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I am a 25 year old happily married LPN. I have a 7 year old son and a daughter due on February 6th!

  • what to do when grandparent favors a younger biological grandchild over an older adopted grandchild?

    My husband adopted my older child when he was 6 years old. We now have a child together. So we have a 12 year old and a 5 year old. One of the grandparents favors their biological grandchild over their adopted grandchild. They call and ask to pick up the younger one, never mentioning the older one. They buy things for the younger one and not for the older one. Interact more with the younger one. It is quite obvious that they prefer their biological grandchild over their adopted grandchild. My husband and I have never used the "step" term and only use the term adopted in the case that we are needing to explain it to someone. Usually this is in legal matters and school. my husband has never treated our older child any differently than he treats our younger child. the other 4 grandparents obviously try to make sure they are not favoring one child over the other. My husband and I are unsure of how to handle this without ending up with a huge argument or worse. We don't want to hurt any one's feelings or upset anyone but we cannot allow our older child to continue being hurt by these actions.

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • My son has the measles, rash started to go away, now is back along with fever and horrible cough?

    Ok so he was taken to the emergency room last monday with severe stomach pain. Admitted because thought was appendix, then ended up being severe constipation. Stayed in the hospital until Thursday getting all kinds of enemas and miralax. Came home on a daily dose of miralax and zantac. Then this past monday morning, woke up with a low grade fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, and a few little spots kind of scattered. By tuesday evening, he was covered with the measles rash. Temp has gotten up to 102. Taken back to ER last night because fever had been gone but came back all of a sudden at 101.2 and had severe stomach pain again. They swore it was just constipation again but did ultrasound and blood work just to be safe. The only thing they could find was the constipation. So they sent us home. we were told absolutely no motrin and tylenol only if had to. So today, he woke up from a nap with a horrible cough and his temp was back up again to 101. I am kind of starting to get a little scared. He has had both doses of MMR and to this point is pretty much a medical mystery. . . .So ANY input or prior knowledge of measles (since no one in this area has ever seen an actual case of it before now) would be greatly appreciated! Oh yea, he is 11 years old and had Kawasaki disease which was treated with 2 rounds of IVIG almost 6 years ago.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • will a holter monitor show all palpitations?

    I am a 29 year old female with an extensive family history of cardiac problems. 2 weeks ago yesterday, I began having palpitations. They came out of the blue. No changes in meds or eating/drinking habits at all. They have not stopped. If anything they have gotten worse. The doc checked my thyroid along with a bunch of other blood work and said everything was normal. Did a 24 hr holter monitor which they said came back normal. I ended up at the emergency room yesterday afternoon with chest pain and palpitations accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness in extremities, dizziness, nausea, and feeling like I was going to pass out. My vitals were almost perfect. Ekg was fine. Troponin levels were negative each of the 4 times they checked them. Had an echo a little over 3 years ago that was normal. They gave me nitro which did seem to help . They have scheduled an outpatient stress test for next week. I just don't understand how these can be happening without something somewhere being wrong in some way.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • Safety on LA metro buses?

    I will be traveling with 2 young children. Any tips?

    8 AnswersLos Angeles9 years ago
  • Weather in los angeles,ca?

    I live in east tennessee and am traveling to LA this weekend. I know the temperature is supposed to stay around 70 while we are there. I am just wondering how much different 70 degrees is there as compared to east tennessee.

    1 AnswerWeather9 years ago
  • 2 year old sexually abused, dcs not doing anything about it.?

    Our 2 year old daughter went into descriptive detail regarding who did what. It was our former babysitters who are coincendentally family. Took her to the doctor. There is no physical evidence of trauma. Doctor said there usually isnt in children this young. Our Daughter wouldn't talk to the department of childrens services worker because she didn't know her. They only met with her once. What can I do? Obviously these people have already been removed from my children's lives. But they have a daughter as well who I am worried about. I really feel like DCS has failed my daughter.

    2 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Pregnant, changing hormones, or something else completely?

    I had my tubes clamped 2 years ago. Had an eptopic pregnancy exactly one year later. obgyn suggested having dye ran to make sure clamps were still in place but insurance wouldnt cover. So last month, I was 10 days late. Started on june 27th. Started off brown (odd). Lasted 3 days (normal) but stayed the odd color and was abnormally light flow. Now I am having occasional light pink spotting, occasional bad cramps, horribly tender breasts, nausea, insomnia, and urinary frequency. I just dont know what to think.

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Just looking for some possible causes of these odd symptoms?

    I had my tubes clamped 2 years ago. my periods are very regular, last 3 to 4 days, usually no bad cramps, slight breast tenderness, and mild mood swings. Last month, I was ten days late, started on june 27, it was odd color and lighter than normal, lasted 3 days. Now I am having occasional light pink spotting, extremely tender breasts, nausea, cramps, and insomnia. I am a nurse and a mother of 2 but I can't, for the life of me, think of any thing that could be causing all of this.....

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • platelets going from 62000 to 40000 in 12 days?

    My husband started having headaches and nosebleeds about 2 months ago. He finally decided to go to the doc at the end of January. They did blood work and a CT scan. His platelets were at 62000. He went back a week later and they were at 55000. Today they rechecked them and they are at 40000. I know that normal range is 150000 to 400000. His headaches and nose bleeds have stopped. He has no other symptoms. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone else have problems with their cesarean incision?

    My daughter is 3 weeks old and my incision has basically completely healed. However yesterday, i started having some light pink drainage from it on the very end. Today it is no longer light pink. It's bright red. It's just a spot or two on the towel when I dry it off after washing it. But it's worrying me a little bit. Don't know if it's enough of a concern to call the doc about tho. I go back to the doc on March 2nd. Do you guys think I could wait until then or should I call him Monday?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How much is/was your baby eating at 3 weeks old?

    my little girl is 3 weeks and 1 day old and yesterday went from eating 3 ounces every 3.5 to 4 hours to 4 ounces every 3.5 to four hours. She also slept through the night last night which amazed me. My son started sleeping through the night when he was 2 weeks old but I didn't think I'd be that lucky this time. lol.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I'm just wondering how many of you. . . .?

    How many of you moms out there listen to the "new age" docs and don't give water or anything other than breast milk or formula until a certain age? And how many of you use the time tested karo corn syrup to help with baby's bowels and other things that our moms used on us?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you all think of this name?

    I know I've posted a few name questions over the last little bit. But my husband and I have finally decided on a definite name. Be honest but try not to be rude please. Isabella Faith

    18 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these names?

    We have a baby girl who will be here january 30th (c-section). We've FINALLY narrowed it down to 4 names. Please tell me what you think of them.

    Destiny Faith

    Emma Faith

    Hannah Faith

    Leah Faith

    43 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Had an ultrasound today. . . . baby's weight?

    I know that it can be a little off from the actual weight. But I will be 32 weeks friday and they said she weighs just a lil over 5 pounds. According to, she's only supposed to weight a little over 3 pounds. The ultrasound tech said that she's not too much overweight right now. But she's supposed to gain alot over the next 7 weeks (i have an ultrasound scheduled for a week before my due date) and I'm just a little concerned about her already being over 5 pounds. Anyone else had an experience like this? (oh, and yes, I have gestational diabetes, I've been doing my best to follow the diet. I was only diagnosed 2 weeks ago)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a problem with the moment of silence in public schools?

    It was brought to my attention yesterday that the county in which I live has taken away the moment of silence that the used to allow our children before starting their school day. I am simply appalled at the fact that a right so simple as a moment of silence, something that no one has to know what you are using it for, whether it be prayer, a focus excersize, sleep, or simply just sitting there, has been taken from our children. Just wondering how other people feel about this, regardless of your religion or lack there of. If they can take this right away so easily, what comes next?

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • This happen to anyone else in first year of marraige?

    Ok. I know the exact situations probably didn't happen to anyone else. But my husband and I were married in march of this year. So far, i got pregnant, my dad passed away, i lost my job and have been unable to find actual full time work because of the fact that I am now almost 8 months pregnant. We have just had the year from hell. We're makin it tho. I'm just wondering if anyone else's first year has seemed like everything bad just waited to happen all at once after you got married.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I help my grieving mom?

    My dad passed away 2 months ago after a 2 year battle with cancer. It has been very hard on all of us (i have a brother and a sister, a 5 year old neice and a 7 year old son, as well as my husband and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law). My dad was my mom's whole world. For 2 years, she was with him day in and day out, spending every minute she could with him and taking care of him as much as he would let her. She was doing ok dealing. She was going shopping and out with her mom and sister and with me and my sister and the grandkids and just keeping herself busy. Now all of a sudden, she refuses to talk to any of us, doesn't want us at her house, and says that we don't need to worry about her and that she doesn't know why we're worrying about her (as if she doesn't matter or shouldn't exist since my dad is gone) We are all really worried about her and what will happen if she continues to withdraw from the world completely. We thought about a grief counselor or even just a regular counselor and maybe some antidepressants but she won't agree to either of those. Wondering if anyone has any ideas of what we could do because we can't allow our mom to give up. We all made promises to my dad that we wouldn't let her and that we would make sure she was taken care of and she even promised him that she wouldn't let herself do this. I understand that it is probably almost impossible for her to make herself do things but she's not eating either and we're all just really worried. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions to go with the name Faith?

    We definitely want to name our lil girl Faith but we cannot decide on a name to go with it. We don't want her to not have a middle name. It doesn't matter if Faith is the first name or the middle name. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • When should you worry about weight gain during pregnancy?

    I will be 29 weeks on friday 11/21. I have only gained 4 pounds. I was overweight before I became pregnant. I also had thyroid problems before I got pregnant but now my thyroid tests come back good. My doc refuses to go into detail with me about anything and just says not to worry. He never seems concerned. Just wondering if anyone has been in this situation before and how the baby was when it was born. I'm really worried.

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago