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  • Need a shirt - must ship to Canada!?

    I'm looking for a men's (size L) afro samurai shirt. I've found some online but they don't ship to Canada. Does anyone know where I can order one within Canada?

    1 AnswerYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy question - miscarriage?

    Hi folks,

    I'm not pregnant, just had a "wondering" type of question. If a woman were pregnant with twins and she had a miscarriage of only one embryo, would she immediately know she was still pregnant? What I mean is, would she feel any differently or would she carry on with her regular pregnancy symptoms? I'm talking about same-day kind of time frame.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Connection between b12 and bowel movement?

    Hey everyone,

    I have b12 problems, and like a very bad patient, I have missed about 3 b12 shots over the last month. (I know, I know!) Anyway, the last few days I have been feeling pretty bloated/constipated, which isn't necessarily abnormal for me. Anyway today at lunch I had an egg salad sandwich (with those omega-3 eggs, new to me) and within 10 minutes of finishing the sandwich, I had stomach cramps, had a bowel movement, was nauseated, and then had a second bowel movement. (Sorry, it's kind of gross, I know!) After that I felt ok.

    Somewhere in the back of my mind, I think there is a connection between having b12 enter your body (as in, through the yolks of the egg salad) and having a bowel movement. Has anyone heard of this? Is this likely what happened to me today?

    Thanks everyone - sorry it was a little graphic. I appreciate all answers!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Makeup to cover rosacea?


    I have rosacea, and am going through a rough flair-up right now. I'm wondering if anyone has had any REAL luck with any concealers/foundations? I'm tired of going out looking all red!



    5 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Walnut shelf life - how long can they stay fresh?

    Can anyone tell me how long walnuts stay fresh? I bought some walnut halves to make maple fudge walnuts, but now I'm wondering if I bought them too early - the party is in two weeks! Should I have waited?

    As a side note, if I made the maple fudge walnuts now, would I be able to freeze them or something??



    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Oat flour instead of wheat flour for scones?

    Anyone try using oat flour instead of wheat flour for scones? I love scones, but am supposed to be wheat-free due to a health complication. I'm interested if anyone has tried this already and found it to be good (or bad!) or has any other suggestions. I've seen a lot of recipes that *add* oats themselves, but still use wheat flour... ideas are appreciated!



    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Need glasses for parfait dessert!?

    Hey everyone,

    I'm hosting a dinner party on Saturday (it is now Wednesday) and I'm having a hard time finding parfait dishes! I'm in the Toronto area - does anyone know of anywhere that sells them? (and not for an arm and a leg?!) I can't believe how hard it's been to find them! has them, but of course does not ... very frustrating. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!

    8 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • What's that hair product commercial....?

    You know the one, with the girl with short-ish blond hair who uses the sculpting wax to flip it up and make it look funky?? I want to try that product, but I can't for the life of me remember who its made by. I think it's a fairly recent commercial, so hopefully someone out there has a better memory than I do!

    Thanks :)

    Best Regards,


    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Hair Problem, Help! Sudden Weirdness...?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm in the depths of despair over here, literally on the verge of tears. I washed my hair Sunday night, and Monday when I got up the crown parts were all sticky and gross, like my hair hadn't been washed for days. I rewashed my hair in the morning, thinking I hadn't got the conditioner out properly, but no difference. So tonight I had a shower, washed my hair...same problem. I have no idea what is happening, no idea what to do, but I'm so upset right now. I haven't changed anything at all ... not the shampoo, not the conditioner, nothing. I don't use any "products" of any kind (except sometimes a bit of hairspray, rarely) and this has happened just out of the blue. Can anyone PLEASE offer some insight and a soloution? I feel like locking myself in my room and never leaving again.

    Best Regards,


    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Songs on American Idol Tonight?

    Hey everyone,

    Anyone have a list of what everyone sang tonight? (march 21/07) PLEASE! lol

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Small breed of guinea pig?

    Hey everyone,

    I'm looking into being a guinea pig mommy again, after my piggy died a couple of years ago..only this time i'd like to get two, because I think my other one was lonely by himself. However, space is a bit of an issue, so i was wondering if anyone can recommend to me a small breed of guinea pig?? the one i had before was monstrously large, a peruvian/abbysinain blend.


    Best Regards,


    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Need to find a book showing children with Special Needs!?

    I need to find a children's book (pre-school to early school years) showing children with special needs, any type of special needs. I would prefer something about Autism or Asperger's Syndrome, but it's not mandatory. Can anyone recommend anything??

    5 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Question about losing "face weight" ??

    I have kind of a round face, and I hate how it makes my face look fat, especially in pictures, under my jaw line...I don't actually have a double-chin, but it always looks like it, and it really annoys me. Is there a way to lose weight in your FACE?? I'm sorry if it sounds stupid, but I'm so tired of looking at pictures of myself and hating what I see.

    Best Regards,


    50 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • The Honey-Baked Ham Company - Listeria?!?

    I was just reading about the Honey Baked Ham company recalling products because of possible listeria contamination. I'm just wondering if these products are available in stores in Canada? The info I read mentioned buying these products in Canada over the phone and internet, but I'm just wondering if you can also buy them in the store. I bought some turkey and roast beef today at Dominion, and I want to make sure it's ok...anyone??

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Song on Drew Carey this afternoon - TBS?

    I was watching Drew Carey today over the lunch hour on TBS, and SHEDaisy was on, and they were singing a song that I thought was good ... but I've tried to find it (yes I've checked their site) and I can't seem to find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Something about being the whole shebang...pretty upbeat. Thanks!

    Best Regards,


    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • Sue Thomas FBEye on DVD?

    Does anyone know if Sue Thomas is going to be released on DVD? I checked Amazon and it doesn't have it listed at all. I love this show, I was so sad when it didn't come back :( (Bobby can search me ANY time!) Anyone have the inside info on this one?

    Best Regards & Thanks,


    2 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Young Frankenstein and Holy Grail - Same Castle?

    I was just watching Young Frankenstein, and I have to say that the castle they use looks an awful lot like the castle in the Holy Grail (Monty Python) ... the one where there's the gigantic "battle" and the bride's entire family gets slaughtered. Is it the same set for both films?

    Best Regards,


    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • blackboard paint?

    Has anyone used blackboard paint? I have a wall in my house I'd like to paint with blackboard paint, but I'm not sure how different it is from regulart paint. Is it any harder to paint over when you're done with it than regular paint? Does it "work" the way you hope it will? (as a functional blackboard?)

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Bones Hook-ups?

    For those who love Bones, who do you want to see together this season? Bones and Booth? Angela and Hodgins? Zach and .... someone lol poor Zach.

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • At the Doctor?

    I went to a specialist today, somewhere I hadn't been before. I handed over my health card and the nurse swiped it, and said, "Ok Holly ... is your address still _________________? Is your phone number still _____________________?" I glanced around the waiting room, seeing how many other people were sitting in earshot - now all these people knew where I lived and what my phone number was! Call me insecure, but I really wasn't comfortable with that. I didn't say anything about it at the time, but how can I prevent this from happening in the future? Is it rude to hand over my card and say, "Nothing has changed, please don't repeat the information, it's personal" ?

    16 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago