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20 Y/O journalism student from West Yorks. Eternal optimist, daydreamer, FarmVille addict and die-hard Katy Perry fan.

  • Advice on hair lightening?


    I have naturally dark hair and I've bleached it a couple of times, but the best I can get is this awkward sunburst orange colour. What exactly do I need to do to get it to be a natural-looking shade of blond? I asked this question a while ago but all the brand-name suggestions were American ones and I live in Britain.

    Any help would be really appreciated. This hair is seriously not a good look.



    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • Getting the internet on Blackberry?


    Right, I've got a Blackberry 8830 from Verizon that I used during my gap year in America. The contract ran out, I'm living at home in the UK now and I'm using it on Vodafone pay-as-you-go.

    Anyway, I can't use the web browser on it anymore, presumably seeing as it's no longer on a contract. However, my Vodafone plan includes unlimited internet usage and I'd like to be able to use it. So, if anyone has any idea how I can get the web on my Blackberry (perhaps an alternate web browser I could download or something? A code I can use?) then I'd be much obliged.

    I don't want to have to buy a new mobile because I'm a student and I can barely afford to keep myself in Pot Noodles.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Is it worth sticking around?

    Right, I'll try keeping this as concise as possible.

    Basically, I've been seeing a guy from work about twice a week for the past 3 weeks. I thought we were getting on really well, and judging by the frequency of his text messages I guess he thought that too. Anyway, One of his friends told me that he 'doesn't want to rush into anything after his last relationship' and he wants to take it slow, which would explain why he's so unenthusiastic every time I ask him out. For example, I asked him out tonight and he decided to stay at home instead. If we had a proper relationship I'd understand that he needs time to himself, but if he isn't interested enough to see me now then will he ever be?

    I'm worried I sound neurotic (perhaps I am...) but I just feel as if I'm being screwed about, even if to an outsider I look as if I'm being insensitive. It'd just be nice to see him more often; I'm not waiting around for him to get over his ex forever. He keeps telling me that he likes me a lot and 'good things come to those who wait', but I still feel as if I'm being f*cked about.

    So, should I stay or should I go?

    If you've read this far, thanks ;)

  • Vice President of Chase Bank US?

    Does anybody have any idea who the current Vice President of Chase Bank is? I've scoured Google results and can't find anything useful.

    It's a bit of a long shot but if anyone knows I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can buy Kraft Easy Cheese?

    I visited the US a couple of months ago and became hooked on this stuff. I started out having it on crackers and eventually started just lying down with the can positioned in my mouth.

    Unfortunately they don't sell this in the UK (or mountain dew, or snapple, or cheetos. It's very sad) so I was wondering if anybody knows of any online food stockists that post internationally?

    I'm not banking on getting many answers but I thought it was worth a shot. Cheers!

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Do any of you get a bit sad when you think...?

    ...that you might not have biological children? One of my closest friends is having a baby next month and it just makes me kind of sad that I'm going to play a big part in its life yet I won't be its dad.

    Perhaps some of you do have your own kids, and perhaps some of you plan to have kids. I just can't see it happening for me. I see kids as a way of carrying yourself on after you die, and it's times like this I hate the fact that I'm gay. I know there's adoption and I'm glad that it changes the lives of many people but I'd just love my own kid.

    Sorry to sound grim, I'm just having one of those adolescent moments of self-hatred. I just wondered what the rest of the LGBTers thought.

  • What do you think of life?

    I'm kind of bogged down with college work, university applications and then spending all weekend working to pay to run my car to drive myself back to work. It's a pretty vicious circle and I'm starting to think to myself "Is it worth it?"

    I just don't want to get to 60 and think "I've wasted my life working non-stop to get into a white-collar job which I hate, being surrounded by people I don't like". Do I really want to set myself up for the future when I'm going to die anyway? I just feel as if I'd rather spend my life doing exciting and enriching things. There are about 6 billion people out there and with untold natural and unnatural wonders to explore, I think people who devote their lives to working have a bit of a problem.

    What I'm asking is: Do you think that running yourself into the ground to make money is worth it in the end?

  • Can anyone tell me what's wrong with me?

    I've been feeling really under the weather for the past few months. I'm constantly tired (I've started sitting at the back of classes just so that I can sleep through lessons) and I've had this incessant thirst for a while - I wouldn't be surprised if my local water board haven't had to draft in extra staff. I've also been getting excruciatingly painful leg cramps at night that leave me writhing in agony.

    I'm a completely healthy 17 year-old with no family history of anything and I eat a reasonably healthy diet and exercise plenty, so I can't imagine it's a lifestyle thing (I smoke now and again but I can't see that making a difference)

    I don't have a clue if they're all symptoms of an underlying condition or whether I'm just feeling generally crap, but any advice would be really appreciated.

    P.S. - I've also asked this in the health section but I'm a regular in this section and I know that there are a lot of knowledgeable people hanging about here, so please don't bash me for it not being related to LGBT.

  • Can anyone tell me what's wrong with me?

    I've been feeling really under the weather for the past few months. I'm constantly tired (I've started sitting at the back of classes just so that I can sleep through lessons) and I've had this incessant thirst for a while - I wouldn't be surprised if my local water board haven't had to draft in extra staff. I've also been getting excruciatingly painful leg cramps at night that leave me writhing in agony.

    I'm a completely healthy 17 year-old with no family history of anything and I eat a reasonably healthy diet and exercise plenty, so I can't imagine it's a lifestyle thing (I smoke now and again but I can't see that making a difference)

    I don't have a clue if they're all symptoms of an underlying condition or whether I'm just feeling generally crap, but any advice would be really appreciated.

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend Boredom...?

    After being a hopeless singleton for about 2 years, I have finally started seeing someone. I've always had a bit of a thing for him and the ball started rolling when we were the only two who turned up to an English lesson that had been cancelled. I love spending time with him and we have some really interesting conversations, but he is VERY passionate about middle-eastern politics and will sometimes spend what seems like hours telling me about the plight of the Palestinians. He also gets tetchy whenever I'm drinking coke or using my iPod (he hates capitalism and everything it stands for). He sometimes drags me into political debates which inevitably end in him winning and acting like a smug c*ck for the rest of the day. Sometimes he bores me to tears and I'm *this* close to ending it, but other times I love his company. Not only that but behind the glasses and the hemp clothing, he's pretty good looking.

    My question is: Is it really wrong if I try and stop him talking to me about stuff he feels passionately about? He really stresses me out sometimes and I want to end it there and then, but then he'll go and make a really sweet gesture and I'll be all over him like a bad rash again.

  • Has anyone noticed that "Come to US - Win a greencard today!" ad?

    Has anyone seen that advert on Yahoo! featuring Argentinian Sofia Gonzalez and all her immigration buddies?

    Does anyone else think that the 'Teo Bezalel' guy from Israel is really fit?

    I'm a bit bored tonight.

  • Should I take a risk here?

    My 15 year-old sister has just called me to say that she's in town and she doesn't have enough money to get home. My parents are on holiday and can't pick her up. Now I'm a perfectly good driver and my car is taxed and insured, but there's just a slight problem - I had my license revoked for speeding whilst driving a hire car under 25, so I'm back to learner driver status.

    The roads are generally quiet at this time and I don't imagine there'll be any police about, so should I go and pick her up? She's in a pretty bad area and she's been harrassed in town a few times before. Should I risk it? I can't think of any other option. I've got about half an hour before the coffee shop she's in closes.

    P.S. - I thought I'd ask you lot because you're nice people and I don't like straying away from this section ;)

  • How should I react to this?

    I recently switched to Virgin broadband and I've received a sulky letter from my previous broadband provider (Orange) telling me that if I don't send my wireless box back to them then they'll charge me a £100 penalty. Ooohhh - tetchy!

    I'm trying to think of imaginative things to do with it before I send it back. I thought of drawing a huge phallic symbol on it, but that seemed a bit crass. Then I thought of smearing it in beef dripping but that'd be a waste of food. I thought of opening it up, severing an important wire and then closing it back up.

    I know this is the LGBT section, but I trust you guys to come up with some clever, deviant ideas. I want orange broadband to PAY for overcharging me for the last 3 years.

  • Hiding an eyebrow piercing?

    I'm having my eyebrow pierced tomorrow with a small barbell.

    Unfortunately I have a part-time job in a coffee shop and they're a bit funny about that sort of thing. I won't be back at work for about 5 days after having the piercing. So my question is:

    Will I be able to unscrew the balls within 5 days? I won't be moving the actual bar itself, so I'm presuming it'll be ok.

    Any first-hand advice would be great. Thanks :-)

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Should I go to this pride parade?

    One of my friends has asked me to a pride parade in town. Now I'm not proud of being gay, I just am and I'm alright with it. I think the whole rainbows and wristbands thing is a bit over-the-top, but I have nothing better to do. It starts in about an hour.

    So, do I go to the pride parade and take one for the team, or do I sit at home and watch Cash in the Attic? Answers on a postcard, please.

  • Eyebrow Piercing Help?

    I very rarely drink but when I do I really go to town. I woke up at a friend's house yesterday morning with a pretty bad eyebrow piercing and no memory of anything. Surprisingly enough, all my friends are denying any involvement.

    The skin between the two holes tore this morning and underneath my eyebrow it's a pretty bad mess. It bled a lot today and I've cleaned it with rubbing alcohol and stuck a bandage over it.

    Anyway, would I be better having it stitched up or leaving it to see if the skin will heal itself? I'd like an eyebrow piercing, but not if it's going to leave me with nasty scarring.

    Thanks :-)

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • UK Student - What are my chances?

    My AS results are in and I've gotten an A in law, a B in politics and a C in English. I'm going to resit the English exam, anyway. I got an A* for the coursework and an E in the exam - god knows what was wrong with me that day.

    Anyway, I have a long-term view of doing politics or international relations at university. I have a keen interest in American politics and ideally would love to study at an American university. The problem is the cost. It'd cost roughly £30,000 in fees and living expenses, compared to about £16,000 at a UK university.

    I want to plough on with my A-levels, get some decent grades and pack myself off to America for a while. I suppose my backup plan would be to do an internship or a student exchange program, but that's not exactly what I want.

    So, should I take out a £30,000 loan and say "Balls to it, I'm only young once and this is what I want to do", or think rationally about the cost. My parents say they'll support me in whatever I want to do, but they think going to university in the US seems a bit whimsical and unrealistic.

    Should I just go for it or pick a local university to lessen the financial burden?

    3 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • iTunes Album Artwork Help Needed?

    I have a 4gb iPod Mini and 3gb of music. About 1gb of space on it is taken up by album artwork - seeing as my iPod has a monochrome screen, there isn't any point in it storing the album art.

    I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me how to delete the album art from my iPod - HOWEVER - I'd like to keep the album art in my iTunes library.


    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Cigarettes on UK - US flights?

    I have a British Airways flight to Newark Airport booked for June and I was wondering what the restrictions on cigarettes and lighters are. If possible, I want to take a 10 pack and a lighter.

    The Heathrow Airport and British Airways websites aren't particularly helpful.


    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago