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im grieving bad :'( help please?
this time last year was the worst time for myself and my family. I was losing my grandmother.
I've never cried so much lately, Ive been crying everyday, nearly all day.
I feel lost, weak, hopeless, and i feel so angryy and frustrated, i dont want to eat, i cant drink
I sleep nearly all day to escape from my feelings. I feel like i'm in a lot of pain deep down.
It's like i just want to wake up from this nightmare, but i cant!
i feel confused, and i missing my grandmother so much!!
i don't know what to do anymore, i'm 18 and i feel like giving up with everything, and just sit in the corner and try and forget the world
any suggestions what i can do?
thank you
p.s i dont feel suicidal
5 AnswersMental Health9 years agoBurnt hand now i have very bad pains.. HELP?
today i burnt my hand on boiling water, (Basically the entire hand, besides the fingers) It was definitly burning and stinging when it happend, my arm, from elbow to my wrist felt numb and tingly.
Now 3 hours later, my hand and arm are in a lot of pain.. ( ive burnt myself many times in the past, but not like this and ive never had this much pain with it)
my arm hurts to move
I am not blistering or anything, but it still feels very hot
what can i do?
thank you in adv
p.s i ran my hand under cold water, plus added ice, i then put this burn gel on and places a gauze on till the gel dried.
2 AnswersInjuries9 years agoI'm too scared to sleep now! Help?
I've been having nightmares for a week now, each night!
It's come to the point like tonight where I don't want to fall asleep! I'm so scared that I'm almost in tears! In 18 years old and don't know what to do. I'm very tired and is trying anything to just stay awake it's 4:30am now
My nightmares have been
- being burnt in fires and cannot put them out
- seeing car accidents and death
- falling elevator I was in
Like those! And heaps more but they are blank to me now
I Dono anymore... Help me please :(
3 AnswersMental Health9 years agoim 18 and need a walking stick, advice please?
hello everyone
firstly i am 18 years old and i have just been told by the dr i may have sciatica.
I have REALLY unbearable back, leg and stomach pain that makes it very very difficult for me to even walk.
My grandmother had a walking stick but because of our loss we now have it with us, and i thought maybe it may help me.. so i used it a bit walking at home and i found it to help ease the pain while i walk..
Now im 18.. with a walking stick... isnt that weird???
I have school tomorrow, and i must go! but i dono if i should take it with me or leave it at home and just hobble along.. because i dont want to be made fun of..
please give me advice and help me...
im also embarrassed of using it in the shops because of people... because hey, im 18. and walking sticks are meant to be for the elder.. -.-"""
just give me advice on what i should do..
thanks :(
Other - Health9 years agoWhat is wrong with me, im freaking out! help please?
it's been a month now that i've had this right side abdominal pain and right lower back pain.
in the beggining i was rubbing my stomach and i felt a lump near my belly button on the right, a week later it went away and then the pain occured
the pain is like a stabbing, tearing sensation... it's come to the point where i can barley even walk.
I've had
- urine test
- x-rays
- ultrasound
- CT scan
and it came back that i have no kidney or UTI infection
everything is clear, But i do have facel loading ( constipation) but that was months ago i was diagnosed with very bad constipation but not its only mild
I dont know what to do anymore, the pains are just getting worse.
My urine tonight is also warm like very very warm.
I'm really worried and im practically in tears cause i dont know what's wrong, mum wants to take me to the emergency but i feel embarrassed for the reason.. (not thinking its emergency material enough)
Guys help, do you have any idea what it could be?
2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years agoWhat is going on with my health? anyone know what this could be?
okay, so right now im worried because i was feeling my stomach and i found a lump in the center just above my belly button, ive never felt it there before, its hard and its a tablespoon size.
Lately i have had no appetite at all, but ive been hungry, i'd eat cause ill feel sick, but i can only eat such a little amount before i feel so full and bloated. ( like 2 bites of a sandwhich and im extremly full)
i've also been getting a lot of back and stomach pains, and my neck hurts too.
right now my chest area is really sore
i was diagnosed with severe constipation ( i know right) but it's gotten better, and my doctor said if im not careful i could get bowel cancer, but ive been eating well and ive been going regular.
I just dont know what this could be, im worried. and im only 18 years old..
Help please.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agoPlease tell me your opinions!?
we talk everyday,
he used to be sometimes very nervous when he was around me, his friends would tease him etc.
but these past few days it's been a bit more...intimate. My friends and others in my year, are all thinking we are dating by the way people notice our smiles when we are with each other and were being all close.
The other day, he hugged me, he ran up and grabbed me really tight and even lifted me up off my feet.
he's been more close around me, like he'll come up to me and stand really close,
he teases me a lot.
stares at me when we are at the opposite side of the room, before we used to quickly look away, but now we sorta linger the stare.
but today
im like where were you?
he goes, i was with your boyfriend!!
im like what boyfriend?
he goes you have a boyfriend!
im like no i dont!
he kept saying i do, i do i do. But i DONT and i told him i dont
and he looked really upset asking me! i said, what you jealous ?
he says no really soft but angry. and confused
then after we stopped talking for a while then he came up to me all smiley and he seemed happier.
why did he do that? that really upset me, my friend was comforting me because of his tone, and i knew he wasnt happy.
does he like me or not?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHelp, health problem, what is it?
okay, so right now im worried because i was feeling my stomach and i found a lump in the center just above my belly button, ive never felt it there before, its hard and its a tablespoon size.
Lately i have had no appetite at all, but ive been hungry, i'd eat cause ill feel sick, but i can only eat such a little amount before i feel so full and bloated. ( like 2 bites of a sandwhich and im extremly full)
i've also been getting a lot of back and stomach pains, and my neck hurts too.
right now my chest area is really sore
i was diagnosed with severe constipation ( i know right) but it's gotten better, and my doctor said if im not careful i could get bowel cancer, but ive been eating well and ive been going regular.
I just dont know what this could be, im worried. and im only 18 years old..
Help please.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years agoWhat is going on with me HELP!?
okay, so right now im worried because i was feeling my stomach and i found a lump in the center just above my belly button, ive never felt it there before, its hard and its a tablespoon size.
Lately i have had no appetite at all, but ive been hungry, i'd eat cause ill feel sick, but i can only eat such a little amount before i feel so full and bloated. ( like 2 bites of a sandwhich and im extremly full)
i've also been getting a lot of back and stomach pains, and my neck hurts too.
right now my chest area is really sore
i was diagnosed with severe constipation ( i know right) but it's gotten better, and my doctor said if im not careful i could get bowel cancer, but ive been eating well and ive been going regular.
I just dont know what this could be, im worried. and im only 18 years old..
Help please.
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoIs he Interested In me or not? help please :(?
we talk everyday,
he used to be sometimes very nervous when he was around me, his friends would tease him etc.
but these past few days it's been a bit more...intimate. My friends and others in my year, are all thinking we are dating by the way people notice our smiles when we are with each other and were being all close.
The other day, he hugged me, he ran up and grabbed me really tight and even lifted me up off my feet.
he's been more close around me, like he'll come up to me and stand really close,
he teases me a lot.
stares at me when we are at the opposite side of the room, before we used to quickly look away, but now we sorta linger the stare.
but today
im like where were you?
he goes, i was with your boyfriend!!
im like what boyfriend?
he goes you have a boyfriend!
im like no i dont!
he kept saying i do, i do i do. But i DONT and i told him i dont
and he looked really upset asking me! i said, what you jealous ?
he says no really soft but angry. and confused
then after we stopped talking for a while then he came up to me all smiley and he seemed happier.
why did he do that? that really upset me, my friend was comforting me because of his tone, and i knew he wasnt happy.
does he like me or not?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agois he interested in me or not?
i dont know whether he is interested in my or im just reading to much into it, id appreciate your help and honest opinions and advice
okay lets get started.
. he is in my senior year, this is our last year and basically we talk everyday,
he used to be sometimes very nervous when he was around me, his friends would tease him etc.
but these past few days it's been a bit more...intimate. My friends and others in my year, are all thinking we are dating by the way people notice our smiles when we are with each other and were being all close.
The other day, he hugged me, he ran up and grabbed me really tight and even lifted me up off my feet.
he's been more close around me, like he'll come up to me and stand really close,
he teases me a lot.
stares at me when we are at the opposite side of the room, before we used to quickly look away, but now we sorta linger the stare.
but today!
im like where were you?
he goes, i was with your boyfriend!!
im like what boyfriend?
he goes you have a boyfriend!
im like no i dont!
he kept saying i do, i do i do. But i DONT and i told him i dont
and he looked really upset asking me!
but i dont and i said, what you jealous ?
he says no really soft but angry. and confused
then after we stopped talking for a while then he came up to me all smiley and he seemed happier.
why did he do that? that really upset me, my friend was comforting me because of his tone, and i knew he wasnt happy.
and does he like me or not?
thankyou xoxx
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agounsure whether to ask Student teacher out or not? help?
Hello, Im 18 and i have 2 months left until i gradutate high school.
There is this Student teacher, he doesnt teach he just observes the class, who i am starting to like, he is 21. He shows interest in me, he picks me out of a crowed and will talk to me for awhile, i catch him staring at me a lot, and gives me a cute nervous smile.
I want to ask him out, should i? am i allowed?
how should i do it?
i feel that ive let guys go in the past by not asking them out, but this one i just dont want to miss an opportunity.
can you give me advice, opinions?
please and thankyou
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoIm so unsure, if i should ask him out or not? advice?
Hello, Im 18 and i have 2 months left until i gradutate high school.
There is this Student teacher, he doesnt teach he just observes the class, who i am starting to like, he is 21. He shows interest in me, he picks me out of a crowed and will talk to me for awhile, i catch him staring at me a lot, and gives me a cute nervous smile.
I want to ask him out, should i? am i allowed?
how should i do it?
i feel that ive let guys go in the past by not asking them out, but this one i just dont want to miss an opportunity.
can you give me advice, opinions?
please and thankyou
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoPOLL: when i guy/girl wants you to be jealous? does this...?
Do you find it a turn off when a guy/girl tries to get you jealous?
i do, especially when he is being a total A$$ about it. I actually stopped liking this guy because he tried so hard to get me jealous, it wasnt even cute. He would grab a girl when ill be near and hug her and look at me like you jealous? He likes me i know, but i found that a total turn off.
(but it's not okay when he gets jealous because another guy hugs me, and i dont even try to get him jealous ahh annoying)
what about you guys/girls?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years agoNo idea if he likes me or not, confused! opinions please?
There is this guy who i am just so confused if he likes me or not.
the other day we sorta hung out all day, but here is the thing, one minute he would be all normal and then one minute he would act shy ,nervous and scared, and wont talk to me,
this is what confused me, why did he do that? does he not like me?
He would treat me like in the only one around, he looks deep into my eyes when we talk or just look at each other,
he hugs me when i need a hug
I catch him staring at me A LOT!
he teases me a lot,
But the thing about the other day was how he kept changing into normal sweet, then BOOM! nervous and scared and like we dont know each other.
can you tell me why?
does he like me
or not
opinions, advice.
this hurt me because i sorta like him! But i want your honest opinions! thankyouu
7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoDoes he Like me or not? Opinions pleaseee?
hi, it's a guy in my year and i just want your honest opinions if you think he likes me or not.
Firstly he confuses me, He will act all shy and be scared to talk to me, but once i start talking to him he sorta gets more comfortable and we act normally.
. I notice him looking at me a lot. If im in a crowd and i look at him he will be looking at me.
. he smiles at me a lot,
. when we sat next to each other, everytime our legs touched he would be very quick to pull away, (i guess i was too) but yea. BUT when we were standing, i had my back leaning on his stomach and he just held me.
. he teases me a lot! and when i act all angry and upset he is all like, oh oh im so sorry.
. i noticed when other guys were looking at me and i looked at him he was giving them evil eyes.
. He hugged me out of nowhere once, he says to me give me a hug and pulled me real tight to him.
. He looks me in the eyes, when we talk. He leans in.
. Sometimes we just look each other in the eyes for awhile, and we just smile at each other.
PLEASE be honest
thankyou. xx
5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoAdvice/Opinions. DO you think he likes me or not?
A guy named Tom in my senior year... i would like to know what you guys think, if he likes me or not.
my friends tell me he does because
* yesterday when i was walking my friend noticed Tom was watching me, and she noticed he told his friend to move so he could see me, then he said something to his friend and his friend looked at me and my friend told me that Tom kept glancing up at me...
* i notice he looks at me during class. When we both catch each other looking, he locks his eyes onto mine and has that cute little smile
* He got jealous when he saw me checking out other guys, he was like well im looking at other girls! haha
*he is always smiling when im near
*i notice he walks past me like on purpose. and i see his friends smiling crazily
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoDo you think he likes me? advice/opinions please?
A guy named Tom in my senior year... i would like to know what you guys think, if he likes me or not.
my friends tell me he does because
* yesterday when i was walking my friend noticed Tom was watching me, and she noticed he told his friend to move so he could see me, then he said something to his friend and his friend looked at me and my friend told me that Tom kept glancing up at me...
* i notice he looks at me during class. When we both catch each other looking, he locks his eyes onto mine and has that cute little smile
* He got jealous when he saw me checking out other guys, he was like well im looking at other girls! haha
*he is always smiling when im near
*i notice he walks past me like on purpose. and i see his friends smiling crazily
* We do talk.
do you think he does or not?
and i have no idea if i like him, im confused about my feelings towards him. I feel like i dont want to like him, but i may like him. I DONO haha.
and im not going to ask him out.
but i would give him a chance if he asked me out.
and if he likes me why doesnt he ask me out?
thankyou in advanced
take care xx
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoi really need advice and opinions PLEASE!?
when we are in class or out in the playground, and we arnt near each other, Eg other side of the room, i catch him starring at me, He smiles when i smile.
when i have to sit near him or vise versa, He acts happy but nervous, and sometimes even goes red in the face. Like during assembly, teach told him to sit near me cause of alphabetical order -.-" and my friend noticed that he came to me then ran back to his friend, and his friend was laughing and giggling at him. ( he did sit next to me eventually though)
but then yesterday happend, And we talked like A LOT! more than usual. In one class i asked him to stand infront of me because my friend being silly wanted to throw a pencil at me . and he was facing me, and we had a little cute eye contact going on, like he had a little smile on his face.
Then my last class, it was just 3 of us, him and i, were talking a lot, we sat next to each other, . We were acting like REAL FRIENDS, and i starting thinking maybe he doesnt like me in the way i thought he does.
and then when i had to do my speech, While i was reading it, i looked at him. and he was looking at me, like he was admiring me, and i felt like a sweet vibe of it.
and in the end we hugged, I rememeber the first time we ever hugged, He literally ran into my arms, and pulled me really close and tight to him, with a big grin on his face...
please be honesttttt! thankyou
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoDoes he like me or not, Im so confused now, HELP PLEASE?
when we are in class or out in the playground, and we arnt near each other, Eg other side of the room, i catch him starring at me, He smiles when i smile.
when i have to sit near him or vise versa, He acts happy but nervous, and sometimes even goes red in the face. Like during assembly, teach told him to sit near me cause of alphabetical order -.-" and my friend noticed that he came to me then ran back to his friend, and his friend was laughing and giggling at him. ( he did sit next to me eventually though)
but then yesterday happend, And we talked like A LOT! more than usual. In one class i asked him to stand infront of me because my friend being silly wanted to throw a pencil at me . and he was facing me, and we had a little cute eye contact going on, like he had a little smile on his face.
Then my last class, it was just 3 of us, him and i, were talking a lot, we sat next to each other, . We were acting like REAL FRIENDS, and i starting thinking maybe he doesnt like me in the way i thought he does.
and then when i had to do my speech, While i was reading it, i looked at him. and he was looking at me, like he was admiring me, and i felt like a sweet vibe of it.
and in the end we hugged, I rememeber the first time we ever hugged, He literally ran into my arms, and pulled me really close and tight to him, with a big grin on his face...
SOO i know its long, but i hope you read it, and can tell me your HONEST opinion, i would like to know! im so confused. And i think i like him, but i dont know, Because if he doesnt then i dont want too haha.
HELP please! be honest
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago