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  • getting over my jerk (putting it lightly) of an ex..?

    Just under 10 months ago, my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me for another girl which left me devastated. Obviously its been a while now and I still miss him.

    The main problem with this is he still contacts me and not for a catch up. Its been more for sexual reasons. And like a fool, I give in.

    When I had found out he had cheated on me with this girl, I immediately ended contact by blocking him from everything. Unfortunately, after 2 months or so, he found a way through and we got talking again. This gave me hope that maybe he still felt for me.

    I know now he doesn't and probably never did. He wants me there for when she isn't, as she lives in another country.

    Still, no matter how hard I try. I lose my sense of dignity and power to forget him. I always know it would be wrong to get back together after all he done to me, but I can't help feel this way.

    I have lost friends over the way I am feeling.

    Is there any way or tactic to get over him? I know time heals all wounds, but there must be a faster process for someone who has waited long enough.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How would you Describe this hairstyle?

    Basically, I am having my haircut tomorrow and think this style would be perfect for me. I do usually bring the photo in and show the hairdressers, which I still will do. However, they usually get the idea wrong and assume its something else, which never looks the same.

    Is there a way to describe this style as well as showing them the picture?

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • How to get over a 'seeing eachother' relationship?

    I have been having problems with an ex boyfriend.

    We have still been seeing eachother because we have a little something for eachother. He has a few reasons why he can't be with me. One being that he might have feelings for his other ex that broke up with him. It's been a year and a half!!!!

    Any way, basically I have not have the courage to say to him that I can't bare to wait around anymore. Because I want him in my life and I don't want to go through the pain I did with my previous relationship

    He kept me waiting for a year and then said he had met somebody else. Which angers me if anything now.

    Anyway I have found so many messages from multiple girls that he likes them and such, and has met up with them. If he had feelings for his ex still, why would he be having multiple feelings for other girls as well as me!

    All I have done is take care of him and put up with stupid troubles that he somewhat has.

    He has been earning a lot of money doing what he loves and yet hardly any is spent on me. Only to drive me places and then a 9.99 t shirt. Ok it has been so nice of him, but he uses it as guilt trips.

    I cant speak about this with anyone i know because people take the wrong idea and get involved. I just want advice and a bit of help getting through it.

    How can I pluck up the courage to just say I can't see him anymore. Even though I know I still love him, it's obviously not right because I've been hurt a lot in this relationship

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I can't seem to keep a job..?

    Im 21 years old.

    I know that there is much trouble with the economy lately, but when I have been lucky enough to strike a job, I leave within the first month (at one time, I lasted one week!!) I just haven't been able to handle it and I dont know why.

    I sweat constantly, I can't talk to people, I throw up and I shake a lot. I don't know how to get over this problem.

    The most I have stayed in a job is 5 months! Which is absolutely ridiculous. It was a Christmas temp job anyway so there was nothing they could do.

    Anywho, I really need help on how to be okay with staying in one job. Help me get over these feelings. I also want to know if theres anything wrong with me mentally? If theres something I probably have that might be causing it.

    I would not be one to go on the dole because I wouldn't want to be one of those people in society, especially since I will be starting university in September.


    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • How do I package a helmet for a postage to an Ebay buyer?

    This is one of the first times I have sold a big item. I don't really know what package to go for as the ones I have bought have been too small. What size box/parcel would I go for exactly? PLEASE HELP!

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • I feel like I am less attractive to my boyfriend. How can I change this?? (more info..)?

    For a few months now things were slightly rocky with my boyfriend and I. Mostly because of university work piling on top of us. We are both in the same class so we can help one another.

    Anyway, while intercourse is concerned, I can't seem to make him *** inside of me. The only way I can is if we have foreplay. It makes him not want sex as much and creates this feel of unattraction I have with myself. It might not be me but it feels like it. He says that sometimes I feel 'loose' and 'too wet'.

    Is there a way I can become 'less wet' and make sex more excitable for him again?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the disorder called where you black out and become angry?

    I am doing a project on a short films called Blackout and I need the woman to have this disorder. I have heard it might be called Intermittent Explosive Disorder but Im not sure if that is the one. Please help! I need lots of research on it.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • How can I win a guys affections?

    Me and this guy from my university class basically got together a few months ago. We had both come out of serious relationships and weren't expecting to jump right into one again, so we just had fun. Unfortunately, I have been developing feelings for him and I would enjoy him being my boyfriend. He doesn't want that though, which is a shame. He always tells me he will find somebody else who will make him happy but why cant I be the one to make him happy?

    How can I win this guys affections? Not fall in love, because I know I'm not there. I just wish there could be a chance with both of us.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How much would a Shakespeare quote tattoo be? (UK £)?

    I was considering getting a Shakespeare quote tattooed on my left shoulder blade. The quote is from the Tempest when Prospero says:

    We are such stuff dreams are made on

    How much would this roughly cost?

    2 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How can I get my foundation perfect and to stay on?

    Usually when Im getting ready, I place a bit on so that my skin looks better. Im not covered in acne but I do have the occasional spot. It doesnt seem to hide them that well and the foundation doesnt look fantastic, or it comes off very quickly.

    I have tried placing it on with a brush but it didnt do the job very well. I used my hands but that makes very blotchy marks and even the sponges arent working either.

    What other ways are there to place the foundation on without it coming off quickly?

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • What is happening with my MSN password and how do I stop it?

    This has been happening this past few weeks now. I have had my password changed CONSTANTLY! At first I thought it was someone I knew but no one wouldve guessed the passwords I changed to. So it was impossible!

    It could have been a virus but my anti virus software cant seem to find anything wrong, so its hard to exactly get rid of it when I dont know its there. Ive had so many scans....

    Ive also deleted MSN then reinstalled, but nope, it happened again

    is there anything else I could do to resolve this problem? Fortunately I do know my secret question and i can change it back, but its getting ridiculous now..

    2 AnswersMSN1 decade ago
  • What applications can you get for the Blackberry?

    Okay, I got this BlackBerry Curve 8520 a little while ago and Im actually quite unsure on what applications I can get lol as, Im a little slow obviously. Does anyone know what particular ones (besides Facebook) what else I can get on there and possibly link me to a site that has information on it. As Ive tried looking for something but havent found anything.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How do I stop spiders from entering my bedroom?

    For some reason spiders mostly come into my bedroom. I do regularly clean it so its not like my room is full of cobwebs etcetc. I dont mind the regular spiders but the HUGE ones I get are terrifying. I want to know if there is anything that unattracts spiders from my room? I have heard conkers do the trick but is there anything else?

    I know they wont do me harm but that is why its called a phobia - an irrational fear so its not like I can control it. Theyre horrible things lol

    13 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • What can I do about this Debit card situation?

    So Ive been considering getting a Debit card as I would like to buy things online instead of lending my friends the money to place into their banks to do it, its too much hassle especially when I have to wait till they can.

    Anyway I am 19 so I should be able to but unfortunately when I was trying to make an account from online, it said i have to confirm that I am NOT a full time student and have a regular income or salary to pay in...I am going to be a full time student at university in September and I dont have a job at the moment, yet I am certain my friends have had a debit card being a full time student and not bringing in a regular income.

    So do you actually have to be at work and not be a student? because I am sure this has worked a different way for my friends.

    Im from the UK by the way..

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How come my laptop isn't recognising my new wire for my camcorder?

    I recently bought a wire for my camcorder so I could import videos to the laptop. This wire was quite hard to find as it is a USB connection even though my camcorder needed a Firewire, but my laptop did not have the right connection for that so I had to get the USB to camcorder connection instead

    (this wire has a IEEE 1394 connection on one side and a USB connection on the other)

    Anyway my laptop does not recognise the wire. a window pops up saying: USB device not recognised and explains that the device has 'malfunctioned' and windows does not recognise it.

    Is there anyone who knows what I should do for my laptop to recognise the wire?

    3 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • How did Eastenders know about Michael Jacksons death?

    When the Truman family were talking they were discussing Michael Jacksons death. This only happened yesterday but I heard Eastenders film 5 weeks before it is aired. They are too thick to be psychic (lol) so how did they do this?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • How do you write in 'Trending Topics' on Twitter?

    I just got twitter a few months ago and I still dont know how to write on Twitters 'Trending Topics'. Does anybody know how?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How to stop the nautious feeling? (again)?

    Ive been feeling so nausiated lately, its gotten to the point where i cant eat and if i do i throw it back up..not nice at all. Its been going on for a few months now and has mostly happened when im nervous or upset.

    I am tryin my best not to think about throwin up as this is obviously one of the reasons i am. How can i stop the nausiating feeling i have? what at leasts help my stomache rest?

    I have been to the doctors previously and said i had anxiety, he then sent me to a counsillor, this however hasnt helped with the throwing up.

    Im 18 and have been abit of a mess these past few months.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • how can i distract myself from anxiety?

    I have very bad anxiety problems. At this moment in time im worrying about everything and im feeling nautious, im shaking n sweating on my palms..

    I havent got any tablets to help at the moment, is there anything to help distract me. I cant help but cry wen this happens as i always hope that releases it..which in cases it has but only abit...

    So wot shud i do to distract myself? i cant go out as theres nothing to do outside, i need to do something that doesnt mean going outside lol

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you ever feel soo tired but you cant sleep?

    I do right now...

    wot the heck is wrong with me?! lol

    I just really dont want to go bed. But i can see my eyes ever so slightly startin to drift off..

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago