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Favorite Answers12%
  • Is it okay to joke about having a lover?

    My husband says I do not have a sense of humor and I need to find help urgently, but I hate it when he makes jokes TO MY CHILD about having a lover. If he does it to me, I don't care so much, but if he tells my child that I get extremely irritated. What is your opinion? I would like to hear from both, guys and girls in the group. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 year ago
  • Is it okay to joke about having a lover?

    My husband says I do not have a sense of humor and I need to find help urgently, but I hate it when he makes jokes TO MY CHILD about having a lover. If he does it to me, I don't care so much, but if he tells my child that I get extremely irritated. What is your opinion? I would like to hear from both, guys and girls in the group. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Names starting with Sch?

    Hello there! What male names can you think of starting with Sch (made up or existing). :) Thanks for the input

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting6 years ago
  • Subchorionic Hematoma?

    Hello, I have questions about Subchorionic Hematoma

    I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I have been diagnosed with this condition after experiencing pain. They found it out through an ultrasound. I haven't had any bleeding so I was not concerned until yesterday when I heard the scary word, threatened miscarriage. So I'd like to ask doctors, experts on the subjects and mommies who have gone through this if bed rest helped them to ease this condition and what to expect, how dangerous this is, how can it affect my baby's development. According to the doctor I have a small hematoma but I'm not sure how is the size measured. My ultrasound says 4mm.

    Any input would be appreciate it. Thank you

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • Two dreams similar feeling please help?

    I need help with some serious input about what this two dreams can mean. In the first one I was standing outside a nice garden like path with very green plants and an orange butterfly hoping from flower to flower. It felt peaceful. However I couldn't go inside because there were THREE angry black panthers at the entrance wanting to attack me if I ever tried getting close to that garden.

    In the second dream, and I don't know if they are related somehow, I was in a building trying to get to the thirteen floor but there were THREE elevators and they all were broken and stuck at the seventh floor. I could see through the surveillance cameras of the building people coming down through the stairs. So I was standing by the three elevators trying to push the buttons but no new work. The first dream was scary and sad because I wanted to go in that garden so much, even when in real life I'm not so fond of gardens. In the second dream was frustration.

    Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Has your significant other gotten mad at you for helping others?

    I would like to hear answers from guys too please. Have you ever experienced a situation in which your boyfriend/girlfriend gets really upset when you help people...with the reasoning behind that he/she cares about you a lot and is concerned about you being overworked? Or have you ever done that to your significant other?

    For example, you are home at night after work and somebody calls or emails about a question they have and you have no problem in sending a quick reply or providing information... is this healthy?

    I would understand if helping other would mean neglecting your own responsibilities, but if you do it in your free time...would you get mad at your significant other or would you support him/her in maybe helping others?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Britney fans: is there a song where Britney?

    is dressed as a catwoman? Something about her singing like in a bar? If so, what is the name?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Grieving process, how long?

    I know this might sound like a desperate scream for help, and maybe it is. My very best friend, my partner in life passed away yesterday morning, and it seems like today my pain for this loss is worse than yesterday. Maybe because I was in shock and felt numbed. Today reality hit me hard.

    I would like to know from those of you who have gone through similar experience how long did it take you to overcome this emptiness, this loneliness, this extremely painful sadness.

    I know grieving process is different for each individual but I would like to have an idea of what to expect. I have read about the steps of grieving and I seem to gravitate from one to another with no stop.

    Please I would appreciate your answers.

    Also do you think it's a good idea to go through counseling? is it too soon to look for help?

    I don't have many supportive people at the moment because I'm living overseas, so it's very hard for me to find others to share my feelings or even a shoulder to cry on. I have all these madness (anger, denial, etc) inside me and I feel like I'm going to blow anytime.

    Two days ago I answered a question about a similar topic and now it's me facing this, I simply don't know what to do

    3 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Can someone force you to sign confidentiality?

    If someone is sending me a document by e-mail, and they say that by receiving the e-mail I understand and accept the confidentiality of the document that fair? legal?

    And if I open the attachment (document), same questions it fair or legal that they demand that I accept confidentiality?

    Please someone enlighten me.

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Can someone with ONE lung fly safely? What are the things to consider?


    I would like to know if someone who just had surgery (removal of one lung) three weeks ago can fly safely for 14 hours and if so what are the precautions we need to take (pressure, oxygen level, etc).

    Thank you

    BTW He needs to travel to continue his treatment in his home country, therefore the trip is critical.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Coworker with HIV, some help please?

    Hi there, I would like to know what precautions in the workplace should a person have if a coworker had HIV. There are many myths and truths that I would like to hear some advice/information.

    Thank you

  • What type of visa is needed?

    Hello I'm trying to get some information as to what type of non-immigrant visa does one person need if he's coming for a seminar or summit. There are so many types of visa that it´s a bit confusing. He's not coming to visit per say, he's coming to a seminar for travel agents, which will allow his company to network and do potential business, so is this consider a business visit? tourist visit? His company is sending him to Nevada for a conference in September (he's Brazilian) but when he gets to the embassy page he has to pick the visa type and the right format he's applying for...

    If anybody have some input, please answer the question, I'm trying to find out info myself but the embassy web pages overseas are not so user friendly...


    2 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • How much should a cab cost from Heathrow to West Square?

    Hello this is my forst time visiting London, and I would like to have an idea on how much should I pay a cab from Heathrow to West Square (LONDON SE11 4SP).

    Can anyone help please? Thank you in advance!

    4 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • Looking for Pharmacies in UK?

    Hello there I'm travelling to the U.K. in few days and I would like to know what pharmacies you have (equivalent to Walgreen's or CVS in U.S.), or even supermarkets where I would see beauty and health care products.

    Thank you!!

    11 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Catchy name for Travel Company?

    Hello, I would like to have some ideas for a travel agency name...any suggestion would be greatly appreciated

  • Business profit among investors?

    First of all, I would like to thank you for your time to read my question. I hope I can get some assistance with this.

    I would like to start a business with another person. This person won't pitch in any money since he's contributing with the idea. I will cover 100% of the financial means to start up this business. We both will work on it. So my question is, how much percentage of a profit will be fair for this person? Is there any place I can research this type of information?

    Thank you in advance for any input you can provide.

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Profit percentage: financial investment vs idea for business?

    Hello I have a question for any who can help. My friends and I are not in agreement about one thing. There is a group of investors who can put their money for a new venture and there is one person who won't contribute with any amount but providing the idea.

    Our question is: how much percentage of the utilities or profit does this person (the one with the idea) should get?

    Let's say there are four partners. One puts 30%, the other one 30% and the third person invests 40%, while the fourth person gives the idea.

    Thank you very much for any helpful answer

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • HELP with ROMANIAN please?

    "Daca ar fi alegerea mea ar fi diferit pentru ca sti ca eu am sentimente profunde pentru tine ascultand melodia mai atent ai sa ma intelegi pe mine. Te iubesc mult de tot, te pup dulce de tot unde vrei tu"

    Can anybody translate this to me please from Romanian to English?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • HELP with ROMANIAN please?

    "Daca ar fi alegerea mea ar fi diferit pentru ca sti ca eu am sentimente profunde pentru tine ascultand melodia mai atent ai sa ma intelegi pe mine. Te iubesc mult de tot, te pup dulce de tot unde vrei tu"

    Can anybody translate this to me please from Romanian to English?

    Thank you

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago