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  • how to take tax on cheques ?

    im trying to figure out how much im getting on my cheque, and i dont know how to take off the tax, i live in winnipeg manitoba, so i just wanted to know if i make "X" ammount i take it and divide it? multiply? subtract? any help would be great thanks.

    2 AnswersCanada1 decade ago
  • how old does she have to be?

    my daughter is 17 months and wondering how old does she has to be to have peanut butter? ive given her chasews before and was fine, and theres no history of allergies with pb, so i was wondering when is it safe to give, and how much? could i make a pb and jelly on the same slice of bread and fold it over, or would that be to much? and please no rude comments, im just wondering thats all. thank you

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • not eating and screaming through the night?

    my daughter is 16 months and for a while now shes been crying in her sleep, and its a cry of something is wrong, im sure its nightmars but its been going on every night for a few weeks, also shes hardly eating, at first i thought it was the heat, but now shes just not eating, im lucky if i can get a meal in her and a few snacks here and there, shes not acting like shes deprived or anything, shes healthy, and running around, no lack of energy, and i know when shes hungry she will eat but it still concerns me, i dont know if i should call her doctor or is all this just a normal phase? any help be grealt appreaciated thanks.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • what to get for a spoiled 2 year old?

    my neighbour is having a birthday party for her 2 year old (turning 2). and she has everything, she has so many clothes there pouring out the closet, she has a million and one toys of all kinds, stuffies, ride on, push ones, name it she has it, she has lots of books, and i dont want to give something dumb like diapers, i want to give her something that she would use, and ment for her like a toy but not a toy, and im very limited on funds and i really dont want to spend more then $20 with tax im not being cheap im just limited on money cuz i have a 16 month old of my own, and since she has so much whateve3r i give her its gonna end up in a pile somewhere and never seen again, she likes deago tho, any suggestions? thanks

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • baby blues?

    im babysitting my neighbours kid shes 22 months, and im babysitting her for 14 hours a day 5 days a week, and i have my own daughter thats 15 months old, is it possible to get baby blues again from just babysitting another kid? her mom is trying to get her into day care but she works all day, and doesnt take any breaks, ive told her that she shouldnt work so much cuz her daughter needs her, but shes a single mom with a roomate moving out anytime, she daughter crys so much of the day, and doesnt talk to me (she can talk) she doesnt eat for me, could she possibly be depressed to? and my daughter is taking a toll on this, she likes having a playmate but at the end of the day shes glade shes gone, and ive been so depressed from the situation im having with the mom and im ready to tell her im done, so is it possible to get baby blues again? and is is possible for a toddler to even get depressed? no rude comments please, im already almost in tears.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 15 month and crib?

    my 15 month daughter sleeps in her crib in the living room, we have a one bedroom and shes never had a problem with it, but awhile ago she started pulling her leg up over the side and i thought she was going to learn how to climb out of her crib, so i took off the front and made it a day bed, she loved it she was able to climb in and out so problem, until night time, i heard her cry so i went to check on her and she was curled up on the couch, it was kinda funny, i put her back to bed but she didnt want it, so i put the rail back up and never had a problem till lately, for the past few nights she will scream in the middle of the night, nothing wrong with her, not wet, hungry, nothing, wide awake, she just doesnt want to be in the crib, i dont have a problem putting her in the day bed, its just that im in a 1 bedroom, and i dont want her getting into things in the middle of the night, and i can't really put gates up, and i dont want her sleeping in the bed with me and daddy.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • almost 2 year old still with pacifier?

    im babysitting a 22 month girl for my neighbour, and she still has that dang thing in her mouth all the time unles she eat, its so annoying, when my daughter pulls it out and runs away with it teasing her, she will freak out, and ive talked to her mom about it and she says ya it keeps her quiet, but this child depends on it even to sleep, its kinda sickining, so do i get her over it myself? take it away from her until she goes to bed? and tell her i lost it? or how should i go about doing this, i have her for 8-9 hours a day and i cant stand seeing it in her mouth all damn day, any suggestions please.

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • babysitting?

    i might be starting to babysit for a 20 month old that lives in my apartment building, i also have a 13 1/2 month old and they get along great, so i thought it would be good for my daughter, the mother needs to get a full time job, so im assuming im going to look after her daughter mon-fri, prolly 7 or 8 ish to 5 or 6 ish and i thought it would be fair to charge per week insted of per day, i want to be fair, and i dont ahve a job myself, so its not in any inconveniounce, so i was thinkin about 100$ per week, with her supplying the food and diapers and everything i need, is that to little? shes going to get a normal job, something like 6-700$ every 2 weeks, and her boyfriend also works fulltime, so is 100$ to little? or more like 150? ive never babysat a kid for that long on a reaguler bases, so any ideas? thanks

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • whats with the BPA?

    what is with this BPA thing? ive heard that you have to get rid of the sippy cups and bottles that are of certin company? i bought new sippy cups for my daughter a month or so ago, and if i knew about it i wouldn't of wasted my money, so do i have to throw them out or are they safe to use, i have a platex advance bottle, and the hanze sippy cups, as well as the sippy cup you can put in the fridge and it keeps it colder long, i dont know what company it is, platex i think? so does this mean i have to throw them out? or are they still safe to use? i mean there sippy cups, i put juice and milk in them, from the fridge, i dont microwave them, i just want to know more about this BPA, thanks

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • not eat still?

    my daughter is 13 months and she is still not eating, i know everyone says babies dont starve themselves, they'll eat when hungry bluh bluh bluh, my daughter was sick last weekend and she still has a little cold but its going away, but she still wont eat, she eats very little, today, all she has was a jar of baby food and a few snacks through out the day, and drinks her juice and milk, i cant give her any of her old favourt foods, i cant even get it close to her mouth, and if i can get her to eat anything, its only a few baby spoonfuls and shes done, im very worried now that shes not eating enough, and also when she goes and has a bowl movment its like it hurts her, she actually screams sometimes when she trys and goes, and when i change her its actually hard, its been over a week since shes been like this, im going to call her doctor in the morning, but i just want to know if theres anything i can do now? im really worried, any advice? amd please dont say she'll eat when shes hungry.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • not eating?

    my daughter is 13 months, and shes not eating anymore, if im lucky i can get 1 proper meal in her, i know shes teething and even before when she was teething she would at least eat otemeal and her baby cereals, but now i can get up to 5 spoolfuls in her, she doesnt seem to be botherd tho, but she does get really fussy at times and i know she should be hungry, try feeding her and again only a few spoonfuls i can get in her, she was sick for a few days, she was throwing up at night, but shes fine from that now, but now shes going to the bathroom so much more now, i try keeping her hydrated, but im worried that shes not eating enough, what do i do? and how long should i let this go? its been about 5 days now since she started throwing up and 2 days since she stopped eating normaly, did i leave it to long? should i call her doctor? or let her be for a few more days? help ladies please im worried

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • what is up with teens these days?

    all you hear on here is im pregnant how do i tell my parents? am i pregnant? im pregnent i dont know what to do? its easy dont have sex! and if you do protect yourself! and just go tell your parents, and if you dont know if you are dont f***in ask just take a damn test!

    is it just me or are teens these days just stupid? its like every generation they get more stupid everytime? now im not saying all teens are stupid some are really smart, and good for them, but seriously whats up with all these teens getting knocked up? its called a condom people and birth control use them!

    29 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • almost 13 months and bad temper, and to attached to mommy?

    my almost 13 month old daughter has a bad temper, i swear shes hitting terrible 2's at such a young age, if she doesnt get what she wants she screams bloody murder, i put her in her crib to cool off and it sometimes helps, plus she is way to attached to me, i cant even close the bathroom door without her screaming her head off, if she falls asleep in the car and i run into the mall or where ever do quickly do something, my husband stays in the car with her, and she will wake up and start screaming till i get back, she cries so hard i swear shes going to cough up a lung or something, i dont know what to do to get her out of this huge attachment to me, and i dont know how to control her temper tantrums, any advice will help thank you!

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • vancouver customs?

    i purchesed an mp4 player off of ebay, and they sent it via china airmail, they sent it on the 18th of march, now i tracked it and vancouver customs has it, they had it since the 24th it says, now i was wondering how long will they hold it and how long will it take to recieve it, im in winnipeg manitoba, they said about 5 days or so, but how long are they going to hold it?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Vancouver customs?

    i purchesed an mp4 player off of ebay, and they sent it via china airmail, they sent it on the 18th of march, now i tracked it and vancouver customs has it, they had it since the 24th it says, now i was wondering how long will they hold it and how long will it take to recieve it, im in winnipeg manitoba, they said about 5 days or so, but how long are they going to hold it?

    4 AnswersVancouver1 decade ago
  • why is it called bow legged?

    when babies learn to walk there bow legged, how did that name come up? my daughter is 12.5 months and has been walking since 9 months, i knw she will grow out of it, it takes time, but how long will it take? why are babies bow legged? and how did they come up with the name?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how much should a 12.5 month baby girl weight? and height? and how much is normal to eat?

    my daughter is 12 and a half months, shes about 32" and 23lbs now, both myself and her daddy are tall im 5'10 and hes about 6'1 and both have tall parents. so is this normal for her? and also how much should she be eatting and how often? she can eat as little as 3-4 times a day or from 4-6 times a day and she can eat about 5tbs of cereal or up to a big jar of baby food, and snacks here and there is this normal?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how to help a sick 1 year old?

    my daughter has a runny nose and shes coughing lots and its very conjested its not so bad that she cant sleep at night and she doesnt have a feavor i have been checking that, but shes had this cold for almost a week and i have been giving her fluids to help flush it away and been putting baby vicks on her chest and back, and i was giving her baby tylonal but it wasnt helping at all, i went to the drug store and they said that you cant give a baby under 2 anything for over doesing and all that, and to just run steamy water in the bathroom and close the door and sit in the bathroom for a few minutes, and use a cool humidifyer, but nothing is working and i feel so bad for her she has a poor lil red nose from me having to wipe it all the time and i dont know how else to help her, so please any advice will be appreatted thanks.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what to give a sick baby?

    my daughter is almost a year and she has a stomach flu she doesnt have a fevor and shes still active but she has alot of lose light green b/m and she hasnt been wanting to eat alot which i understand and been alil more cranky lately and last night she got sick all over her and cryed and i felt so bad that i couldnt help her i cleaned her up gave her a bath put her in her pjs and just cuddled with her now my questions is what can i give her so her tummy feels better i know it has to run its course but what foods will be ok and she doesnt like drinking plain water, and i dont wanna give her apple juice or orange juice so any ideas on what to give her thanks

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • piercing holes?

    i had my lip pierced when i was younger and i took out my piercing and it closed but i still have the mark is there anyways to get rid of it as well as on my tounge and belly botten i just recently took out and i dont want the scar whats the best thing to get rid of them?

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago