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Lv 616,012 points


Favorite Answers17%

Not gonna be around as much anymore but... Hullo, my name is lola and i am a nice gal who honestly likes to give people a good answer when i can :) I would say my expertise would be in Rock and Pop (a few favorites are Pink Floyd, The Flaming Lips, ELO, Nine Inch Nails. I love classic rock, britpop, and 60's pop) and Books and Authors, especially in regard to The Catcher in the Rye. I've read it over 100 times. I also like to do hair and makeup and I enjoy fashion so I May be some help there too. Lets see...anything i want to share?...i spent a summer at a funeral home at a child, i hate where i live now, and i'm listening to Crazy World by Richard Ashcroft as i type this :)

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