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  • Just to let you all know...........?

    I got my BFP last night. I have been having sore breasts since last Monday so i thought i would bite the bullet last night and take a test and it came up +. I did another this morning just to be sure and again +. I thought that i wasn't due to ovulate till a week on friday - but maybe thats why we fell pregnant because we wasn't thinking about it!!

    So it has taken us since Dec 07 after being on the pill for 10 years.

    Good luck to all TTC.

    16 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How many people who have conceived on clomid?

    How many people who conceived on clomid had a multiple birth as i have read in increases the chances?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What will happen... 9 months ttc?

    Me and my partner have been ttc since xmas 07 with no luck. I know that is nothing compared to some! I have worked out that i only seem to ovulate every 90 days or so. I have book an appointment with my doctor for Friday to discuss this. I know they say you must have been trying for 12 months unless you are over 35 in which case it is only 6 months. Does this apply if my husband is over 35 and i am not? My husband has 2 children from a previous relationship. Also what will the doctor do at this appointment?

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What will happen... 9 months ttc?

    Me and my partner have been ttc since xmas 07 with no luck. I know that is nothing compared to some! I have worked out that i only seem to ovulate every 90 days or so. I have book an appointment with my doctor for Friday to discuss this. I know they say you must have been trying for 12 months unless you are over 35 in which case it is only 6 months. Does this apply if my husband is over 35 and i am not? My husband has 2 children from a previous relationship. Also what will the doctor do at this appointment?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to only feel ovulation some months and not others?

    Me and my husband have been trying to conceive since xmas 07. I was on the pill for about 10 years but my periods returned straight away and are quitely regular - apart from a couple of the cycles. My cycles have been 37 days, 34 days, 38 days, 61 days, 31days and this last was has been 56 days. I only appear to have experienced ovulation symptoms such as pain which has been on right side both times, and sore nipples which both occured in my longer cycles. Is it possible that i have been ovulating the other months but have just not had the symptoms.

    Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How soon can you start on clomid?

    Me and my husband have been ttc since Dec 07 when i came off the pill. My period returned straight away and was quite regular. My cycles were a 37 day, 34 day, 38 day, 61 day, 31 day cycle and af showed up today which makes this cycle 56 days. I have tried charting my bbt and using ovulation tests. I now think i have only ovulated on the two longer cycles as i experienced pains and very sore nipples. If i was to try and get an appointment with the dr for tomorrow to talk about trying to regulate my cycles would i be able to start with clomid this month or do they run tests before they would suggest this?

    I just can't help breaking down in to tears when af shows and now that i think i don't ovulate regularly it would be end of Nov before i will ovulate again!

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thankyou in advance.

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How soon can you start on clomid?

    Me and my husband have been ttc since Dec 07 when i came off the pill. My period returned straight away and was quite regular. My cycles were a 37 day, 34 day, 38 day, 61 day, 31 day cycle and af showed up today which makes this cycle 56 days. I have tried charting my bbt and using ovulation tests. I now think i have only ovulated on the two longer cycles as i experienced pains and very sore nipples. If i was to try and get an appointment with the dr for tomorrow to talk about trying to regulate my cycles would i be able to start with clomid this month or do they run tests before they would suggest this?

    I just can't help breaking down in to tears when af shows and now that i think i don't ovulate regularly it would be end of Nov before i will ovulate again!

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thankyou in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How soon can you start on clomid?

    Me and my husband have been ttc since Dec 07 when i came off the pill. My period returned straight away and was quite regular. My cycles were a 37 day, 34 day, 38 day, 61 day, 31 day cycle and af showed up today which makes this cycle 56 days. I have tried charting my bbt and using ovulation tests. I now think i have only ovulated on the two longer cycles as i experienced pains and very sore nipples. If i was to try and get an appointment with the dr for tomorrow to talk about trying to regulate my cycles would i be able to start with clomid this month or do they run tests before they would suggest this?

    I just can't help breaking down in to tears when af shows and now that i think i don't ovulate regularly it would be end of Nov before i will ovulate again!

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thankyou in advance.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it possible not to ovulate every cycle?

    Me and my husband decided to try for a family at the end of 07. I came off the pill in Dec 07 and my periods returned straight away. My cycles have been 37 days, 34 days, 38 days, 61 days, 31 days and i am currently on day 55. I think af is due at the end of this week as i believe i ovulated on wed 20th or thur 21st aug as i had pains and very sore nipples - of which both have now gone. I also experienced sore nipples during my last 61 day cycle which i believed at the time that we had conceived. I now think that i have only ovulated on these two cycles - is this possible - not to ovulate every cylce? I tried using ovulation tests and only once got a + but not sure which cycle it was now. I also charted my bbt during my last 61 day cycle which is why i convinced myself that we had conceived.

    I am already trying to prepare myself for af arriving as every time she shows i just break down and cry!

    Is there anybody in the same situation or was in this situation. Is it possible to only ovulate every other period? Is there anything i can do to help me regulate my ovulation?

