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  • Why do I keep getting angry people in my life?

    I am a pretty easy going person. I try to be as considerate and understanding of others as I can. I was raised that way, but I keep finding myself in situations with people who are angry and inconsiderate.

    I am not young and I am certainly not stupid or unaware, but I do not know how I keep ending up in these situations. Does just being nice make you a magnet for people who are not? I am getting really sick of this. I am too old to still be getting bullied - and on that note I do not come across as weak from what I have been told - I am no wilting violet. Are there just that many angy people or is it me?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • My computer started displaying military time and I don't know how to change it back...?

    I have no idea how it happened - have searched - can't find way to get it back. Any help would be most gratefully appreciated...thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why is America's alligance to Isreal so strong?

    It appears to be why we are hated...????

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my email web page? The page is blank on my laptop but not on my desk top.?

    My laptop no longer shows my hotmail sign in page. It just says done with errors on page. It works on my other computer but not my laptop (all of the sudden). I went into internet options and made sure the page was marked as a trusted site but it still won't work. I would be very grateful for any help...thanks.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Car dumped coolant without being overhaeting +?

    Battery problems - had AAA come charge battery - ran car for almost an hour to recharge - moved to better postion - turned off - no restart dash lights worked- opened door lights went off -then noticed coolant dumped - possibly related???

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What would you do? Would you seek revenge?

    If a woman was chasing your man for years (they work together) and when you finally separated they became "friends with benefits" and you get back together with him then find out all this stuff has been going on and she was trying to steal him and even my daughter away, would you want revenge?

    I know part of this is his fault, but it's complicated and he really did not mean to hurt me. I am angry with him but understand what happened and how relentless she was (I read all her emails to him, even joking that she was not a stalker).

    I feel angry at both of them, but I really want to let her know what I think of her, especially since she caused pain for my child, but I've got him and she is history, and I do not want to stoop to her level, but I am still so pissed at her.

    What would you do?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Do you think this is strange?

    Do you think this is weird?

    While my ex and I were separated but still living together for the sake of our daughter, this woman at work was chasing him (I've read her emails). Anyway, now we are back together but yesterday I found a bunch of pics she took of his family, who she had never met, at his nieces wedding. He introduced her as his friend and she pulls out a camera and starts taking a bunch of pics of strangers.

    Shew wanted him so bad, but she knew he was still in love with me. I can not imagine whipping out a camera were I am the guest of a friend and taking a bunch of photos of strangers.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Do you think this is weird?

    While my ex and I were separated but still living together for the sake of our daughter, this woman at work was chasing him (I've read her emails). Anyway, now we are back together but yesterday I found a bunch of pics she took of his family, who she had never met, at his nieces wedding. He introduced her as his friend and she pulls out a camera and starts taking a bunch of pics of strangers.

    Shew wanted him so bad, but she knew he was still in love with me. I can not imagine whipping out a camera were I am the guest of a friend and taking a bunch of photos of strangers.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think it is normal to go to a family function with someone you are friends w/ ben only and....?

    take a bunch of photos of his family that you don't even know. Would you bring a camera to the wedding of of people you don't even know.

    My ex just got back together but had stayed friends and raised my daughter together. I asked him just tell me the truth if he was seeing anyone. He was seeing her while we were living together for my daughters sake but eventfully he had to move out and SHE lent him the money to do it since it was what she had been shooting for.

    He says she chased him for a long time and he was lonely and gave in. There is evidence to support this from emails she wrote that I read.

    I am just wondering if she is some wacko for bringing the camera to a strangers wedding and taking a bunch of pics of people she did not know, just to feel closer to him. I just found them yesterday.

    He told me he went that event alone. (another lie) We were not technically together, but I have digressed. Would you bring a camera to an event full of people you have never met?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how I can find this video?

    I saw this video of a boy who was blindfolded doing an amazing martial arts demonstration. I think he was wearing blue or the mat or background was blue. He was awesome and I want to show the video to someone but I have tried every search I can think of and I can not find the video. I'd be very grateful for the help.

    4 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Why do Obama supporters assume that?

    anyone who doesn't like Obama is racist and/or Republican? I know lots of Dems who do not like him and it has nothing to do with racism.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do people want to be lied to???

    It seems to me that being open and honest does not work. I am that way and it seems to turn people away and yet I constantly hear /read about people who feel betrayed, i.e. lied to.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those mean honest people, I just tell the truth about myself. I am an imperfect human. Am I the only one?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is a crappy father better than no father at all?

    Please share your experience. My daughter's father is selfish, lazy, and pretty much like a child himself. He does not live with us anymore, but, he is such a bad example...

    Do I let her learn from him, or cut him out? Either way she suffers. Mean answers will be ignored!

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I am taking a poll...what would you do? Pleas read carefully, I tried to make it brief and quick so,?

    please forgive any grammer/spelling mistakes, and thanks for any thought out pragmatic answers, if I g

    I am attending School in the fall (older student) I NEED a roomate, been looking since May. Found one women that seemed great. Both single moms with kids the same age.

    We emailed a lot and talked on the phone and laughed and really hit it off

    There is more to the story, but the last I heard from her she sent me a short email on the 24th, said she was really busy packing and with child's end of year stuff. Said she would call the next day; did not.

    I have left her about 3 messages and 1 email asking to touch base, as I also have much to do to prepare for them coming.

    Since she has not returned my msgs I am getting concerned,

    Either she is way busier than I can understand (but can't take 5 min to call, or she is irresponsible???

    What do I do if she shows up on the 1st with all her stuff and I have lost a certain amount of trust at her reliability?

    What would you?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think Bill blew it for Hillary with his Jesse Jackson comments?

    For reference, I saw a black female pundit on Meet the Press this morning say that many blacks where for Hillary before that.

    Well that is not exactly what she said by kind of.

    I am still impressed with how well Hillary is doing considering I can not find a single news source that is fair to her, Except John McLaughlin. Even the NY Times who endorsed her give her a lot of negative press.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you think Bill blew it for Hillary with his Jesse Jackson comments?

    For reference, I saw a black female pundit on Meet the Press this morning say that many blacks where for Hillary before that.

    Well that is not exactly what she said by kind of.

    I am still impressed with how well Hillary is doing considering I can not find a single news source that is fair to her, Except John McLaughlin. Even the NY Times who endorsed her give her a lot of negative press.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago