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Lv 31,799 points

David C

Favorite Answers37%

I like to travel around the world and spend a lot of time on the internet trading Stocks and emini futures indices. I love watching LIVE premier league football on those free internet sites. Don't you just hate cold wet windy weather? life is too short not to be somewhere warmer. I watch the CNBC on the internet and go on yahoo answers quite frequently to see if anybody needs any of my vast wisdom or a good laugh at least. I Play 10 Pin bowling with my 5 yr old son at weekends and he beats me! so I have to pay, just wait till he's older.LOL My favourite city is San Diego California I am not always right but hey, even a stopped clock is right twice every day and that's the best way to look at it.

  • Eviction in UK. Possession Order. I rented a room (all inc) in a huge house last year from someone that was renting the whole house.?

    Eviction in UK. Possession Order.

    I rented a room (all inc) in a huge house last year from someone that was renting the whole house off the owner.

    He lost a Possession order last week from his landlord so he has to move out on the 6th of Feb 2017 but will get a little longer till the warrant is granted and the bailiffs arrive.

    What can I and my girlfriend do if anything to stay a little longer to give me time to find another room/place as I have a 5yr old girl just started in a local school 5 months ago?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • Possession order England, can I request different judge?

    I attended a home possession order today at the county court , at the few minutes hearing the Judge said he would have to agourn as there was so much evidence to read from my counter claim against my Landlord.

    The plaintiffs Solicitor said to the Judge "can we make sure the next hearing that it is you that we get in 2-3 weeks time". The judge replied that it depends on his diary who is given our case but he would make sure it was him and be on a Monday.

    I was given the new court date for a Monday.

    Question... I do not want this Judge for obvious reasons, how do I get the court to pick a random Judge? The case is on Jan 23rd in 11 days.?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Immigration Visa for child carer (live in) what type?


    I want my friend from Ghana Africa to come to USA to look after my 2yr old as a live in child minder.

    Shes 32 yrs old and is married.

    What sort of Visa Application would it be? shes not related, just my friend.

    I was thinking with Child care there could be special more lenient rules as an ethnic minority Black African, rather than have to use a local child minder from USA.

    Would it be easier if I didn't pay her so she would not need a work visa?


    5 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • Fixed penalty fail to comply with traffic light 1.4 secs in UK?


    Fixed penalty fail to comply with traffic light 1.4 secs. Manchester UK

    I received this on 29th October and just realized I forgot to post the form back, it says must be within 28 days to get the training course instead of 6 points. its 28th November today.

    What can I do? it has a 2nd class return on it so it will arrive back late will they now not offer me the course?

    Is there some reason I can say so they let me take the course?

    My Job needs me to drive so 6 points is severe for 1 day late.

    7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • Fixed penalty fail to comply with traffic light 1.4 secs in UK?


    Fixed penalty fail to comply with traffic light 1.4 secs. Manchester UK

    I received this on 29th October and just realized I forgot to post the form back, it says must be within 28 days to get the training course instead of 6 points. its 28th November today.

    What can I do? it has a 2nd class return on it so it will arrive back late will they now not offer me the course?

    Is there some reason I can say so they let me take the course?

    My Job needs me to drive so 6 points is severe for 1 day late.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Police Officer Application Form for Ethnic Minority question?


    In the UK My friend said she wants to Join the Greater Manchester Police, shes 38yrs, Asian, but 3yrs ago she had to pay a £35 compensation for a damaged cardigan at court to someone who racially abused her and her disabled son. we have to check but she thinks it was for common assault. Will this prevent her from being seriously considered? is it even worth applying?

    10 points best answer.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Limited Leave to remain 2 yr working Visa for UK, are you knowledgeable?


    I'll keep this brief.

    My unmarried partner of 10yrs (a USA Citizen) withdrew her application for a 2nd LLR visa in December 2012 as it took too long (7 months) her previous one had almost expired so she couldn't get a job here, I lost my job, moved back into mums with our 9yr old son..

    She went back to USA in January this year, got a job, now has money to reapply but what type of Visa should she apply for that allows her to work for 2 years? as the 2 years documents of living together is not possible now as no joint bills etc and have lived apart for 10 months, I just got a job, still living at parents though, here in UK. she will apply in USA before she comes.

    10 points best answer.

    3 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • How to retrieve data on a USB external sata drive?


    This is on a newish Windows 7 Laptop

    I dropped a Packard Bell laptop on floor, now it wont load Windows, or system restore or repair. The Manufacturers system recover, alt F10 loads but hangs after selecting Language and location. also.

    the recovery disc hangs after loading. the drive is listed when plugged via a USB adaptor in my other Laptop showing drive G put when I try to list data it says it is necessary to format that drive first.

    How can I get the data off it before I attempt a new Windows installation or a format

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • What form is it to register an 8yr old child born abroad as a UK Citizen?


    My son a USA citizen was born in San diego in 2003

    I am a Uk Citizen since birth his mum is a USA citizen.

    We all live here in UK so which form is it I need to fill in to register him as a UK citizen as a child of a UK citizen?

    There are so many different forms that sound similar.

    10 points best answer / links

    5 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Telepass road toll in italy, how to get a telepass account?


    I need a road toll card in Italy as I am travelling with work for months., its called Telepass but I can't seem to get any info in English on how to get an account, someone said I needed an Italian Bank account to set one up, is that the only way?


    2 AnswersOther - Italy10 years ago
  • cashplus business bank account are they legitimate?


    Is this Business bank account company reputable?

    I can't get a normal business account due to a small credit issue that's why I am going this route as I need one today as I am working abroad in Europe.


    4 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • Phoning uk from italy, what's the best way? I am on 02?


    I am going to italy for 5 months and want to call back to UK several times a week, what's the best/cheapest way?

    I was thinking maybe use the O2 for incoming then get an italian mobile or card for outgoing?

    I will be using a company laptop and phone over there but for personal use I need my own method.

    Any Ideas or links?


    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • google chrome crashes every day, have to reboot, latest fixes?


    I have been using Chrome for a couple of years on XP, it used to crash every few days but now its several times per day, after 2-3 crashes I have to reboot to be able to use it for a few hours, the problem happens faster if I have more than 6 tabs open.

    I have an up to date PC, this problem happened on my old up to date PC as well as friends PC's so its a Chrome issue for them to fix but the problem is getting worse. I use AVG and Malware bytes regularly so there are no virus issues.

    Has anyone been able to fix this issue yet as there is a lot of info from users having the same problems?

    10 points best answer

    5 AnswersGoogle10 years ago
  • Application forms for a job, am I right not to fill one in? just provide my CV?


    I have sent off over 100 applications on the internet for jobs, a few reply aking me to fill in application forms too.

    In my experience if they are really interested then a CV will be enough for them to interview from.

    After all companies these days say we can't reply unless you are shortlisted so why can't jobs seekers be over pedantic too?

    This was my reply:- Hi Lucy

    Thank you for your prompt reply to my application for your customer service manager role

    Unfortunately I do not find it beneficial for me to fill forms in.

    I only provide my CV which is sufficient for nearly every job application I have made to date.

    If I am short listed then I will fill one in once given a interview date.

    Due to the large number of applications, I do not have the time or resources to complete an application form without an interview date.

    Thank you for your interest.

    Good luck in your search for a suitable applicant to interview.

    Kind regards

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago