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well im Em, im a country girl and just like meetin new people sometimes, i love tattoos and life and music.i love ufc, football, and hangin out with friends. im pretty laid back but i know how to have just livin life :)
Too much goin on, need some more answers...?
My husband and I dont talk much anymore.. im 19 and hes 22 hes in the army and always implyin that im fat im 5'1 and 130 lbs.. now im tryin to lose bout 20lbs.. I just wanna make him happy but ive always had muscle.. but I actually want to make him happy. I just want someone to talk to. Someone who will be a good friend.. why is that so freakin hard..??
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoShould I get divorced or stay?
My husband and I got married spur of the moment on my birthday. And I know we didnt know each other long but the way we clicked was like no other. I made it clear that I do not need a "baby daddy" or a man to take care of me and my son, im very independent and can do that on my own. He is in the military, but there is stuff that needs to be taken care of and money is tight but all he is doin is thinkin bout himself and always talks about his exes. It gets to the point we dont talk, we dont touch, we dont sleep together.. some days well kiss and laugh and most days we argue and dont talk or touch. I want my husband back the guy I knew at the beginnin, I tried to get him to do marriage counselin but i know he wont. I dont know what else to do cause im at my breakin point. He pushed me away for the longest time, a person can only take so much. He plays xbox all the time, takes out his aggravation on me cause of his work, and talks bout his exes and how they were just "good f$#ks" .. So today he told me we shouldnt have got married at all.. All i do is cry when hes gone and i try to get in shape for him.. Please someone give me some good advice cause i dont wanna keep puttin me or him through wasted time and hurt.. should i stay or go?
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agookayy well trip to england? nice sites? and cost?
okayy well i plan on goin on a trip to england for about a week so how much would i be lookin at spendin for plane ticket, food, hotel room, and stuff just to buy? ..and i dont mean like a fancy hotel just somethin nice? ..and what are some good places to visit like churches and all that? thanks in advance..
5 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade agodid i do the right thing?? :(?
did i do the right thing..i told my bf since im not there with him that he needs to get another girl to be happy...but honestly it kills me..i wanna be with him more than anythin..hes my i jus go back to holdin everythin in..he made me soo happy and he let me talk to him bout everythin :((((( i hate this..
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago..need help :(( ..i want kids one day me and my bf :(...doc told me?
okayy well the doctors told me, that i have a one in a million chance of ever gettin pregnant..i want to know is there anyway of increasin my chance of gettin pregnant like im plannin on tryin to have kids when i am with my man, is there anyway to increase the chances? ..and please dont tell me to adopt or to get a surrogate, i want to have my own kids.. :) thanks all.
4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agohow to upload a pic off photobucket? i tried cuz i never done it do i do it?
i need to upload pictures..dont knw how..what link do i click? the email&im
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1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat do you think? (PICS included) ..?
well ima southern a guy who can take care of me, and is strong..i wanna knw what yall guys think of me? ..what should i change or improve...i love just hangin w/ the friends and guys..idk why i cant find a good guy..
<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGUYS! what do you think is up with this? 10 pts best answer..?
okayy well he calls me beautiful and makes me believe everythin..then i find out he calls other girls kinda makes me jealous..i wanna cry.. :( ..why cant i just find a guy who will worry if he loses me? i just want a guy who will appreciate me and love me and be there for me :( ..i dont know what to 5'2 mid length long brown hair, brownish green eyes, and curves..what do guys like? i just want to seems im never good enough..ima southern girl so of course im gonna cook and clean for my man and treat him real good..but why is it im gettin screwed over in the end? i just want a guy who will love me for me..and not want other girls..or flirt.. :(( ...thanks in advance for those who take their time to answer..
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGUYS! your opinion..?
what do you look for in a girl? like whats your idea of the perfect girl for you? :)
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agofeels too good to be true? ..what do u think?
..okayy well im datin this guy..and its like im hearin everythin i wanna guy has ever made me feel the way he does..but its like ive had a bad past issues with trusting tryin to not be jealous..but its like ..i feel like if he even talks to another girl hes gonna want her..or she'll throw herself at him and he'll give scared of that happenin..i know jealousy isnt a good thing at all..its jus i feel like i finally found the perfect guy..and i just dont want to be disappointed, i dont want to fall for him..and him have a girl on the side..or him be talkin to other girls the way he does talk to me.. :( ..its scary..hes like my prince charming..what do you think?
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agookayy well i wanna knw why??? guys?
why do i attract weirdos or wimps..i just want a guy who is brave, not scared to fight if he needs too..i want a guy who can handle me, treat me right, and not a guy who is gonna hide behind me..ugghh..i want a guy who will be there for me when i need laid back but i knw how to have a good time..i jus dont jus wanna live life not alone, and go through experiences with a guy ya knw..where do i find this kinda guy? :(
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat do yall think? i really want this tattoo..and wat cost am i lookin at?
okayy well im plannin on gettin a tattoo of my last name across my back in black and kinda cute, how much do u think it would cost? and im wantin a lot more tattoos, i dont wanna be covered but im wantin the confederate flag and a cattle skull with barbed wire and a gettin this all in different parts of my body but i want to get these tattoos, but im wonderin what part of my body and the cost im lookin at? and please people with actual tattoos answer, not people who think they know everythin...thanks in advance :)
6 AnswersTattoos1 decade agoguys..and girls if yall want..?
okayy well this is kinda just a life/relationship/ family problem, well i dropped outta high school cuz i was plannin on gettin my GED thru the army but i got dq so that changed now im just gettin my ged..i wanna have some kind of education ya smart to get some kind of education ya knw..well i dont have a mom so as the oldest daughter i have to take responsibility and be "the mother type" its soo hard on me, between tryin to get in shape (cuz i was pregnant i had a miscarriage,) and studyin for my ged, and takin care of my little gets hard, as far as my love life, its sucks,, but i like this guy..well we have known each other for 4 years now and we plan on datin when i turn 18 im 17 btw..hes 23 bout to be 24. and my dad knows bout him and he likes him, but hes waitin to date me just outta respect and care...sometimes i feel like my life is crap and sometimes its good..which i knw is life but i hate it i have a made a LOT of mistakes but why do things still keep happenin..idk..i guess im sayin all this cuz i want someone who will listen..well thanks for everyone who answered..and plz be mature....wat do i do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agotattoo question for the guys..advice would be nice :)?
well i wana know is there any guys who like tattoos on a im not gonna be covered in tattooes but i want kinda a lot ya not goth or nothin .i jus love tattoos..and i love them on guys its def a turn on...but i wanted my last name on my back because it means a lot to me..and some on my ribs..and i want one in my lip, but i was wonderin what guys think of it? u think its trashy or no? ..thanks to any of u :) have a good
7 AnswersTattoos1 decade agowhy do i feel like this? what is up with me?? guys?
okay well ive known this guy i really truely love for bout 4 years now hes my best friend, well im 17 and hes 23..and the things i love bout him is tht we are waitin to date till im legal which is a year..and weve pretty much waited 4 years to be together..well hes a redneck, hes so sweet, he can see rite through me, he knows everythin and been there through the good and bad hurts i gotta wait but i love that he respects me..NO guy has been like tht..we always tell each other if we dont have a significant other by the time i can be with him that we'll be together..but we both know we wont..we are gonna be together, its like hes the only guy who has put up w/ me for this long and vice versa..its like as much as i look for the right guy i knw that my friend will always be the right guy..i dont know what to do its like im depressed one minute and the next im happy..idk..i know this all might not make sense but to me sayin it it does..i jus dont know why i still want a guy but i know in the end ill have him...its jus weird...i guess i jus dont like bein alone but im kinda used to a guys opinion what do you think i should do bout all this?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agofor all military men ???? what do u think?
okayy well im 17, and i was thinkin bout the army or marines. well the marines recruiter came to my house and he told me a little bit..and heres a little insight of my life: i dont have a mom, my family and friends are all bout the military, and i have been hospitalized in the past no im not emo but i was being abused..(so i thought suicide would get me away from bein abused) well i have been hospitalized twice, second time just for the help the doc said i had PTSD, well i was on meds for it, but i stopped takin the meds cuz i didnt like knowin i had to take meds to stay normal..and i wanna join the marines or army..but i dont know if id still be eligible..the reasons i wanna join is cuz i know itd be good for my life and its not like i have a love life goin on..i feel like this is my only chance to at least do somethin with my life..i orignally wanted to be a stay at home wife and eventually a mom, but thats not workin out if anyone has advice id love to hear it plz. :)
10 AnswersMilitary1 decade agookayy well question to people please.?
how long do most people stay engaged before they get married? and whats the little sayin bout somethin borrowed and blue and whatever.??
13 AnswersWeddings1 decade agowhat do yall think? honestly...?
okay well i met this dude ..and hes really cute and sweet..and he told me he would not give up till he has me..and that he will wait as long as it takes to have me...(oh and he is in the army)..well he wants me to live the army life with him and everythin..i would love it but i finally met a guy who could really be the one..and it scares is this really happenin cuz honestly this is like my cinderella story ive always secretly dreamed of..and it is an amazin feelin..but i just cant believe that the guy i absolutely think is soo hot and sweet is really choosin me out of all the other girls? he has told me im beautiful and im sweet when i wanna be and that im not like other girls....i guess what im askin is do you think he really means what he says..?..thanks in advance.
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago...who,what,..idk..someone answer or advice please..?
okayy well i decided im just gonna wait for that right guy to come along..well people say that god is preparin a guy for you..or hes out there somewhere..well how do i know if he is rite in front of my face but i dont know..will i find that right guy? its embarrassin for me to ask these questions..cuz i try to stay positive and not show much weakness...i just dont know what to do..ya im gonna focus on a career cuz i dont wanna have to depend on a man..i like the southern guys who believe in supportin a family but i just dont think ill find a guy like that..i wanna be that stay at home wife/mom..who is always there to go through everythin with my husband/boyfriend..but then again..i wanna show the guy im not jus lazy..ya i dont have to depend on him..i dont mind hard labor not much of a girly girl..i dont care for desk jobs..i like challenges..i just dont know what to think or who to talk to..any advice?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago..why do i always go for the army guys?..?
i have a lotta friends and family in the army..and my friend he said i need an army guy because they will take care of me and wont cheat and knows how to treat a that true? like i want a guy in the i was gonna join but was dq..but idk what to do..who else agrees with my friend colby?
7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago