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  • I'm on Zoloft/Sertraline. Does anyone else feel absolutely a w f u l?

    Very soon after taking my medication, I feel very, very, very depressed, sometimes even suicidal, break down, disassociate, and have panic attacks. I've been taking Sertraline/Zoloft for 10 months or more.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Should I crowdfund, save up, or look for programs that will get me money to move out of my abusive household?

    I'm a 19 year old who still lives with her parents due to cultural norms and lack of funds, but I really want to get out. I'm working and going to school, but I'm not paid much and I have my own bills to pay. So, I was wondering if there were any programs that help people like me. I'm considering crowdfunding, but I'd like to keep that option as a last resort.

    I don't have the money or resources to get out right now, so I'm hoping within the next two years to move out. I'd rather not use student housing because I have two siblings that I would like to be able to have with me without worrying about roommates getting annoyed. I've tried getting help from others multiple times to get my siblings and me out of our house, but obviously nothing has happened. Needless to say, I gave up on getting outside help.

    As it is, I don't think I can up and move both of my siblings as well as myself. Granted, I'll give my parents some leeway, as they're only emotionally/verbally abusive now and they're working on it, but I really don't want to stay in this house longer than I have to. I'd like to have a place that my siblings can stay when they can't bear it anymore.

    So, based on your perception of this situation, should I save up money to move, start a crowd fundraiser, or look for programs that can help people like me?

    1 AnswerFamily5 years ago