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Is my brother a sociopath? I am worried.?
My Mom recently died in a multicar car crash on the freeway. My 15 year old brother now lives with his Dad and seems happier than ever. My brother does not seem to be affected at all by the death of my mom. (I know that doesn't necessarily mean he's not) but he hasn't cried & has made concerning remarks..."Like wouldn't that be funny if her teeth were all ruined from the accident "and when I said mom will always be with you he replied " um she's dead" stuff like that. My mom did everything for him and never abused him. I don't understand the lack of emotion. Very worried.
6 AnswersMental Health6 years agoShould I offer my sympathies to the other families in the car accident?
My mother was recently killed in a car accident on the interstate driving home from Florida. She was driving for 10 hours before it happened and she crossed the median onto on coming traffic. She did not survive. 2 other drivers were injured and another driver was killed. So 2 injured and two killed including my mother. I am so crushed, my mom was only 52 and the other 3 women were about the same age. I was looking on the other victims facebook pages and I am so sad. I want to tell them how sorry I am but don't want to upset them because it was my mom who caused the accident. Should I reach out or no?
3 AnswersFamily7 years agoDoes my boyfriend still love his ex?
My boyfriend and I live together and have a child. We have been together for 5 years. I found out that he has never stopped talking to his ex. He texts, calls or emails her literally everyday and hasn't missed a day in years! What I am saying is has talked to her every single day ever since we started seeing each other. Some emails say he loves her so much, misses her, wants her , they talk about so much, and still see each other. What should I do? I am in complete shock. Does he love her? Or me? What should I do? This is very serious. Help.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI 'm confused... Why didn't he say " I love you" back?
My ex has said " I love you" numerous times to me. We have been broken up for a long time like 5 years ago, but still talk everyday. He just recently emailed me the other day saying He loves me. Today I emailed him and said it and he responded with mmmmmm :) . WTF is that about?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow do I become less available?
Me and me ex are friends and we seriously talk to each other all day everyday. While we are at work we text or email then after work he'll usually call me or tell me to call him. We both do not want to get back together we each have new relationships. I still love him and he says he still loves me. We have been friends now for 3-4 years. Sometimes we hang out too but lately he doesn't ask me as much. Miss him a lot. How do I become less available without being too obvious or backing off completely if our norm is to text everyday? I guess I want him to ask to hang out soon. The last time I initiated and he said he was busy that weekend.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoDoes he love her or ex girlfriend?
My Guy lives with me for 4 years and we gave a baby... We are not married and he sees his ex frequently and calls her and texts her like everyday... He also texted her that he loves her so much.... ( she is married) what should I do? He doesn't know I found texts.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy would a guy have a baby with live in girlfriend but not want to get married?
Does he love her?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoIs my ex bf trying to make me jealous?
He texted me telling me he is at this restaurant/bar. One that him and I would always have fun going to. Is he trying to make me jealous ? Or why does he do that?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoGuys-Why can't my ex let go? Does he love me?
My ex and I dated a few years. Broke up 5 years ago and never stopped communicating. We are both with new people and in serious relationships but we still continue to talk everyday via text or phone. Once a month or so we meet up during the day for lunch or a drink. He tells me he still loves me and misses me. I don't know anyone who has been in this situation . Does he really love me?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoDoes my Boyfriend still love his ex?
My boyfriend and I have been going together for 4 years. We live together and have a 6 month old baby. I recently found out he has been talking to his ex gf the whole time we have been together. I found a whole bunch of pictures and emails... Some texts say that he loves her so much, some say he can't stop thinking about her, some are sexual. I even found one that said the worst regret he will ever have is leaving her. I am so confused and hurt. I had no idea... I thought he loved me... Does he still love her or if not why would he say those things to her ? I also found out she may be in a committed relationship too... Is he just with me cause he can't have her?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoDoes he love his ex girlfriend?
If a guy has been cheating on his girlfriend with his ex for 5 years, pretty much ever since he got into the relationship do you think he still loves the ex or has feelings? do you think he loves the live in girlfriend? They also text each other almost every day, talk on the phone once in a while and meet up sometimes for drinks after work.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy does my ex boyfriend want to stay in contact/be friends when he is in a serious relationship?
My ex still wants to talk to me everyday. We don't have sex and rarely hang out. He says he still loves me but is in a serious long term relationship and has a new baby and I am getting engaged. We have been broken up for 5 years . He treated me like crap when we were a couple years ago and chose to not get back together when the opportunity was there. He choose this other girl even though he knew I wanted him back. He says he wants me to be happy. I think that's a load of crap but really why hang on? I am moved on now and supposivly he is too but he can't let go of me. Why ?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoI told my ex I will never trust him again and that I feel for anybody who does. Should I regret saying that?
My ex broke up with my ex in 2008 for lying and cheating. We cut contact for a while and started talking again but never officially got back together. Ever since we have remained in contact and text almost every day for the past 5 years. We hang out about once a month and always have fun.. Found out in 2010 that he had a girlfriend and was also living with her and he never told me . i found out on my own. he slept with me when he was with her. He also made it clear he wanted to continue to after i found out. Told him I never wanted to see or talk to him again. Then i began a new relationship sometime after that and not long after he texted me he will always love me and misses what we had. So we start talking again. Then I find out just recently he was lying to me again and his girlfriend and him had a baby! He said it was just hard to tell me. He knows I am engaged and not going back to him. But we were supposed to be friends and now i cant even trust him on that level. I finally told him I can't do this anymore. Told him i will never trust him again. Did I do the right thing? And why would a guy do this?
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoPeople are RSVP "ing" with more guests. What to do?
I only used outter envelopes. My one example was my finances friends parents... I addressed their envelope Mr. And Mrs. John Smith and they put 4 people attending . It was only intended for them not their other 2 kids in the house. What should I do? I am thinking I may have a problem . I addressed the envelopes to the Mr and mrs and people are including their kids! I was told I did address the envelope correctly considering I didn't use an inner one.
2 AnswersEntertaining8 years agoI told my ex bf I don't want to talk anymore. Did I do the right thing?
My ex broke up with my ex in 2008 for lying and cheating. We cut contact for a while and started talking again but never officially got back together. Ever since we have remained in contact and text almost every day for the past 5 years. We have hung out maybe 6 times a year. Always have fun. Sometimes sexual. Found out in 2010 that he was living with his girlfriend and never told me. Cheated on her with me. Told him I never wanted to see or talk to him again. Then began a new relationship sometime after that he texted me he will always love me and misses what we had. So we start talking again. Then I find out just recently he was lying to me and his girlfriend and him had a baby. He said it was just hard to tell me. He knows I am engaged and not going back to him. I finally told him I can't do this anymore. Feel like I lost a friend but then again he was just lying to me for years. What for?
5 AnswersFriends8 years agoMy ex and I have texted or talked almost everyday since we broke up 5 yrs ago. We both r with new people.?
Any thoughts? Why is this?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoGuys... Why would a guy text or call ex everyday for years when they both have somebody new?
My ex either texts or calls me everyday. We broke up 5 years ago and have communicated everyday since. I have someone and he does too. Isn't this odd? Why is he holding on? There is no going back, we both have been in our new relationships for a few years.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy does my boyfriend talk to his ex everyday?
They have been broken up for 5 years, and text or talk every single day...I have been with him for 4 years now . She also has a boyfriend .
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoMy ex boyfriend and I passionately kissed, should I forget about it?
We broke up 3 years ago, dated for 2 years, but still talk all the time. He has a girlfriend of 1 year and I have a boyfriend of one year as well. When we talk, sometimes he says he still loves me and always will. He has told me that he regrets the past and thinks about me all the time, he says I am so special to him and never missed anyone so much. Recently, he asked me to lunch and we met. haven't seen him in over a year. When we were leaving we said goodbye and mutually kissed passionately for a long while. I do admit I still care for him, but would never leave my current boyfriend for him. I love my boyfriend. Don't know why I allowed this to happen, but I kissing him. It felt so good. I have been thinking about it and so has he. I know we will not get back together. Any opinions on this? Has anyone been in this situation. BTW I am 31 and he is 35.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago