyone dying by any reason should also be construed as God's will or the fate. For most things we believe Fate or the pre programmed things that will happen to anyone and nothing changes it. Why then people do not take it as such for any loss.

    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to change an adamant person's mind?

    We come across some people with whom we have to work or interact and that person has such a fixed idea that you cannot dislodge one neuron from his brain. For instance if a leader of a group working on a project has chalked out his plan to work on it but someone in the lower rung has better plans to complete the project effectively, efficiently and economically but his idea will not be entertained even if others from the group are in agreement. He will be rebuked and criticized for not having proper knowledge of things and trying to put spanner in the works. You cannot bypass your immediate leader and go to a superior because that man has complete trust on what this group leader does. Just how you go about convincing such a person with arrogance and adamancy?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Are these tele-shopping or Internet shopping any good? Are they reliable?

    We are watching television programmes and we are made to watch the ads too. We get interested in some product and go purchase it from any shop. At the shop we see the advertised product, compare prices and then make a decision to purchase it. When we go to watch tele shopping programme, we are shown a product and explained in detail, we decide to purchase and call/sms the number. Thirdly, on the internet we browse shopping domains and after seeing the product's features only we purchase it. Quality, size and whether old or new cannot be guaged. Both these tele shopping and internet shopping, are they any better than direct purchases? Are all these shopping outlets (in television and internet) reliable? If duped how to get redressal?

    3 AnswersYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • Why the aircraft shudders after hitting air turbulence?

    When the aircraft shudders it is scary. Many may not admit it but they do get scared. When the aircrafts hits some air pocket, the fear factor goes double. Why the turbulence has such an effect on the aircraft.

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Where from scores of flies and insects come out after rains?

    During summer months we can easily switch on the lights and open the windows in the night with not a single insect coming in. During daytime also no flies are seen even if there is some open drainage nearby and garbage accumulating. Let there be rains and scores of flying insects, mosquitoes and flies appear all of a sudden. All these creatures are not hibernating, they are produced but, how?

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Should there be age limit for politicians? Should these aging leaders be retired?

    Generally in India people care for the old and act on their advice. Some also say that old is gold. Is it always right? Do old and experienced people even in their eighties are so mentally agile, if not physically, that all the young listen to whatever advice is given? Many Indian marriages are forcibly solemnized or not permitted because the old and aged of the house do not agree. Especially girls cannot go choose their own mates. Of course these people go and vote to choose an eighty plus man. Just as the young of India listen to their olds of the house (I do not mean that absolutely nothing should be heard) they also follow blindly whatever the aging political leaders have to say. When a man is considered to be invalid for continuing in his office and is retired, how can the leaders be supposed to have all the mental and physical ablilities even past their eighties? How many of the young who hate their old people in their house go and vote for these political leaders who are 80+?

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can a pure vegetarian soldier kill and see the blood of enemy or a terrorist?

    Will a vegetarian be able to kill/hurt an enemy or a terrorist in a combat situation. Will he be able to see blood?

    11 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • After mobile phones what?

    We have had radios, televisions, computers, laptops, telephones and mobile phones till now. Mobile phones are just getting smarter and smarter i.e new features are being added everyday but since long there is no further development. What technological thing is going to hit us next after mobile phones? I do not mean additional features here something like video phones or implanted phones etc but the unthinkable. Maybe something that will make mobile phones obsolete.

    9 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Why smoking doesnt cause diseases to all who smoke?

    From earliest times people have been puffing cigarettes and using other forms of tobacco. People used to smoke in closed rooms, in homes,cars, buses,trains, bars, theatres and practically every place. Lighting up was a fashion. All the people who smoked did not die prematurely not even heavy smokers. Now also many people smoke and there are no reports that smoking has caused an epidemic of cardiac diseases or cancer. Those who have chain smoked all their lives, lived upto 80 and more and there may be few instances where some very light smokers have died of cancer. Is it the person's constitution that does not agree with some people? I think till date no doctory would have signed a death certificate attributing smoking as a reason. I have also been smoking for more than thirty years in spite of my diabetes and IHD, I think I can at least cross seventy or seventy five.

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Why do roosters crow at specific times and specific intervals. How they know the time?

    Roosters or cocks let out long calls at specific intervals which are repeated by other roosters. Do they communicate? It starts very early in the morning and continues till afternoon. By late afternoon they stop and begin again next day sometimes at three in the morning.

    13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago