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  • Good air conditioners for horizontal sliding windows?

    I have a siding window in a room but I don't have an ac so I was wondering what ac I can get under $200 that I can use to put it on the horizontal sliding window. Or if you know any good floor air conditioners that would be nice too.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling3 years ago
  • Is Boston racist?

    I'm a black male and i just found out that Boston has a rep of being a racist city and that's kinda disappoints and upsets me because I actually like Boston. Even though I live 30 minutes north away from it, I past by there pretty much every day and been walking downtown a lot, it's still where I mostly grew up and love the Patriots and Celtics. So to hear that Boston isn't friendly to people of color upsets me a little. But do you think Boston is racist? Why or why not? (Don't tell me racism happens everywhere because we already know that I'm talking strictly about Boston)

    3 AnswersGovernment3 years ago
  • My girlfriend doesn’t know if she wants children?

    I’m 21 and my girl is 23. She just finished college in December and she found work but she feels that she’ll probably change jobs in the future. She would to decide to get her masters later. I’m still in college in my third year. We talked about seeing a future and I’m pretty certain that I would want to have children in the future but she isn’t sure because she doesn’t know where she’ll be in life and having kids is a lot of responsibility. She said maybe in a few years it could change but now doesn’t know if she’ll have kids in the future. I was upset and kind of overreacting because we both love each other very much. So am I overreacting and is this normal for anyone at this point in their life, or is this a problem in our relationship?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • My girlfriend doesn’t have a big butt?

    My girl is beautiful and her butt isn’t that flat but it’s not big and every woman in her family has big butts. She doesn’t eat meat because it doesn’t make her stomach feel good. So I don’t know if eating anything else can make her gain butt. She’s active and she lost weight since the first time I’ve met her and she goes to the gym. But she really pay attention to her butt she just wants to be toned. But what should I do to persuade her of eating things except to help her grow her butt and how I can get over it?

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • I can't talk to attractive women?

    I'm 20 and I just suck at talking to women because I always feel that what I have to say won't be good enough to make her laugh, interested, or feel positive. Also I'm already 5'6 so that's screws me up even more with women since EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in the world wants a 6ft+ guy. All I can be focusing on is whether or not she's judging me on how weird I am or how stupid I look talking to her because I'm shy and the fact that my voice is deep is makes me self-conscious. No matter how hard I try I fail. It's getting annoying. Looks like all attractive women want are the loud, jerkish guys. There were times where attractive women found me attractive but then they just go ghost on me after awhile so it's I can't find one who is real and consistent. They are always ignoring me after awhile which also shows why I suck. Now this is making me think all women are the same. I'm not saying they should owe me or pity me bcause I'm genuine but they just want the loud, tall (6ft+) guys, and jerkish guys. I don't want to give up but I'm worried about my future with women because of my shyness. Should I call it quits?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I feel like a loser with women?

    I feel like a loser because I can't talk to women. Women expects men to say the right things and the fact that they hate shy guys because they think that they are awkward it makes me shutdown. If women are going to judge me because I'm shy then how can I be comfortable with them? I'm a good guy I ain't arrogant but I'm not as confident either because of these problems. I feel like if I was confident, girls would just laugh at me thinking that feel of crap. It's making me feel like I'll never get a woman. I'm short (5'6) and probably ugly and I'm introverted so I"M VERY SCREWED. I try to be funny at I fail so much. Whenever I do talk with women online or in person it may go well for sometime then after that thye lose interest and unmatch online or just ignore me in person. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to live my life anymore because I won't get a woman anyways along the way. I hit the gym, I play piano, and love sports. What should I do? Should I change completely like get height surgery, face surgery, and be an asshole?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Depressed looking at beautiful women?

    I'm 20 and i get depressed seeing beautiful women because whenever I do see them it makes me believe that I won't ever have a beautiful girlfriend or beautiful wife. Since women expect a guy to be funny and say the right things to make them interested in him that's even more added pressure on me to act a certain way to beautiful women. I don't want to settle for an ugly girl because why would I do that? I just feel like I'm an ugly fool even though I work hard in school, study business in college, play he piano, go to the gym, and a genuine guy but I don't want a girl to like me for my money in the future. I want a girl that likes me for me but I have this negative mindset that I won't get a beautiful woman in my life and even though it's a treat to look at them, I also believe I won't be able to have the "game" to get a beautiful woman and it makes me depressed. What should I do to change my mindset?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I give up because I'm too socially awkward for a girlfriend?

    I'm 20 and in college and I'm too socially awkward. I fear that I will never be confident, cool, and outgoing. I'm an introvert and everyone hate introverted guys. Everytime I talk I feel like my voice is annoyingly deep and my anxiety shows which makes me even more awkward. I HATE IT!! So I feel like I'll never get a girlfriend, have a wife, and have a family. So I have to watch all my friends get girlfriends and get married while I'm still a bachelor. I know I'll never find the right girl for me because I'm too socially awkward and I get nervous when I talk to girls because I don't know what to say to them. I already talked to a counselor (therapist) but they don't do anything for me. I workout, study, study business, play piano, and everything so it's not like I don't have a hobbies but my Social awkwardness is holding me back socially and therefore I fell like it's pointless to change myself if I know women hate socially awkward guys. So should I give up? Why or why not?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I give up because I'm too socially awkward for a girlfriend?

    I'm 20 and in college and I'm too socially awkward. I fear that I will never be confident, cool, and outgoing. I'm an introvert and everyone hate introverted guys. Everytime I talk I feel like my voice is annoyingly deep and my anxiety shows which makes me even more awkward. I HATE IT!! So I feel like I'll never get a girlfriend, have a wife, and have a family. So I have to watch all my friends get girlfriends and get married while I'm still a bachelor. I know I'll never find the right girl for me because I'm too socially awkward and I get nervous when I talk to girls because I don't know what to say to them. I already talked to a counselor (therapist) but they don't do anything for me. I workout, study, study business, play piano, and everything so it's not like I don't have a hobbies but my Social awkwardness is holding me back socially and therefore I fell like it's pointless to change myself if I know women hate socially awkward guys. So should I give up? Why or why not?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I'm getting leg-extension surgery to please women?

    I'm 20 and I'm 5'6 and since every woman won't date a guy because of their height, I'll get leg-extension surgery to have better success with women. Good idea? Why?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Why does society want us to be a certain way?

    I'm 20 and in college and I feel like I'm a social outcast. Society today wants us to be these outgoing people that have a significant other, wants us to party all the time, get the hottest body, act cool (bad boy), be tall, and etc. I'm shy and not really a party-er yet that's what society wants. Since all the beautiful women are party-ers (I'm a guy) I feel like I won't get a girlfriend because I'm awkward. I'm also 5'6 so that's also a disadvantage. I know there's nothing wrong with me (other than me being shy) but when I can't connect with people I end up feeling there's really something wrong with me. But society wants us to us to be this prefect, outgoing, funny, tall, party-er, rich, etc. just to have friends and/or have a boyfriend/girlfriend and when there's someone doesn't have any of traits, society crucifies them so what are these people supposed to do? So society wants us to be clones? Society prohibits shy, quiet/awkward, short traits? Not all outcast people turn out to be psychopaths! this is why people have low self-esteem/confidence. What are your thoughts?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Are short shy guys destined to be alone forever?

    I’m 20 and 5’6/5’7 and I’m shy am I destined to be alone forever?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Should short guys give up on dating/life?

    I'm 5'6/5'7 but should short guys give up and women shouln't even bother to get to know them?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    I'm short and ugly and won't get a girlfriend? Agree?

    Be Honest! I'm a little shy but once people get to know me I'm genuine and friendly. I'm a musician (play the piano) and work out. But I don't think I get a girlfriend because of the notion of women that want the typical "dream" guy. (Jerk-ish, tall, loud, party-goer, semi-cocky, athlete)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago