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  • Where can i buy an authentic print of Lord of the Rings?

    I was at the bookstore the other day and all I can find is that drivel that comes out based on the movies, I can't find the story as it was originally intended. There are several options online but i'm unsure through all the editions, revisions, anniversary specials, etc, which one is worth buying.

    Any opinions?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Can you help me remember the name of this low budget movie about an RPG game?

    I don't remember all the details, but it's basically a bunch of friends who set around (one of them owns a game store i think?) and they play this game that resembles dungeons and dragons. Eventually a girl joins them, and there's one guy whose character keeps dying in every possible way.

    It was low budget but extremely was on Netflix instant queue a while back, thats where I saw it, and im hoping to find more movies made by these guys.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why are BUNN Coffee makers so expensive?

    I was just at Wal-Mart looking for a new coffee maker (im not an avid drinker, just occasional, so i don't know the "lingo" yet.) and i saw a 12-cup coffee maker from BUNN for $99.00

    I bought a 12-cup coffee maker from GE for $19.99

    Whats the difference? Does BUNN have some kind of technological secret that makes heating up water some how better?

    After all, i don't see how you can get better coffee without better grounds. A coffee pot just heats water, no?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • why is excel not completing my equations?

    I am editing a spreadsheet at work that i created at home. They are both the same versions of Excel (2000). One of the equations is:


    Now, when im at home, and i hit enter after typing this in, the equation takes place, and the cell appears to be blank unless cell B17 has information in it - which is exactly how it is supposed to operate.

    When im at work - and i type in this SAME equation - and i hit ENTER - the cell appears with the equation as text. So instead of it being a blank cell, like it should be, it appears EXACTLY like this


    think about the rule where if you type a ' before any equation, it wont compute, it'll just display. Well that is the result that im getting, but i am not typing a ' before anything, i am literaelly typing


    I can copy/paste cells just fine and they work, but if i try editing the line, to make it look up a differetn cell (lets say, C17) and hit enter, it acts like it's stuck and refuses to calculate the equation.

    I have tried tools>options>calculations and it *IS* set to automatic

    This is VERY frustrating, does anyone have any help for me?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • my yamaha rx v545 is not outputting via HDMI, am i doing something wrong?

    i am running my xbox 360 INTO the receiver via component cables...the audio from the 360 is INPUT into the receiver via TOSLINK. Im running an HDMI cable from the receiver to the TV.

    I get sound just fine - but i get no video.

    The video from my DISH box works just fine - it is input via HDMI.

    This receiver says it can upconvert - so why is it not outputting EVERYTHING via hdmi output???

    3 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Where can i find compatible rear surround speakers for my Yamaha RX-V465 Receiver?

    this is a link to the receiver i have

    And what im looking for is a 5.1 speaker set that will be compatible with this reciever. The only catch is that the rear speakers need to be wireless. So im not really sure how to go about doing that.

    My idea was to buy the following:

    but this thing only has 1 TOSLINK input and 2 RCA inputs.

    My receiver does not have ANY TOSLINK outputs - and i think it'd be really dumb to use RCA cables to transmit the signal...i want the best signal possible...and RCA just won't deliver that.

    3 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • what is this lump on my face?

    I tried getting in to see a dermatologist, but they wanted $290 just to say hi...and that is a little out of my reach.

    A few notes about it:

    It's been there for a while

    hasn't grown (noticeably)

    It's not painful

    It feels semi-solid. It literally feels like a gigantic pimple, but as hard as i've tried, this stubborn thing will not pop!

    Any help identifying it will be tremendous...brownie points for anyone who could help me figure out how to get it to GO makes for HORRIBLE pictures :(

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • why does my xbox 360 not always sign me in automatically?

    like the title says

    sometimes when i turn on my signs me in automatically

    other times i have to manually login

    wtf gives?

    3 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • im having trouble with ventrilo...very very strange problems?

    I have my own ventrilo server.

    My friends and I use it to play WoW, Aion, etc, and as of the other day one of my friends is having a really weird problem. Of all the years we've used the same vent server, it's never given him this problem until the other day.

    When he tries to talk, all we can hear is a little background fuzz, the ventrilo beep, then nothing.

    If he holds down his button while one of us is talking, we can hear ourselves talking through his vent channel - but we cannot hear his phsyical voice.

    It's as if his computer is relaying back internal sounds through the recording and eliminating anything captured by the microphone.

    Has anyone else had this happen? If so - how to fix it?

    As i said, there were zero alternations to the server...nothing changed to his just started doing this out of the blue after a few years of never having done it before.

    VERY strange...

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • i want to learn how to use the bagpipes and i have a few questions...?

    First off, i know nothing about it. I've had quite a bit of experience on a clarinet and on a trombone...but none of them have ever quite captured my attention like bagpipes.

    As i've been googling around to try and learn more about them, all im confronted with are a lot more questions. For example -- i never knew there were different kinds of vs scottish vs a few others i remember glancing over.

    So question #1: What is your opinion on which is better? And please give examples why...there are no wrong answers IMO..i just want to know the pro's and con's of each "kind"

    Question #2: What is a good "brand" for a beginner? For example - i don't think someone starting out learning a violin would be justified in buying an original Stradivarius...but would not benefit from buying a wal-mart sweatshop version.

    Question #3: Are there really good resources to teach yourself? I can't really afford private lessons, so self-taught is really the only way i could see myself getting into this.

    Question #4: I don't expect to pick up my bagpipes and start making beautiful music...but that aside, how hard is the learning curve? For me, the clarinet was "easy" and the trombone took a LOT of work...what are some frustrations i can look forward to?

    And in closing - any other advice you can provide would be great...and if possible, include some really good sources. We all know how diluted the internet is with anything you're looking its hard for me to know what to type in so that i can find resources to learn :P (thank God for yahoo answers)

    Thanks in advance!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • are the photographs we see of space actual photo's or just artists renderings?

    For example:

    this shows a great picture of Neptune...but apparently taken in1989.

    This seems too vivid and clear to be a photograph taken in 1989 (in my opinion) and seems more like an artists interpretation of scientific data that may have been accumulated by instruments on voyager 2.

    This applies to many other photographs I've seen...particularly from hubble...some of the photo's there are just too clear and pristine for me to believe they're real photographs.

    For example the hubble deep field picture:

    It seems to me that looking back across hundreds of billions of miles in distance, that you would be looking through a proverbial "pin hole" and thus in order to capture a picture like this, there would have been zero obstruction between that pin hole, hubble, and the point in space of which this photo was captured.

    That seems highly unlikely given the known density of asteroids, rocks, planets, stars, etc etc etc, floating around in space spread across hundreds, if not billions, of billions of miles.

    Anyone shed some light on this?

    10 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Why is YA so nitpicky?

    I've seen answers to questions get removed that are in no way what so ever offensive, at least in a vulgar way.

    If someone asks a question like "What did you think of this country" and that person gives their opinion (without vulgarity) ....then in what way does some pompous YA official have the gull to remove that answer?

    I mean, okay, this service DOES belong to Yahoo...i get that completely. But it's like the United States boasting "Freedom of Speech" but then censoring everything you say.

    It's hypocritical.

    Anyone know someone who works for YA and can possibly shed some light on the situation?

    Or will my question get deleted because it hurt someone's feelings?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Questions for Magic: The Gagthering Online?

    I'm not sure why this question didn't post the first 2 times i tried posting, but 3rd time is a charm i guess. Here goes:

    1.) I know it costs $9.99 to start playing online, and there is no monthly fee. But do they also start you out with some cards? It would seem as they would because they sell them online for $3.99 (which is INCREDIBLE to me...but i really wanna play online, so i guess i have no choice)

    2.) Do they sell individual cards online? For specific deck construction choices.

    3.) Can you get physical copies of your digital cards? I would hope so if you're literally being charged the exact same price that a phsyical card costs.

    4.) Is there a considerable player base? I'd hate to sign up and have to wait forever for an opponent

    5.) Do they hold official sanctioned tournaments online? Just like you could go to a card shop and compete? Or is it setup differently?

    10 points to anyone who can provide those answers and anything additional i might need to know.


    2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Did "Friday the 13th" Ever explain where Jason got his immortality from?

    I realize there's a movie called "Jason goes to Hell" but im talking about the entire mythology. We've seen Jason take gun shots, axe shots, knife gouges, etc, but he just keeps on trucking.

    I've only seen the newest Friday the 13th in it's entirety, the other movies, i've only seen bits and pieces.

    Did he sell his soul, was he possessed? Etc...

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • why won't yahoo answers allow you to rate the stupidity of a question?

    There are some REAL doozies on this site. One question i just saw asked "how do i buy a car without any money while being unemployed"

    Are you serious?

    Like, that person should get a negative mark against their account for asking such a deliberately stupid question.

    That's like asking "how do i go to to moon without a rocket ship?"

    A.) Waste of 5 points

    B.) An intentionally trolling question with no intent other than to piss people off.

    Shouldn't that go against the TOS?

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • what ever happened to magic the gathering?

    I know it's still huge - million dollar empire - but you never hear people talking about it anymore? It's always "Yu-Gi-Oh" whcih totally escapes me as to why.

    Perhaps it's just my perceptions are off, but that game makes me cringe...mainly due to the cartoons or whatever, but it just doesn't seem to have the depth and sophistication of MTG.

    Is it just that people have become too dull to be able to follow MTG?

    6 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • how do people make their yahoo answers name look like shapes and images?

    take this guy for example;_ylt=Ahwv1zpiG...

    his name looks awesome ▐▀▀☟▀▀▌ ☞ⓑⓘⓛ☜ ▐▄▄☝▄▄▌

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • does having a child have to be expensive?

    im not talking about material things like diapers and formula

    im talking about the actual procedure. The doctors bill. I've heard so many "horror" stories about large doctor bills, and my wife's sister even had a $14,000 doctors bill sent to collections after giving birth to her child.

    My gut tells me there has to be an alternative. Something for people who don't get crazy every time their child has a cough, something reasonable for a rational person.

    If child birth has to cost $14,000 - then i guess my family name dies with me. Anyone have a GOOD experience in this area?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I can't remember the name of this book!?

    I read a book, a long time ago (mid 90's) about a kid who plays a computer game. Eventually - he becomes part of the computer game in order to help the characters out. The thing that sticks out in my mind about the book, in the computer game, the main characters make frequent references to the real world, as the "mundane world". I have searched high and low, and i cannot remember the name of this book. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago