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Can a used transponder remote be reprogramed for a chrysler 300?
I bought a used remote transponder key for my car as I lost the original key. Is there any way a used one can be programed and if so is there any way to do it without having to take it to the dealership? I know you can do it at home with 2 other keys, but I don't have even 1 key. any information will be much appreciated.
2 AnswersChrysler9 years agoHow old does a child have to be before the father can take him?
I'm going to be breastfeeding, Idk if that has any relevance to this but, for the first 6-9 months maybe even a year. How old does the baby need to be before the father can legally take him for say, the weekend or for a couple days or whatever?
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoClaiming no father on a birth certificate?
My husband cheated and now we will be getting a divorce. I'm about 2 weeks away from giving birth. I don't want to name him or anyone as the father on a birth certificate. Can my baby still be on his insurance legally? I'm not naming him as the father because I don't want to share custody of my child with him because I don't want his trollop around him.
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhat shows up in account history on an at&t go phone?
If a person uses the mobile e-mail or the instant messaging app on a go phone, will it show up in the account history? If not how can you tell if it's being used?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoat&t gophone question?
I have an at&t go phone and I was wondering if you get charged for using IM or email. I do the 2 dollars a day unlimited plan, but I was wondering if you were charged for data for either and does it show up in your account history when you use them?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agocan a baby's position be determined by ultrasound?
I went in for my 28 week appointment and I got an ultrasound and I was wondering if my dr can tell whether or not my baby is transverse. I ask this because my belly feels rock hard below my belly button and I only feel his movements below my belly button and never above. I told my Dr. about my concerns and he didn't seem too concerned about it. I'm just worried that my uterus or something is growing the wrong way or something isn't right. Can you tell if a baby is transverse by an ultrasound? Has anyone else experienced this? Don't bother answering if you're going to say "if your Dr. didn't seem concerned, you shouldn't be" because I am going to be regardless.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoalternatives to phenobarbital for treatment of seizures in dogs?
Are there any alternatives for treatment of seizures in dogs? The vet told me once you put them on phenobarbital you cannot take them off of it because they will have a major seizure and not come out of it and they will die. My dog has petit mal seizures and I want to know if there is any other medications that aren't like that. Also, can the vet tell whether or not the seizure is caused by head injury or something else? Becuase I also heard that the meds don't work for seizures caused by head injury.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhy is the US so fast to bail countries out of a disaster when out own country is in shambles?
I am so irked that we are so fast to bail other countries out when things happen but there are so many things that we need to be doing here for our own people and country and we can't manage to do that. As soon as disaster strikes somewhere else we are right on top of it.
7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoCould my dog be having petit mal seizures?
About once a week my dog starts shaking and tensing up. He loses his balance and staggers around like he's drunk.(he still tries to play during all this and is aware of what's going on around him, which makes it more confusing) When this happens it lasts from a minute to a minute and a half. I took him to the vet and he said he may have a middle ear infection. He put him on antibiotics for 2 weeks and also gave him drops for his ears. He seemed to be doing better with that so I thought he was cured. But then 2 days after he finished his antibiotics he had another episode. Could this be a middle ear infection that just has't cleared up all the way, or is it a petite mal seizure? Could it be something else?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agocan ear mites get into a pugs wrinkles?
If a pug has ear mites, can the ear mites go from the ear into their wrinkles and live there?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs it safe to take 1500 mgs of tylenol during pregnancy?
I'm 20 weeks pregnant and I've had a cold with a bad fever and I took some tylenol but I misread the bottle. It said 500 mgs on the back of the bottle and I thought that it meant 500 mgs per dose but I got to looking and it says 500 mgs per pill. I took 3 once, for a total of 1500 mgs, is that dangerous for my baby?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoA couple questions about breastfeeding(pumping)?
On average how many times a day will I have to pump my breasts when I have my baby? I know there are a lot of factors that determine an answer, but I am looking for an estimate. Also, I purchased a Playtex Embrace double electric breast pump and I just want to know if there are any bags out there (not the drop-ins, but actual freezer bags) that will go with this pump to store my breast milk. Also, I plan on freezing as much as I can, but is it safe to keep a pitcher in the fridge with breast milk in it for a couple days?
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoOwning a handgun in Texas?
I have a 38 cal handgun, and I have it for occasional target practice and personal protection. I live in TX and I know it's legal to shoot someone who breaks into your home and your life is in danger, is this the same case if you are renting in an apartment?
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoSeeing recurring numbers since I became pregnant?
Literally since I became pregnant I've been seeing 1:37 on the clock all of the time. I don't know if they have anything to do with one another but I think it's weird. Has this ever happened to anyone else or does anyone know what this could signify?
3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoBaby gender determination on a sonogram?
I am 16 weeks pregnant and I go to the Dr on my 20th week to get a sonogram and they will determine the sex then. I have been worried that they would tell me "it's a boy" and have it be a girl or they would tell me "it's a girl" and have it be a boy. So, this leads to my question. If they by some weird chance do say the wrong sex, will they be able to tell later on after the baby is more developed? As much info as you can give would be appreciated. Thanks :)
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIs it normal to feel normal some days during pregnancy?
I'm 8 weeks and some days I am completely nauseated, repulsed by some smells and I have no appetite whatsoever. Other days I just have no appetite, and some days I feel completely normal, like I did before I was pregnant. Is this normal?
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat is a good middle name for Deuce?
I want something that flows with it but nothing stupid that's trying to be trendy.
Thanks in advance. :)
15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoSomething disappeared then reappeared. What is happening is it paranormal?
I took my wedding ring off to put on some lotion and I walked away forgetting to put it on. I went to get it later on and it wasnt there. I was home alone during this whole time. I started to search my appartment high and low sever times. I was looking for probably 2 1/2 hours. I decided I would go through the bathroom one last time. I looked on my counter and nothing. So I grabbed my basket and started looking through that and didnt see it so I put the basket back. As soon as I put the basket back I look on the other side of the counter where I had just looked maybe 1 minute ago and there the ring was right there. Is this paranormal and is something messing with me?
10 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade agoWhere can I find a schedule for the major Equestrian Shows?
I just need a schedule for 2010 of the major shows.
3 AnswersHorses1 decade agoWhat is the difference between a cold and a URI in dogs?
What are the symptoms of each? Will just a reg cold go away on it's own?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago