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  • How do you define American culture?

    My husband has an assignment for one of his classes and needs opinions on how one define American culture. Is there one? Yes or no and why and how would you define it. I would appreciate real answers only, please. Not people who hate America or American's. I am not interested in opinions on what is "wrong" with America and what not.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If I go off prescribed acne medication will my acne come back?

    I started using topical acne gels last fall. My face has cleared up significantly. The doc had put me on antibiotics, 2 face gels and a face wash. I would get those horrible cystic (under the skin) pimples that hurt. And I would break out right before my period. Before I got on medication, the zits took forever to go away and most of them hurt. But, now my face and neck has cleared up really well and I feel a lot better about myself. I asked my derm if I would stay on these gels for the rest of my life. He laughed and said no. I fear that once I stop treatment that my face will begin to break out AGAIN. I don't want it to. Pro active never worked this well for me. Nothing OTC did. I do have oily skin and I still get the occasional zit (not the painful ones though). Oh, and I am almost 28 years old. I think my zits are a genetic thing because I eat pretty healthy and exercise and drink water.

    Does anyone know if my acne will return once treatment ends or does anyone have any experience with this?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Should I seek a second opinion?

    For many years now I have had this constant cough, clearing of my throat and my lungs feel pressure. I am 27 and have had the drainage and clearing of my throat since jr high. Back then, my physician couldn't find out the issue. I have been told that I do not suffer from asthma.

    I still clear my throat constantly and have a constant sensation to cough. My lungs feel as though they are 2 balloons being squeezed, but I don't have a problem breating. I went to my physician very recently and he put me on Astelin, which has seemed to help what i thought was post nasal drip. It hasn't cleared me up 100% but has helped. He also referred me to a ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist.

    The specialist didn't do any tests that i thought he would. He looked in my ears, nostrils, and looked at my vocal chords while having me make a high pitch noise. He then told me that he can not do anything for me. He informed me that I have swollen vocal chords. And that the nerves on my chords don't know the difference between moisture or whatever is falling on them and the swollen tissue, so that is causing me to want to clear my throat. So that liquid doesn't get into my lungs or whatever.

    He told me that I need to drink ice water every time I have the urge to clear my throat and I need to do this for 2 weeks. he might as well as told me to hold my breath and never breath again. That is how I feel about not being able to clear my throat. It is a habit and now physically and mentally comforting for me to clear my throat (except it's very annoying and upsets me very much that this is my daily life). I guess he was implying that if I can make it two weeks without clearing my throat then I am "cured". He said I DO NOT have post nasal drip. Even though I suffer from all the symptoms and I feel the drainage every single day, every moment of the day going down my throat.

    Should I seek a second opinion? Does anyone else suffer from this or know anything about this or what the doctor said?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Does he have to pay his share of the rent?

    A friend of mine had a long term boyfriend. They were together about 6 years and lived together for almost 2 in the same unit at an apt complex. Things between them went sour (he lied, didn't seem to have intentions on marrying her, etc). It is a one bedroom apt. He decided to leave (no one forced him to leave and she never kicked him out) and move in with mommy and daddy again. He told his ex that he would help her pay rent until the lease was up (ends in june). He has helped her pay about 2 months worth of rent (his half) and has since said that he isn't going to help her anymore.

    Initially, when he left, he wanted his name taken off the lease and she said no. Does he have to pay his part or not? I know she can not technically "force" him to pay up. And I know she is responsible for the full amount of the rent whether he gives her his half or not. But is there anything she can do. We live in Texas.


    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How to be certified in deaf ed?

    I took an alternative certification course to become a certified teacher (EC-4th/ESL, generalist). But I am somewhat interested in becoming certified in deaf ed. Or learning sign language and becoming certified to work in the school system with deaf students. I live in Texas (dallas/ft worth). Does anyone know where I would need to start? I have graduated college with a bachelors already. Do you have to get a degree in that area? Any info would be appreciated. I tried googling this but I don't think it gave me what i was looking for.

    3 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Pay discrimination...?

    Obama signed a bill that deals with pay discrimination. If we are not suppose to be discussing wages with co workers, how does one know if they are making less than someone who does the same exact job and happens to be of a different gender or race/ethnicity?

    How would an individual sue their employer for pay discrimination if it is unknown what others make? And prove it? I thought discussing wages was frowned upon.

    Real answers please. I am not looking to do this but I am just curious.

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • What vitamins should vegetarians take?

    I have been a vegetarian for about 6 months. Does anyone have any suggestions on what vitamins I should be taking or could take? FYI: I do not eat fish/seafood. That would defeat the purpose of being vegetarian. I eat no type of flesh whatsoever.

    Serious answers only, please. I only want to know what vitamins people recommend. I am not looking for opinions on what anyone thinks of vegetarianism or for anyone to tell me to eat meat. :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why did they report me?

    I asked if Obama pays taxes. And will he include himself in his own plan since he will be making $400,000/yr as president. So someone reported me to yahoo? How is that offensive? It was a legit question. I am sure it was a Democrat and Obama supporter. But it was an honest question. I wanted to see what people thought. It's unfair that yahoo allows me to be reported over nothing but people are allowed to come on here and make comments about Obama's ethnicity.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Teachers or Substitutes... advice?

    I am going to be subbing for elm. level in Texas. I have never taught before. I have a Bachelors degree in Social Work but then decided I wanted to teach. I took an alternative certification course and passed the TExES exam. I didn't secure a teaching job for 2008-2009 and I lack experience. This is why I am subbing, to gain experience for next year when I apply for teaching positions.

    I will begin to sub sometime in Oct. I am very nervous. I did good in college and think if I can handle that, then this might be ok as far as subject content goes.

    Has anyone else subbed or gone from one career to teaching and felt like maybe you weren't knowledgeable enough? I feel as if I may not know the material even though there will be a lesson plan to follow provided by the teacher. The closest I have come to teaching is during my internship. I facilitated a drug prevention program to young kids and teens. I followed a curriculum that was provided by TACDA

    Any advice?

    4 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Knee arthritis? Possibility?

    Is it possible to have arthritis in just one knee? I have always had pain in my right knee. When I was younger nothing ever came of it. I was in cheer leading, drill team and dance throughout my school years. I am now 27. When I bend my leg for even a little bit, it hurts to straighten it out.

    Is it possible that this is arthritis, and if not, what else could it be?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Taking iron pills correctly?

    I think I am anemic and bought some iron pills. I also read that supplements with iron might help hair growth. My hair grows really slow. Anyway, I have been taking the pills each morning for a few days. Haven't had a problem until yesterday. I took the pill right before I ate my breakfast. The directions just say to take with a meal. It doesn't say to take it before, after or during the meal. And mentions that taking it without food can cause upset stomach. What an understatement. I ended up throwing up right after I ate. My mouth tasted like I chewed on metal. It was awful and now I am hesitant to take another iron pill until I speak with my doctor.

    I read on some websites to eat half an orange, take the pill, then eat the other half. What is the best way to take an iron pill and why does iron cause people to vomit? Thinking about how it tasted and made me feel after wards makes me wanna throw up all over again. Anyone have any useful advice on this?

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Why do people look down when walking?

    Why do so many people look down at their feet when walking? There are several people at my work that I have noticed lately doing this. They don't seem to have any type of self esteem issues, because they all have friends in the office and deal with people all day long. They are talkative and do their jobs well.

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me why people often do this. I choose to look up when walking so I know if I am gonna run into anything. I know what my feet look like when walking, so I am not really concerned with looking at them. But, I have done this behavior before, maybe when I was in middle school and such.

    13 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Presidential candidates and their differences?

    What are some good websites that will show me, clear cut, what each candidate stands for and the issues they plan to tackle?

    I have tried searching google, but can't find anything that just shows me what McCain and Obama stand for, etc.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Social security number and theft?

    Is there a way to find out if someone is using your SSN for employment?

    My husband works at a resteraunt in the kitchen and knows for a fact that there are some illegal people working there. The managers knows these people aren't legal. Which, great. Whatever. It's their place of business. That's not my concern. We were discussing that people's social security numbers must get stolen and may get sold so that people can "verify" their legalization status so they can get a job. I am assuming his coworkers filled out applications and put a "social security number" on their apps.

    I was just wondering if there is a way to find out if someone is using or has used your SSN for something other than applying for credit cards, etc? I haven't had any issues, but I honestly wouldn't appreciate my number being used unlawfully. We all deserve to have our numbers secure, which we know they are not.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Tila Tequila 2 Finale fake?

    I didn't see the entire episode of the season 2 finale but i did see the ending where Tila told Bo (sp?) no and picked kristy who rejected Tila. However, when Tila gave each her speech, it sounded rehearsed and like she was reading out of a book. Do you think she is coached on what to say during the show? It just seems like every time she talks to these people it sounds read. Not natural.

    Also, what did you think about Kristy rejecting Tila? I thought it was crappy of her to do that because there were other girls and boys who would have glady accepted. I think kristy shoulda dropped outta the game earlier on in the show because her key could have been given to someone else that Tila could have gotten to know better as well.

    25 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Have you ever wanted to just punch someones lights out?

    have ever been just that angry with someone that you seriously would like nothing more than to just give them one good punch?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hair on top sticks out and up...?

    I straighten my hair with a flat iron and blow dryer. And I always have these pesky hairs that like to stick up and out on the top parts of my hair. What is a good product to use to correct this. I have tried different stuff I have tried hairspray, but too much makes the hair look like helemt head and just bad altogether. Too little doesn't really make them stay down for long. Serums to smooth the hair don't seem to work. And I have used a very thick hair glue that my husband uses to mold his hair. That does ok and if only a little is used it's not too bad.

    Can anyone recommend anything? I am so tired of these pesky hairs.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Check cleared in someone elses acct- happened to you?

    I wrote a check to a teaching institution where I will attend school. They deposited my check Feb 12th and 2 weeks later my check still hasn't cleared in my acct. The institution says that my check has not come back bounced or bad and has cleared on their end. I have a feeling that my check cleared at my bank BUT in someone elses acct due to some routing/acct number error. I have never had this happen. Have you and what happens? I e mailed my bank about it. My checks never take that long to clear. Is there anything that can be done?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How many questions do you typically answer?

    How many questions, on average, do you answer on any given day?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do people really win those surveys on receipts?

    I get receipts with surveys on the bottom of the receipt. It says "Take this survey and a enter for a chance to win $25,000!!!" Is this true? Does anyone ever win? I have seen them on my Walgreens receipts, On The Border receipts, etc. How does one know if anyone ever wins? Or is this just a ploy to get people to take the surveys?

    You know what they say "you can't win the lottery unless you play." So I have done those surveys, cuz yeah it would be nice to win $25,000 less the taxes one would have to pay. But I have been thinking that no one ever really wins.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago