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Lv 42,501 points

Robert Batley

Favorite Answers13%
  • Is anyone having a problem with the font used on web pages on google chrome?

    This happened a few days ago for me, and pretty much all web pages have the same text font. Is there any way to revert the change?

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago
  • Renting a TV season on Amazon instant video?

    I'm looking to rent a season of a TV show on amazon, and I'm curious as to how it works. When does it take the money away, and how long do will I have to watch all the episodes?

    1 AnswerDrama7 years ago
  • How does a TV network suffer from people pirating their shows?

    I'm mainly curious about US TV shows. Do they lose money or something? I mean, if people are watching something like Game of Thrones online, how does this impact the company? What disadvantages are there?

    3 AnswersOther - Television7 years ago
  • Do you hate it when youtube channels ask you to subscribe?

    Almost every channel I have seen tell sme to subscribe, either from the voice I can hear, or text/annotations appearing on screen telling me to do so.

    Does anyone else think this is stupid, and also a bit insulting considering the fact we know where the subscribe button is?

    Best answer gets 10 points.

    2 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Why do youtubers ask you to subscribe...?

    Why do those that upload videos ask you to subscribe when it doesn't really benefit themselves? If I were to subscribe to Channel X, I only receive an email to say when they have uploaded a video, so why must keep plastering or saying 'SUBSCRIBE NOW' everywhere? They act like we don't know this option exists. Thoughts?

    2 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • How would you plan WB/DC's films for 2016-2021?

    Purely for our own speculation, how would you plan out WB's future slate of DC adaptations? We all know they don't really have any proper, clear plan for their characters, so how would you put it?

    There are a few rules, and they are:

    1. 1 film for each year, except for 2021 which can have 2.

    2. 2016's film is the Batman/Superman film. No changing!

    3. Justice League has to be in there somewhere.

    The best plan gets 10 points!

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Which superheroes from the MCU do you want to see team up in a film that isn't an Avengers installment?

    Because all we've had so far is Captain America and Black Widow. Surely I speak for others when we'd like to see other people pair up as well? Personally, I'd like to see Tony Stark and Bruce Banner team up at some point, but I'm not sure if Downey Jr. will return for another solo outing.

    What would you guys like to see out of the following people to join forces in a non-Avengers film? The choices are:

    Iron Man

    The Hulk

    Captain America

    War Machine


    Scarlet Witch



    The Warriors Three

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Why do people hate the idea of a black Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot?

    I don't really understand the fuss about it. And there's nothing new-these casting decisions have happened before:

    .The Kingpin was black in the Daredevil film.

    .Heimdall was white and is played by Idris Elba in Thor.

    .While not a big character, Agent Sitwell is played by Maximiliano Hernandez.

    .Harvey Dent was black in Batman.

    .Perry White was played by Laurence Fishburne in Man of Steel.

    .Jamie Foxx plays Electro.

    So I ask, what is the problem with this? All it seems to me is a case of 'same old casting choices'. Your thoughts? Best answer gets 10 points.

    9 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Question about Agents of SHIELD and the MCU...?

    OK, so I've asked this somewhere before, but I didn't get an answer I was hoping for.

    So Agents of SHIELD acknowledges that is part of the same story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is a TV series that says the events of the MCU are happening around it.

    Does this mean the same for the films, as well? Are the events of the TV series canon to the films? Because I thought that if you were to see the films, you don't have to see the TV series as well because the TV show isn't compulsory to watch alongside the films. I mean, will we expect the characters from Agents of SHIELD to appear in the films? Because that'd be confusing for anyone who only watches the films.

    Can anybody help me out?

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Does anyone hate the new disqus voting system has changed?

    They have removed how many downvotes it says there is on the comment someone has posted. For example, instead of the red down arrow and the 50 (which ment 50 people had downvoted), it's just a red arrow.

    The disqus page says the following:

    "In the spirit of keeping communities positive, we only show people who have upvoted a comment."

    Does anyone feel this is crap? While people giving a negative score can be annoying sometimes, I like statistics and the fact only the positive votes are shown seems to be censoring criticism. I mean, youtube may as well do away with thumbs down to try and have a positive atmosphere. What do you guys think of this change?

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How would you actually rate the Star Wars films?

    I ask this to all Star Wars fans, and I want you to think fairly and also consider other aspects like script/direction/acting. You always see many people bashing the prequels, and also sometimes ROTJ because of the Ewoks among other things. I won't add my thoughts as that might influence the ratings, but go ahead and give me your official thoughts. To get the best idea of what you guys think, use a scale of 1-10, bearing in mind that might this also equates to the 5-star rating as well, e.g. 9-10/10 is 5 stars, 7-8/10 is 4 etc.

    Best answer gets 10 points!

    7 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What albums can you listen to all the way through and not a single bad track?

    Especially on repeat listening, regardless of genre?

    For me, it's Demon Days, Late Registration, Hybrid Theory and Reanimation. What about you guys? Best answer gets a hand-picked 10 points!

    8 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • Current male black singers (not rappers)? (READ DESCRIPTION)?

    Are there any male black rappers around (since 5 years ago-recently) in the music industry? It seems rapping is what most black men are known for in music. The only people I can think of are Aloe Blacc and maybe Ne-Yo. 10 points to best answer!

    5 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • After how many paragraphs is TL; DR warranted?

    The old 'Too long; didn't read' slang. When is it best to use it? I'd think maybe 7-9? What do you guys think? 10 points to the most reasonable answer.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Films where the President of the US dies?

    Can someone tell me of any films where the POTUs dies? Besides 2012. They hardly ever seem to kick the bucket.

    4 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What is the difference between basic cable in terms of content (Say, like AMC and HBO)?

    I ask this as a UK resident. I watch The Walking Dead on channel5/5star and they show all the violence + unedited swearing, and I hear AMC bleeps out the profanity? Is this a common practice for AMC? Because shows from HBO (True Blood, The Sopranos) show sex, nudity, language.

    Although they do want to show drug dealing as well, so do they not allow creators to touch the sexual stuff with a 10 foot pole?

    So do basic cable services have more standards or control in terms of the aforementioned content?

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • Your opinion on trick or treating...?

    Do you think it's pointless? I mean, some families are strapped for cash nowadays, and people expect them to buy sweets/candy so they can give it away for free to spoiled, greedy children/teens.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Does this microsoft office item expire?

    Is it limited use (like a year or something?), or is it permanent?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago