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  • Is this good for my hair?

    I am African American, I have hair at least three to four inches past my shoulder. I was wondering if i braid my hair while wet, let it dry then flat iron it is it healthier and better for my hair? I wash my hair once a week, I stopped getting relaxers and it has been a year. I use the organix shampoo and deep condition my hair. I am trying to use less heat in my hair and take better care of my it and use hair products that are natural and good for my hair, I also use heat protection serum as well. The other products that I use are Castor oil, Olive oil hair spray, Motions leave in conditioner, and Olive oil anti-frizz.

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What is a good flat iron temperature for thick very curly hair?

    I have thick very curly hair and I want to know what temperature setting do you use for your hair if its anything like mine. I'm trying to grow out my hair naturally with out getting any relaxers which I only get them twice a year any ways. I use 370 but my ends were kind of dry and there was still some fly aways.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my friendship?

    My friend and I friendship started out grate, we were super close and inseparable we hung out every week end. But then we started having problems and we just made up like not to long ago and she was all nice and sweet and we even feel asleep on the phone together like we used to do and she text ed me instead of me texting her for a change and then something happened and then she started acting all weird and different. It started when we were on the phone texting and she asked me to se if I can come over to her apartment to help her and her other friend get ready for homecoming but I couldn't. So when I saw her at school on Tuesday she was like you couldn't text no body, and she was being rude towards me that whole day. I texted her later that day and asked her if she still cared about our friendship and and she said that she did. Then the next day I texted her and she said that this conversation was boring her so I asked her if there was something wrong and she was like I got to go. Did I make a mistake in asking her if she cared about our friendship, should I have not asked her? Did I do something wrong. She made me cry a lot this pass year, we had a lot of problems. So what should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my friend?

    My friend and I have had a lot of problems lately and now she sometimes gets snappy with me or gets a little attitude when i asks her questions and even when I don't ask her questions. For example today I asked her who she took to homecoming and she said with an attitude for me not to worry about it and that it was non of my business. I don't feel like I can talk to her about anything or even how I feel anymore. I want to tell her how about how she makes me feel but she will probably say that I'm just being silly about it or something and blow it off. So what should I do? Sometimes she can treat me nicely but I want her to treat me like that all the time. She even treats her friends better than me, she is always laughing and joking around with them but with me it's like she is just careless with our friendship.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Are Babyliss flat irons good?

    I saw that T.J.maxx had Babyliss flat irons and I was wondering if they were any good and how well do they work? And if so what kind do you recommend?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Flat iron Temperature settings?

    Can having your flat iron on a really high Temperature setting like 410 make your hair frizzy and dry? Because that's what happened to me, I used the setting 410 and I noticed that it was a little frizzy and a little dry and even though my hair was straight it wasn't pin straight like I wanted it to be.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What temperature setting should I use for my hair?

    I just got this new flat iron and I used it yesterday and I put it on 410 I think that I was a little too high because it came out a little dryer then it normally would when I used my other flat iron and it in some places it got a little frizzy and later after the dance when I got home I had to go over it again. And I also used it at 450 and my dad said that it looked like my hair was smoking. So should I use 390 instead or still use 410. And by the way my hair type is thick and tight curly but not course.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Why hasn't he called me back?

    I meat a boy named Bobby on Halloween, we got along grate we talked for a really long time.I also had my first kiss that knight he even asked me if I wanted tong or no tong since it was my first kiss. But I told him that I was a virgin and that I was waiting, I gave him my phone number. I called him once but he never called me back and he said that we should hang out sometime. Did I make the mistake of telling that I was a virgin or did he not like me?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    I haven't had my period in three monthes so my mom is taking me to the doctors. Is there something wrong with me? And I am not pregnant beacause I am still a vergin.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should I be worried that there might me something wrong?

    I am going to the doctors beause I have had my period in about 3 weeks is there something wrong with me. And no I am not preggers because I am a vergin.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Need help with growing hair?

    Sometimes after I wash my hair a day or two later it get this weird itch like my hair is trying to grow or something. Its not a normal itch, so could it be that's its growing or is it just itchy?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What do I need for Lacrosse?

    My school just started the girls Lacrosse team last year and this will be my first year playing it, and I am in the 10th grade. I know that I need a mouth guard, but is there anything else that I need to get?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • What shampoo will work the best

    My hair is kind of dry and I am trying to grow out my hair. So which shampoo will help add moisure in my hair and will also help it to grow. Do you think that Aussie Moist shampoo, Moist shampoo or Pantenee relaxed and natural shampoo?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Need help to lose wieght

    I want to lose wieght before school starts, I'm not fat because I'm 125 pounds and I am on the short side so I'm thick. But I feel like a porky pig. HELP!!!

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Need help with hair?

    I need help, I need tips on how to grow out my hair faster. So far I do a deep conditioner and I use a leave inconditioner, I don't use heat in my hair, and I take dietiery suppliments. What else can I do?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I treat damaged hair?

    I need help with my hair. I don't use heat in my hair, and I do a deep conditioner once a week. Does any one know any good products that helps with damage hair?

    10 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Needing help to succeed?

    Ever since me and my cousin was little, people been telling us that we would be good at actting. And that what I am trying to do. I have some questions that will help be out latter on.

    1. How do I audition if I can't be at that spacific place were they are holding the auditions?

    2. How do I get a vociallist? Couse I need some help on certain high and low notes.

    3. How much do I get paid starting out?

    4. How do I get an agent?

    5. How will going to school while famouse affect it over all?

    6. And how do I get a dancing instructor?

    6 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Thing about going back to actting theather through my school again!!!!?

    I have only done actting theater just once through my school, so I do have a little bite of trainging and what to exspect. So far they told me to exspect to have a prfessional pic of me and a bussiness card to show them when I do audition. And that sometimes I might play a roll of a younger or older person. And the diffrenent excersice that they do.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Need help to answer the the fallowing questions?

    I would like to become an actress cause ever since me and my cousin was little people always be telling use that we should be famous, and I am really good at it.

    1. How do I audition if I can't be at that spacific place?

    2. How do I get a singing chouch? Couse the I need a little help with some high and low notes.

    3. How much do I get paid first off?

    4.How do I get an agent?

    5. How will going to school affect me being famouse over all?

    6. And how do I get a dancing instructor.

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Help, how do I know if he likes me?

    I have this guys friend that I kind of like. He is always nice to me, he is okay with my friends but he don't treat them nearly as nice as me. He loves black people, ( he is white and I'm black) Sometimes he will tape me with his foot, and when my friends make comments like "He's your baby daddy. He would say "It would be a cute baby."

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago