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Favorite Answers3%

I'm a hippie at heart, love my family, I can be funny at times, honesty is the best policy and i am somewhat of a humanitarian, and i'm prettty open minded. peace love and be kind to mother earth and love all living animals.

  • need a service dog my friend is giving me a puppy.?

    my friend is giving me a puppy when there ready, there 5days old an I have seizures here an there (1-2x a month),found out I can get a service dog but, have looked online but no success they want like $300. 4 2years training but I can teach puppy myself I'm in minnesota an want 2 legally certify the dog but train myself. please help

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • help need 2 know im in a pickle?

    well I was at a family get together yesterday, ate some brownies after dinner just found out 30 min ago that they were pot brownies if I would halve known that I would have never ate them, i c my probation officer next week an need 2 clean out my system and am not sure how i have asked the young kids in my building and have herd of coconut milk and one said niacin I need help

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Need serious help really badly!!!!!!!?

    i need 2 know if there r any pro-bono lawyers in minnesota need one that works with family court

    i am on limited income otherwise id have a lawyer and asking my greedy family 4 help is not good either they use aginst u or they never help out an friends pockets r tight this holiday. NEED A PRO-BONO LAWYER ONE IN MINNESOTA

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Need help with elder abuse!?

    my grandma has a son who is a real a** he bullies her and threatens the rest of us when she go in the hospital (he say he'll call the cops if we show up 2c her). its 2 the point were she lies 2 him when me or her other kids take her any wear, he blocks his other siblings phone numbers from her house phone , its just a mess . i did call social services 4 elderly persons but all they say is they cant help unless she calls and she wont cuz she is set in her ways, as with most elderly people. i am a grand daughter and my mom and my other uncle have tried 2 intervene but her one son (my mom& uncle's brother) find a a way 2 bully my grandma in 2 thinking we r out 4 her money when he and his wife has said when u die the rest of ur kids r getting nothing even if i have 2 burn it all and that's not rite. they take her money every time she is in the hospital or they yell at us if we even go visit her , last time i went 2 the hospital 2 c her i was told wtf r u doing here u don't belong here but she did not tell then she asked 4 me, last time she was in the hospital she gave me her wedding ring so his wife could not get her hands on it and his wife threw a fit cuz she could not wear it, if they new she bought gifts 4 her other grand kids or children they would put her in nursing home claiming she is insane HOW AND WERE CAN I GET HELP SO THAT SHE IS NOT BEING BULLIED OR ABUSED , I live in minnesota.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • were in minnesota can i sell vinyl?

    i have old vinyl records from the 30's-80's need 2 sell them i live in minnesota were can i sell them

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • need help with a restraining order?

    i need 2 get a restraining order on my x's girlfriend she cusses in front of my child about me( like fu c*the bit**) and she lives with them but her dad only has temp perm custody and she is always at parent teacher nit's and acts like she is her mom and im her mom i did the 12 hrs of labor

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • car help on a 1999 crysler cirrus?

    i need 2 install a fuel pump and thought i could go threw the back seat or trunk. were can i go threw on the car 2 install this

    2 AnswersChrysler10 years ago
  • how 2 start my own business?

    How do I go about opening my own business.

    I would like 2 open a small business and some day grow how would I go about doing this?

    3 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • need 2 pass a drug test tomorrow?

    I have not smoked pot in like 1week and have 2 pee 2morrow afternoon and im drinking vinegar and water and taking acai cleanse jump start to weight loss pills for about 5 days( the cleans diet pills) and wondering what els i can do to cleanse me system

    Please Help

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Need help with a urine test?

    i need help on how to pass a urine test for my probation officer he wants violate me if i dont pass this ua an its olny for pot

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Need help with searching?

    I need 2 do a background criminal check on someone from Chicago Ill but every time i go 2 the courts paige i get no wear or i have 2 pay now in minnesota u can search anybody 4 free

    need help were can i get criminal records for free

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Help! is life suppose 2 b this tuff?

    Here's the story last year I received custody of my daughter after a big ordeal with her father, then last dec. the judge gave her back 2 her father which crushed my heart. ive been hiding the pain 4 a year with pot but had 2 go 2 treatment4 my use then found the fake stuff from the smoke shop and used that 2 cover up my feelings. last night it all blew up un my face because tuesday i smoked so Much that i had a seizure then i stole some of the smoke shop herbs from my mom (she has pain from head 2 toe that's y she uses it). I feel like a pile of **** 4 all this but is it normal 2 hide our pain. Im in a real good relationship he hopes i get my daughter back an i do 2 but i feel like my life has been taken from me my daughter was my whole world . I have rights 2 c her and her dad refuses which hurts even more but nobody understands were im coming from but in my heart I know that if i had my lil girl i wouldn't even touch pot . I wanna know y I cover up the pain all I do is cry, if im not smoking im crying it hurts that bad Y Y!!!!!

  • Housing search HELP!?

    I live in anoka co minnesota and have a arson felony as of 6-15-2010 and i am trying 2 find housing that dose no background checks i have been on housing and nothing i need housing really bad i'm homeless as of 6-25-20010 and am staying in a hotel 4 the week and social service/shelters keeps referring me 2 shelters that take all u r income and then there's no money 4 a apartment or they send u 2 another shelter but don't want 2 help with finding a apartment . PLEASE HELP I'M DESPERATE AND I NEED HOUSING ASAP income is 730 a mo.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Help with land lords?

    were in minnesota ( blaine fridley area) can i find a land lord whe dose not check criminal backrounds

    or one that can over look a felony???? please help

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Foreclosures/ property tax homes.?

    how can i find out about foreclosed homes or homes that were taken because they owed property taxes with out using a credit card cuz i have no credit card. Im in minnesota were can i call 2 find out about these kind of homes.??

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • gun permit requirements?

    well my friend started a fire in her house and was charged with arson but has not been sentenced for the crime but the sam day she lit the fire they took her to the hospital on a 72 hr hold and all this was last year now she wants to be a CSI person and already applied for college and is worried that she might have to carry a gun an if she dose need to cary a gun can she still get a permit?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • computer help please help!?

    Well my computer is missing a system 32 every time i call gateway they tell me to use the operating system disc 2 restore my computer to it's original state when purchased but when i do this it dose not a dam thing tec support said its $200 for a new replacement disc, but i have been reinstalling this disc about 4 times a week 4 about a year now and still nothing it pisses me off i need my computer to work im going to online college soon and an cant afford for this **** to mess me up with stalling and shutting down, or just plain acting its junk HELP PLEASE.!!!

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • need info college help please....?

    If i went to a college and it lasted about 4 months but i did receive grants and loans but never did finish school can i go to another school and get a degree.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Can i use butter instead of shortening?

    I am making cranberry orange biscuits and am wondering if i can use butter instead of shortening

    i have no shortening cuz rarely have the use for it. Help please

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago