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  • Equality for employees during school holidays?

    Is a company which allows employees with school aged children first priority to selection of holiday dates during school holiday periods acting fairly in the eyes of the law?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can i deter my neighbours **** from crowing?

    Other than beating my neighbour to death with said animal ( i have tried diplomacy but he just doesn't get it), has anybody got any solutions for the problem. He does lock the animal away overnight so it doesn't start crowing the minute the sun rises, which is good (would be even better if he was a late sleeper and didn't insist on getting up at 7am EVERY morning ). Unfortunately, the damn thing makes up for lost time and just keeps going for most of the day. I would prefer to use the complaining to the local council route as a last resort.

    I don't want to harm the animal, but am prepared to at least consider any and all recommendations.

    I will award the 10pts to whoever is the first to provide a suggestion which works for me. if no good suggestions are forthcoming i will award the ten points to the funniest or most elaborate.

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Name the Game, Please!!!!?

    I think it was late 90's early 00's.

    Character you played was an alien, very cartoony, big eyes, huge webbed feet and hands.

    He was trying to fre himself and his Tribe/ Nation which were used as slaves and also secretively used as food for the bad guys

    The bad guys had assorted henchmen and guard dog types, again very cartoony

    The slaves that worked in the "food factories" had their eyes stitched up.

    Sound Familiar - points to the first correct answer

    Thanks to all for help in advance

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How can a person with Irish descent justify supporting the BNP?

    I have just had a look at the BNP membership list (thx Jake) and was really surprised to find so many people with Irish surnames.

    My father always told me that when he came to England there were signs in the windows of B+B's saying "No Irish, No Gypsies, No Dogs". Do these people not realise that if the BNP get their way and "persuade" the Blacks and the Asians and the Jews and the Gypsies and the Poles to repatriate they will look for the next "ethnic minority" to encourage to go back home... guess who that will be? And then when they get rid of us "micks" the dogs better watch out, then red heads, then the left handed etc etc

    I ask again HOW CAN PEOPLE WITH IRISH SURNAMES SUPPORT THE BNP???? I really want to hear from BNP supporters from the Irish Diaspora.

    By the way i am taking bets on how long my question will stay up before it is removed by the "community"

    14 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Name this film pleeeeease! - it's driving me nuts.?

    OK i know there are bigger issues in the world, but this is driving me crazy.

    The film is a black and white with a HUUUUUGE guy as the lead baddie. He strangles his victims with his HUUUUGE hands. The character was very ugly ( although i suspect the actor didn't really need much make up, poor sod). he had a (yup you got it ) HUUUUGE bulbous nose and his eyes were very heavily hooded. If i remember correctly he spent a lot of the film being under-lit (i think that's the correct term). I was pretty sure the film was one of the Sherlock Holmes films with the one and only Basil Rathbone, but have not been able to identfy it. Points go to the first person to correctly identify the film (links to pages with posters or stills from the film appreciated)

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why is the Russel Brand and Johnathan Ross story the top story on the news 2 days running?

    At least 170 people have lost their lives due to earthquakes in Pakistan, a man was shot dead in Romford by police, 24 people killed by bombs in Somalia, a leading economist suggests there might be 2 million people out of work by Christmas in UK.

    But ITV spent almost ten minutes with the Ross/ Brand story on tonight's ten o'clock news ( they spent about the same amount of time on the story last night) and they are promising "More Later". WHY?

    I dont condone the the behaviour of the guys and yes they should have their butts kicked but are Andrew Sachs sensibilities more newsworthy than the earthquake in Pakistan?

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Can you name any MAINSTREAM cinema non white/Ethnic Icons?

    What i am looking for is an icon that is a non white, fictional and has a genre all their own on a par with James Bond.

    This question was prompted when i tried researching an answer to another question (asking about an ethnic James Bond). The only character i came across was Shaft.

    I am also interested to hear about any Icons from non mainstream cinema, but please make it clear in your answer.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is there a device that could be used to create interference on "personal" stereos?

    Whenever i get on public transport you can guarantee that at least one pillock will be polluting the entire bus/ Train carriage with an incessant hiss and beat. When i ask politely for them to turn it down i always feel a bit "old farty" (by the way im complaining about all age groups here, young and old are capable of being inconsiderate). The offender usually turns the offending noise down by a notch or two but somehow manage to still maintain the annoyance factor. Of course i am now stuck with the option of putting up with the lower but still annoying volume or give them ammunition to make me out to be a fart by asking them to turn it down further.

    The even more annoying factor is that my fellow sufferers/ passengers just look into space as if they cant hear anything even though i know that they all wanted to say something but didn't have the cajones to do so.

    I have the physical presence to intimidate the offenders but don't really want to go down that road --- so i am looking for any suggestions of a more discreet way of dealing with the situation. My sense of poetic justice begs that i find some way of inflicting some sort of annoying noise on these people. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Are any of the contestants on the X Factor there just because they have a need in their soul to sing?

    Maybe it's just me, but none of them have said they JUST want to sing. Some are there because they want to give their family a better life, or to make their next door neighbour proud of them or in memory of their dead pet squirrel. All very laudable (if a little boring),but which of them wants to sing because their entire being wont let them do anything else. Which of them would sell their soul, their grandmother and their firstborn to be able to perform morning, noon and night??

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • When is the new AC/DC single due for release in UK?

    Ha! - suggested category's for this question were Science and Mathematics

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Skycross Computer Services Ltd- anyone know anything about them?

    All of a sudden they have appeared out of nowhere advertisng data input jobs offering to pay 50 to 100% more than other data entry jobs. They are advertising the same jobs and rates up and down the country. (100's of jobs at a guess).

    I cant find any info on them (there is a company called Skycross which is in the computer industry, but they seem to be be software/ hardware not data entry/ employment agency).

    Maybe i am just being paranoid - but there is a lot of information on a cv and in this day and age it's better safe than sorry with your personal details.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should YA use a little more commonsense when imposing censorship?

    Recently tried to respond to a question regarding "burlesque" names - my response included the name of a Bond lady who's surmname was Galore, her first name initial is P. The name is also used as an alternative to the word cat. Her name is also used as one of the less offensive words for a womens genitalia.

    I cannot actually type the word on YA because of censorship.

    I posted a question and titled it "Crazy Censorship on Yahoo Answers - Comments please?" where i questioned the facts that i couldnt type the word in question, yet racists and sexists could type their disgusting comments with virtual impunity.

    YA removed my posting and said "Violation Reason:Not a Question or Answer"

    I feel they are being a bit pedantic.

    Please answer yes or no to my question and then feel free to comment. Especially the plumber and Tom who responded to my original posting

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Burning sensation in my nostrils- Help!?

    And before you ask i'm not doing a Keith Richards/ Daniella Westbrook!

    Am on a bit of a fitness thing at the moment and during exercise i have been controling my breathing by ensuring i inhale through my nose and exhale through the mouth.

    Within a short space of time i develop a burning/ stinging sensation in my nostrils. It can be very painful.

    Any ideas??

    4 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade ago
  • Sack this cop?? See link?

    Lets get a debate going on this one.

    I would like to hear your arguments on this topic.

    PS Can anyone from Baltimore confirm that their cops have to dress like that and drive the Noddy cars

    17 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Should D. Conway and those MP's doing exactly the same as him, be allowed to rip off the British public?

    We put these people in the positions they are in to look after the country not them selves, their family and friends.

    One MP is paying his daughter £5k a year to do 1/2 a day a week to carry out secretarial duties - that equates to £50K a year if she were working full time.

    Many others are paying rediculous fee's for family to carry out secreterial responsibilities.

    Conway is being pilloried for paying his sons, but he pays his wife about £40k a year as a secratary.

    There are many MPs who have family working for them and either pay nothing (tight sods!) or are paying minimum/ standard rates of pay -- GOOD ON EM!

    I have no issue with them - I take great issue with those paying families to be "researchers" like Conway AND I ALSO TAKE ISSUE WITH THOSE PAYING 40/50K A YEAR FOR SECRETARYS - i'm "between" jobs at the moment - i am sure i can act as reseracher AND secratary for £25k a year (as long as you dont mind a bit of poor grammar/ spelling)

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is a good rate to lose weight?

    I have heard that you should lose weight at a steady rate - rapid loss can, apperantly, cause problems.

    So here are some statistics

    i'm 44 years old - 6ft tall and weigh 17stone (appx 108 kilos - i think)

    All the information i have gained so far indicates that i should be aiming to get to appx 13 stone in weight.

    I am eating sensibly - not "dieting" just being more aware of my diet, cutting fat, eating more fruit, eating at sensible times and not eating thousends of calories.

    I am doing 45 mins of good excersise 4 times a week and 30 mins walking (minimum) every day.

    Started doing this just after Christmas - didnt seem to lose anything at first, but then seem to rapidly lose about 8lbs in less than 2 weeks.

    So im really pleased - but just want to make sure i wasnt doing anything stupid.

    I havnt changed anything in the last 2 weeks.

    29 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do i get an "aimbot" for Renegade?

    Sick of getting my R's kicked by Sakura's and Havoc's

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago