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Nimali F

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  • "who are younger" vs "whom are younger"?

    should i use whom or who in this sentence: "“in California, it was estimated that around 3,000 people, a majority who/whom are younger than 13, resided in X-county” ?

    my gut reaction is to use "who are" but 3 people have told me it's "whom are" so now i'm not sure...

    I appreciate any help!

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance5 months ago
  • What should I do?

    Well I will keep this short, I work at Marriott International and I been working as a front desk agent for the past 2 years and recently I been applying to move up within the company. I have had couple of interviews ,one at the current location I am at and one some where else.

    I received a verbal offer from the other location on 02/28/17 and that is the same day I had my final interview with the director of operations at my current hotel. I mentioned this to the person at the other hotel and told him that I am interested in that position but still waiting to hear back from my current hotel. At the my current hotel they said they will have an answer by end of this week so I am wondering should I press for an answer soon or should I wait?

    at the same time how can I ask for more time for me to make a decision at the other location?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • What should I do?

    Well I work at a Marriott currently and recently there is a promotion came within the hotel which I applied for along with another colleague who has a higher status than me. we both went through the interviews with our managers but now the final decision is up to the Hotel Assistant Manger. She will meet both of us and decide. I really want this so badly because we both compete against each other alot and she got the first job at first and now she is battling for this. What can I say/do to make the Assistant hotel Manger know that I really am the right person for this job?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • How long does it take to check references for a job? especially being close to being offered the job?

    I had an interview last week for a internal transfer for a room controller position and I met with the senior manger, Human resources director and the General manager. The process has been quick with interviews being done within days of each other. They called me yesterday and said that the recruiter has to do one final reference check so what I want to know is how long does checking reference take. They told me to be on standby

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • checking references before and after interview? and how long does that usually take?

    I wil keep it short, I recently applied for a job as a rooms controller for marriott, I had a face to face interview with the senior manager and the assistant manager, then I had an interview with the Director of human resources and just yesterday I had the final interview/meeting with the GM. Just this morning I got a call from the Senior manager and she told me that they are just waiting for the recruiter to do one more reference check with one of your superiors or the director of operations. But during the interview they told me that they already had the reference check with the manager before hand. Why could they be doing another reference check? and how long could that take? she told me to be on standby

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • probability question based on mean and standard deviation?

    a random sample of 2 observations is taken from a population that is normally distributed with a mean of 100, standard deviation of 5. which of the following is the closest to the probablity that the sum of the two numbers is greater than 221?

    thank you :)

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • BASIC physics help please(projectile)?

    A person fires a projectile motion at a falling target. the projectile is parallel to the ground, and aimed at the center of the target. They are both at the height of (h). the target is dropped from rest and AT THE SAME TIME, the projectile leave the gun.

    - please give a description of the changes in the position and velocity of each object as it falls

    - the paht of theprojectilee and target

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • my waist is killing me ?

    the left side of my waist is killing me everytime i walk. i ran 2 laps in school and for some reason my waist started to hurt. we usually run 1 lap. after the 2 laps we went straight into playing soccer. and my school just got rebuild and its HUGE, so after gym i had to go to the 4th floor FROM THE BASEMENT. this is an everyday thing, so i go up and down the staris ALOT, and i am on the tennis team so after school i go staright to tennis practice. we have to run a mile on tuesday, and 3 laps monday, help!!! please

    i dont want just some medice to stop the pain, i want to get RID of it forever. its been 2 days with the pain. it only happens when i move like walking

    im a 14 year old girl, 5'3 105 pounds

    help me please thank you.

    18 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • how do i clear all my history?

    i know go to tools-internet options-clear history

    but when i type in the adress bar the websites are still there, like i will type y and it will show youtube, AND what i watched on youtube

    how do i clear all of that WITHOUT downloading any programs?

    thank you

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • im freaking out about my grades

    i got a C. im about to start 9th grade in august heres the layout for what most on level students should be taking.

    9th grade - algerbra( i did it in the 8th grade)

    10-geometry(curently doing it in summer school

    11-algebra2-(i will be taking in 9th grade)

    12-pre calc(i will be taking in 10th grade)

    im usually an honoroll,straight a student, and i just got my first C as a grade since 7th grade. can i go to harvard with that, or be a lawyer. how do i feel better about this, im like freaking out about my future. im spazzing out. can i still be succsessful???????

    7 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • im going to kill him?

    i have this cousin he is older than me by 4 monthes we are both 14 currently we are taking summer school to get ahead of everyone so he is like such a crybaby he crys for everything he comes over to my house after summer school everyday and so im thinking in my head just 3 weeks andhe is out of my life and my mom just told me that he is going to transfer to my school he is obssesed with john cena and selena gomez he cant take a joke like if i said john cena looks pale-he would be like shut up whats your problem in like a seriouse way i cant handle that for another 4 years and he is always hogging the computer to get pics of selena and he wont give me any space he curses too iv been controling my anger not letting it go but im going to one day and it will be his fault his mom and my mom have fought before and i dont want it to happen again but i cant do this for longand my mom spoils him what do i do im so confused help me please. and i dont want to cause drama i ran out of text HELP!

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • im a faliure?

    im going to start 9th grade this august. i was suppose to take geometry in 9th grade, but my parents made me take geometry in summer school, there are 2 sessions, i just took the 1st one, and i dont think i did well, cuz i already had like a C or a D and i dont think i did well on the test, if i fail does it go on my high school record, and will collegest see it. these are what kids are suppose to take

    9-algebra( i did it in 8th grade)

    10-geometry(summer school)

    11-algebra 2( IF i pass i take this in 9th grade)

    12-pre calc-(IF i pass algebra 2 i take this in 10 grade.

    so im advanced really advanced, will colleges see that im taking rigerouse classes and surpass the F, and im really scared i dont know when the report card is coming

    help me!

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • help me im dedicated?

    i want to be skinnier by next summer, so i have a year, i want to get started now.

    im a14 year old girl, about 5'5 or 5'6 , i weight 107. im starting high school in august. so school has to come first, and im taking rigerouse classes.

    like my hips are big and wide, how do i lower my fat near my hips? thats the thing i want the most help with.

    i have a some what a flat stomach but hoiw do i make it compleatly flat?

    lose thigh and arm fat?

    mainly im focused around my stomach

    i dont want to do drugs or a diet system like jenny cerige, cuz after you stop the system you immediatly gain the weight again, same for pills, and other systems. cant go to the gym cuz im too young, and parents are working

    i would also love to have a better jaw structure, like less fat on my face.

    please help, im dedicated and i will work for it.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • few ipod questions?

    i have a silver ipod classic 80gb

    1. how to turn in off, and save battery?

    2. when i plugged the wire to my ipod and my computer, on my ipod screen it says CONNECTED

    EJECT BEFORE DISCONNECTING does that mean its charging?

    3. the batter picture on top of the ipod screen has like a picture of lighting on it what does that mean?

    4. how long for it to charge?

    5. when i first got the ipod about a month ago, there was a section called BATTERY METER where it tell you what the percent it is, i cant find it anymore, how do i get it back? it still shows the battery picture on the top of the screen

    thank you

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • move to california?

    we live in maryland, we have lived in MD for 7 years, since we moved from Sri Lanka.

    Recently my parents have been talking about moving to California for education, to go to UCLA. im going to 9th grade.

    do you think that is a good idea?

    like im having a hard time with leaving my friends

    i was planning on going to richard montgomery high school - #1 school in MD

    give me the pros and cons of moving

    thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • i hate geometry?

    i hate proof!!!

    last year i loved algebra it was my fav subject, this summer i decided to take geomtry in summer school so that i will be ahead and will be taking algebra 2 in 9th grade.

    so first 2 weeks were easy

    then came proof, i got stuck immediatly

    i went in for help but still didnt understand i have a test coming up wendsday, were proof are ECRs

    ECRs are 10 points , i cant afford to miss 10+ points.

    what makes proof easier to understand?

    help me please, thank you

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • keyboard help?

    for some reason the number lock,caps lock, and the up button doesnt work. its not a laptop, it a dell computer

    any way to fix it?

    how much does it cost to replace the keyboard in maryland?


    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • i HAVE to go to the bathroom?

    i havent gone to the bathroom in a week+

    yesterday my stomach just started hurting, like knives going through me, it was so painful, i couldnt sleep or move.

    at the 3:30 i went to my mom and dad, they said that i need to go to the bathroom but nothing came out

    how do i make myself go to the bathroom, like special foods, drinks?


    massage myself?

    and is it possible to accomplish it in like 2 hours, cuz i have to go to the movies with cousins

    15 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • i have a printing problem?

    my printer is a canon mp530

    we have had it for like 6 monthes.

    i wanted to print a document, so i clicked print and the paper came out, i looked at the paper and the words were blurry and not clear.

    i checked the ink, and all of it except CYAN was perfect. and i wanted the words to be black.

    what could be the problem?

    help me please!!

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • my knee hurts?

    i play tennis and school is over in 2 days, but i plan on joining the tennis team in high school so this knee needs to heal fast. in less than 3 monthes

    i THINK i have Patellofemoral syndrome, cuz my mom go me a brochure.

    is it 100%curable, or do i have to live with it forever?

    and if its curable how long will it take?

    will it comeback?

    what might make it heal faster?

    thank you

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago