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  • What do I have to take out of my purse/carry-on during screening?

    I am flying for the first time this Friday. I know that I need to remove my shoes and jacket and place those and my laptop in a bin. I also need to take out my liquids and medication. Does anything else have to be taken out or can it be left in my bags and put through the x-ray machine? I'm just taking small electronics and clothing.

    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • What if I can't visit a college...?

    I know that everybody says you should visit a college before making your final decision. The problem is, I don't have the money to do that. I live in southern Texas and the college I'm applying to is in New Mexico. I know that's not a terribly long distance, but my family simply doesn't have the time or money to visit the campus. What should I base my final decision on?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Fictional books about dying?

    What are some fictional books revolve around death or dying? As I Lay Dying would be an obvious choice, but what are some others?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Literary equivalent of "breaking the fourth wall"?

    Breaking the fourth wall is when a character in a movie, play, etc., breaks away and acknowledges the audience, therefore "breaking" the imaginary wall the exists between the characteres and audience. What is this called in literature? For example, if a narrator breaks away from the story to acknowledge readers? Like in Lemony Snicket books, he often breaks away and talks to the readers. I don't know if there is a term for it...

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is it fibromyalgia or depression...or something else?

    I have felt very bad this past year. For a period of about three months, I had stomach aches and gas every day. They were very short but painful sessions. I never went to the doctor because I thought it was some bug. I also have a sensitive digestive system and I thought I was just going through a phase.

    For the past 2 months, those symptoms have come back and then some. I've felt fatigued, mostly apathetic (but still have mood swings throughout the day), mild pain jumps all around my body and affects my joints and muscles, I've had trouble falling asleep and then waking up, I wake up with headaches, feel overwhelmed by lights when I'm in stores, and can feel my heart skip beats a few times a day. And then the stomach issues have come back.

    None of these symptoms have been very painful, but they are starting to worry me. The pain in my joints and muscles will last for a few seconds in one spot, then jump to another, and so on. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not breathing deeply enough and I have to stop and take a few good breaths. I wake up with headaches every single morning so tylenol have become part of my daily routine. I don't understand what's going on with me. I'm young (17) and have felt alright up until this past year.

    Fibromyalgia runs in my family, and I was thinking that would explain the pain that jumps around. The thing is, it's very mild and I don't have the "tender spots" that are characteristic of people with fibromyalgia. Maybe this is the beginning stages?

    I've also considered depression as a possibility. I definitely have the emotional symptoms and I know that it can lead to physical pain and fatigue. The problem is, that doesn't explain my heart acting strangely or feeling as if I'm not breathing deeply.

    Maybe my problem is a combination of conditions less serious than fibromyalgia or depression (hopefully). I'm not a panicky person, but these health problems I have are real and they are starting to worry me. I would love to go to a doctor but we currently have no insurance.

    Does it sound more like depression or a combination of smaller issues?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can others really tell if you have low self-esteem?

    I have this problem. I feel like I don't project self-confidence and people can see this in me. I hear guys say confidence in girls is attractive but I have very little confidence in myself. I try to feel good about myself, but it's hard to feel good about my appearance when I'm surrounded by all the "perfect" people in the media. I can sense their confidence and I try to have that, too. It's just not the same in me, though. Can you tell when people have low self-esteem?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Acts of persecution and mistreatment by our government?

    What are some events that people would expect our government to compensate for beside the normally presumed slavery, internment camps, indian removal act, and so on? What are some less known acts of mistreatment by our government (such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment)? I'm not asking if you believe in reparations or not, I'm just asking if you know of any mistreatment that has happened to other groups at the hands of our government. It's for a school essay, so the more examples, the better.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Country songs with great fiddle?

    I'm looking for some great country songs with a great sounding fiddle. The only ones I can think of are Heartland by George Strait, Where the Green Grass Grows by Tim McGraw, and Callin' Baton Rouge by Garth Brooks. I know there's tons of songs out there with a great backup fiddle, I just can't think of them.

    15 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Mood swings, depression, and growing up?

    Well, I'm a teenager and I deal with mild depression and mood swings. I eventually snap out of it when I'm around my friends and family, who always make me feel better. I know that depression and mood swings are a normal part of being a teen and growing up. Based on personal experience, once you became an adult and grew older, did such feelings become less frequent, or did they follow you? I try to stay positive, but everybody is sad at some point in their life. I just wonder if I'll ever grow out of being really depressed one moment and really happy the next.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Gas, some diarrhea, and discomfort mostly in the morning...Please read?

    Here's what's going on. About a week and a half ago, i started getting these strange sensations in my stomach, along with gas. I've had two small episodes of diarrhea, one with bad cramping and one without. I wake up to feel like this and it usually goes away by 10 a.m. or so. I'm eating regular meals, staying away from dairy products, and I don't have a lot of stress in my life. The only thing that's changed lately is that I've been drinking more gatorade rather than water. I thought that it was just a stomach virus, but I've had these small episodes of gas and discomfort every day. I have no nausea or heartburn. It's made it very hard for me to concentrate in class. I've been taking gas pills and rolaids, but they don't help. Does anybody have an idea of what this could be? It's very mild but still uncomfortable.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Stores where I can find hanging dish towels...?

    I'm wondering if there are any department stores like Target or JC Penny's where I could those old school dish towels that you have in the kitchen to dry your hands...the kind with the button and you usually hang it over the stove handle. Can you even find those in stores anymore or are they pretty much obsolete? I know that you can find them on ebay and etsy but buying on the internet isnt an option at the moment. I wanted to find some for my mom for Christmas.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Scar treatments that work from personal experience?

    I have all kinds of scars. I have acne scars, bug bite scars, scars from cuts and scabs, and so on. Most of them are dark pink and they're very noticable on my light tan skin. What are some treatments that you have actually tried and worked? I just want them lighter. I've heard of using Vitamin E lotion, but I wanna know what has actually worked for you.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Computer won't recognize printer when attached?

    I'm trying to install a new Lexmark printer that I need to use this weekend. I uninstalled all the software from my previous printer. When I went to install my new printer software, it wouldn't continue because the installer didn't recognize that the printer was plugged in. My computer is recognizing that it's connected, it's just not recognizing that it's a printer. I also tried to reinstall my old printer and it wouldn't reinstall because during installation it says that there is no printer connected, although it knew that it was connected. The problem isn't with my usb cable. I connect directly to the computer, and my computer is recognizing a device, but the software says I still need to connect it. I'm wondering if something is wrong with my USB port. I need to get this printer installed as soon as possible. All help is appreciated.

    6 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • For anybody who really knows about boer goats and showing them..?

    I have a percentage boer goat and I want to show him in Junior Livestock Competitions next year. The thing is, he has these things on his neck called wattles. I need to know if I can show a goat that has wattles because I've been to some livestock shows and I noticed that none of the other goats had them. I didn't know if the wattles would make a difference or not. Does anybody else even have a goat with waddles? Do you know if I could show my goat?

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Please give me some quotes?

    I need one good quote for and english project thats due tomorrow. Tell me your favorite quotes (serious ones please) 10 points for the best answer.

    28 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • What is up with this?

    It seems that everytime a girl on here asks what guys like in a girl, guys say stuff like personality,confidence,eyes,legs and so on, but thats not the case with guys where I live. All guys around me pay attention to is how much of your chest and *** is hanging out. Since Im more of a conservative dresser I wanna know where do all of you guys who like a girls personality live cause Im gonna have to move there.

    5 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who thinks that Fergie going solo is a bad idea?

    The black eyed peas did okay, and I think they should stick to it. I saw her video for London Bridge and I thought it was bad. It was like she was trying to rap and she sounded like a Missy Elliot ripoff. Dont you think she should stick with the rest of BEP and forget this solo thing?

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Does anybody like Reno 911!?

    I love that show and I think its pretty funny. Does anybody else like it?

    9 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Ashlee Simpsons new song?

    Do you like her new song invisible? I saw the video 2 days ago and I usually hate her music but its actually a good song. What do you think?

    13 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know this rap song?

    There's this song Ive been hearing on the radio for a few months and Ive been trying to figure it out but everytime I google it I dont come up with anything. It has the beat of that old song Knick Knack Paddiwackk and it goes "Ridin 2 lanes, in a wide frame, boy you better know that its a down south thing" then it goes "24 inch wheels, leather wood grain and a big chrome grill" and then "If it aint on big wheels I aint sittin in it" And its not Ridin Rims by Dem Franchize Boyz.

    12 AnswersMusic1 decade ago