    Thankyou in advance.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What are the chances...?

    Me and my husband are ttc and bd sunday 17th Aug (husband been away all week)- i think i ovulated on wed 20th Aug or thurs 21st Aug. What do you think the chances are of conception? Many thanks.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What was your first.........

    pregnancy symptom and how far along or dpo was you?

    14 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • TTC - why does everyone around me....?

    Why is it that since i have been ttc everybody around me seems to be falling pregnant, several who weren't trying. I just feel thats its so unfair. I am happy for them but just wish it was me! I know thats it just that i notice it more! Anybody else found that this was the case? Also how long did it take to concieve. I was on birth control for about 10 years and me and my husband have been trying since Jan 08.

    14 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • TTC - AF showed again!! - How do you cope?

    Me and my husband have been ttc since jan 08 after i came off the pill (was on it 9 years) - but af showed today. I know that it isn't a long time but this month i really put it to the back of my mind and thought maybe this was our month! The last couple of months when af has showed i just break down in tears! How do you cope with the dissapointment month after month and how long did it take you to concieve? - Did you ever feel like giving up?

    Thanks in advance.

    Baby dust to all ttc

    12 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • 19 Days Late - Negative Tests?

    I am now 19 days late for my period and hpts are negative. I have tried several brands including cheap ones and clear blue. I have also been to the doctors and they did a urine test and that was negative and got to go back a week tomorrow fo another. I experienced cramping a week before my period was due and have had cramping on and off since. I felt bloated but now the feeling of my stomach is definately changing. I have also had sore nipples but that has now gone and my boobs are definately bigger. I have recently been haveing increased cm and feeling tired (but i always feel tired). I know some people say that hpt's should have shown positive by now but has anyone ever had negatives till later on in pregnanc? (I would be 8 weeks tomorrow if i am.) And what symptoms did you have if any? Thankyou in advance and baby dust to all ttc

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 19 Days Late - Negative Tests?

    I am now 19 days late for my period and hpts are negative. I have tried several brands including cheap ones and clear blue. I have also been to the doctors and they did a urine test and that was negative and got to go back a week tomorrow fo another. I experienced cramping a week before my period was due and have had cramping on and off since. I felt bloated but now the feeling of my stomach is definately changing. I have also had sore nipples but that has now gone and my boobs are definately bigger. I have recently been haveing increased cm and feeling tired (but i always feel tired). I know some people say that hpt's should have shown positive by now but has anyone ever had negatives till later on in pregnanc? (I would be 8 weeks tomorrow if i am.) And what symptoms did you have if any? Thankyou in advance and baby dust to all ttc

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had a negative hpt but positive doctors test?

    Me and my husband have been ttc since Jan 08 and I am now 11 days late but still getting neg hpt's. I have now made an appointment with the nurse for tomorrow morning for them to do a test (urine). Has anyone ever had neg tests at home but positive doctors?

    Fed up of not knowing!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • When should i go to the doctors?

    Me and my husband are ttc and my last period was 9th April and it is now 21st May and still no AF. I came off the pill in December and had a peiod in Jan 08 (37 day cylce), March 08 (34 day cylce) and April 08 (38 day cycle) giving me an average of 35 day cycle. I am now on day 43 and still no sign of AF have done several hpt's all show negative. Symptoms are feeling very tired (but i am always tired!), bloated, the odd twinge and every so often feeling sick but doesn't last long maybe 5 minutes at most. At what point should i go to the doctors and ask them to do a test? I just hate not knowing either way! Thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How soon into your pregnancy did you notice a change in your...?

    How soon into your pregnancy did you notice a change in your lower abdomen? How early did your abdomen start to harden?

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Implantation or odd period?

    got married last year and this is our 2nd month ttc. I came off the pill in Dec (22nd first day of period) and then had a real period which started Jan 28th and lasted for 3 days. We have bd every other day and according to my last cycle i'm not due for AF till Wednesday - but i was never very regular before i went on the pill. Tuesday, Wednesday and yesterday of this week i have had spotting which is brown (only when i wipe sorry tmi) - but no sign of red blood. This is unlike me even before i went on the pill (was on it 9 years). Could this be implantation bleeding or my body adjusting. It seems strange as i thought that if it was my body adjusting then it would have happened last month.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Implantation bleed or odd period?

    I got married last year and this is our 2nd month ttc. I came off the pill in Dec (22nd first day of period) and then had a real period which started Jan 28th and lasted for 3 days. We have bd every other day and according to my last cycle i'm not due for AF till Wednesday - but i was never very regular before i went on the pill. Tuesday, Wednesday and yesterday of this week i have had spotting which is brown (only when i wipe sorry tmi) - but no sign of red blood. This is unlike me even before i went on the pill (was on it 9 years). Could this be implantation bleeding or my body adjusting. It seems strange as i thought that if it was my body adjusting then it would have happened last month.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago