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Retired RN - Grad '85. Worked as Staff Nurse in 3 hospital on Medical/Surgical/Oncology Floors with short stint in ICU/CCU. Just retired my license in 2009, which I really hated. I have been really surprised at how many "life experiences" that I have been able to share here which have been of value to others.

  • Who determines your present medical care?

    In the US, we are presently debating and trying to get a new/better (or whatever you want to call it) Health Care Bill passed. My question for you now is, at present when you go to the doctor and need medical care that may involve a variety of test done, who determines the test you will get? Explain your answer as it relates to the present Health Care Debate.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who actually determines your present medical care?

    In the US, we are presently debating and trying to get a new/better (or whatever you want to call it) Health Care Bill passed. My question for you now is, at present when you go to the doctor and need medical care that may involve a variety of test done, who determines the test you will get? Explain your answer as it relates to the present Health Care Debate.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Why is it that there always has to be a conspiracy to created a conspiracy on something or another?

    If there isn't a conspiracy as the latest topic today it sure seems that someone is sure to come up with something that they can say "It's a conspiracy!" Are we really all that paranoid? Media, medication, this and that. Blah, blah, blah.

    Jeez and I thought I didn't have a life! lol (I cut off my TV when I don't like what's on, and I argue with docs and insurance companies all the time.) Guess I do have a life. ;-p

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago