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  • Alka Seltzer Day with Alka Seltzer Night? Please answer?

    I asked this in medicine, but only got one answer, so I thought I'd try it here.

    have the Alka Seltzer Plus Day-Night combination box, and it says "do not take at the same time". Does it mean do not take them at the same time (as in within four hours within taking the other), or to not take them together at all? Thank you so much in advance!

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine7 years ago
  • Can you take Alka Seltzer Plus Day with Alka Seltzer Plus Night?

    I have the Alka Seltzer Plus Day-Night combination box, and it says "do not take at the same time".

    Does it mean do not take them at the same time (as in within four hours within taking the other), or to not take them together at all?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • Is this OCD or something else?

    Okay, so I've noticed that the main things that cause me anxiety. Some of it is because of dizziness, some of it is because of brain fog, some of it is because of blurred vision, a lot of it is because I have a terrible fear of impending doom, but the absolute main reason I do believe is because of how badly I over-analyze things until nothing seems real. For example, if I see my cat and I pet it and smile and such and think oh, how sweet and cute, afterwards I start thinking, "Wait, why are cats so weird looking? Why don't they look like humans? Why are we the only animals that can talk? Why are cats cute? Why do I even like cats?" and so on until everything seems too unusual and odd to be real. And so I start feeling like the whole world is so weird and odd and my mind goes into panic trying to find a reason/understanding for everything, even though I know that no one on earth has an explanation/understanding of everything. But I just keep feeling like everything is off and strange and unusual and wondering but why this and why that and how this and what if and so on, until I go into full crying panic. And my mind never stops racing all of these insanely aware thoughts that no one knows the answer to, but I feel like I have to know the answer. Has anybody had anything similar? Or have you heard of something similar? Of course I have the intrusive thoughts sometimes (they used to be my panic triggers) but it seems like they were replaced with these obsessive thoughts of having to know the meaning of everything until everything seems fake and terrifying. Is this a form of OCD? Have any of you experienced/heard of things such as this? It is starting to control my life to a point of where I can't even sleep anymore and I'm terrified of everything and everything seems like a dream. I've heard of derealization, but it seems like things only seem unreal because I over-think too much. Please answer if you have had any experiences this bad or have heard of them! Also, I just increased my Zoloft meds 2 days ago so I'm waiting for them to kick in, I'm praying they will work. But has anyone had CBT for OCD? Is it worth it? Thank all of you ahead of time, and happy Thanksgiving!!!

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Does Hydroxyzine help motion sickness? Please answer!?

    I'm supposed to go to a concert around 2 hours away next month, and I get very bad car sick, typically. I have a prescription for Hydroxyzine (Atarax or w/e) for my anxiety, but I've also heard it acts as a treatment for motion sickness too? I was just wondering if that is true, or if anyone has had experience with using it for car sickness. Also, what are more tips for getting car sick? Thanks sooooo much! xx

    4 AnswersHealth & Safety7 years ago
  • Can an increase in Sertraline (Zoloft) cause Depersonalization?

    I've been on 50mg of Sertraline (Zoloft) for years now, but my doctor recently upped the dose to 75mg about a week ago because my anxiety got bad all of a sudden.

    Ever since then I've felt like I'm in a zombie/robot-like stage. And I feel like I'm not really in my body, but kind of "trapped", if you will.

    I was wondering if it could be a side effect of the Zoloft increase? Even after I've taken it for a long time? And will it eventually leave? And how long should I give the increase to work? Thank you sooooo much!

    2 AnswersMedicine8 years ago
  • Anxiety medication question?

    I've taken Sertraline (Zoloft) for about 6 years now for anxiety and it's worked pretty well, but I've shown new/greater symptoms that scare me terribly, so I went to my doctors about 2/3 days ago, and they upped my dose from 50mg to 75mg. I've noticed it's not showing much of a difference, and I was wondering how long it could take for an increase in medication take to work? Considering the 50mg was already in my system, wouldn't the 75mg help immediately? Or would it take some time? About how long would you guess, if so? Thank you sooo much! xx

    1 AnswerMedicine8 years ago
  • Please help!? Anxiety, or...?

    Okay, I've been on Sertraline for 6 years for my anxiety, and I starting showing great symptoms of OCD + MUCH WORSE anxiety symptoms than I've ever had before. Before I only had anxiety when I felt really sick, but recently I've been having: intrusive thoughts, generally weird thoughts, getting nervous over the slightest thing + worrying, bad dizziness, feeling like things aren't real/I'm in a dream/I can't bring myself to believe what is happening, [which might be caused my my nerves], over-thinking EVERYTHING [even unlikely things], I can't get interested in anything [including things I usually would LOVE with all my might], I can't get interested in anything for more than a few seconds without having those terrible thoughts again and panicking, I've been having hysterical crying fits where I feel like I would rather shoot myself and end it all then keep dealing with this [I don't typically ever feel this way, but this has just been going on for about a week and it is BAD], even sometimes when I have a random sense of hope it quickly leaves, nothing is making me exited/taking my mind off of it, I dread everyday, I've had diarrhea, I've lost my appetite, I just have a generally hopeless sinking terrible feeling deep inside of me that won't leave, etc etc... And it just came out of nowhere!!! I went to my doctor's yesterday, and they just recommend we go from 50mg Sertraline to 75mg of it, and they also recommended a psychiatrist, but I don't want to jump into that just yet. My question is, can it take a few days for the updose of Sertraline to take affect/effect (I'm not sure which to use here, sorry)? It would also be good if you could tell me ways to calm myself down when I just know I can't/am in a full-panic. PLEASE, I REALLY COULD USE THEM! Thank you sooo much.

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I'm so scared, what's going on!?

    I posted one question already telling what happened fully, but I'm going to ask the question more simpler:

    Lately I've been experiencing:

    - Violent/mean/negative thoughts that made me panic I would really do them

    - Feeling like I've been in a dream/movie, and that I can't believe this is really happening

    - Dizzy, light-headed, and slightly blurred vision

    - Confusion and disorientation

    - Panic attacks (because I'm terrified of what is happening)

    - Involuntary crying/tearing up

    - Over-thinking the meaning of everything and feeling like everything is weird/crazy

    - Almost complete loss of appetite

    - Nausea/upset stomach (although that may just be my nerves)

    - Fear of everything

    - Etc

    I've been taking generic Zoloft for about 6 years now for anxiety, and it's been working for a long time. About 3 months ago, I got put on Metformin and Levothyroxine. If it was a side-effect of the medication, wouldn't it have already happened? Besides, would it really cause all of what I described? I've never had feelings like this before, and I'm petrified. I'm a 16-year-old (turning 17 in a few months) female. Please, please help. I'm sooo scared, and have a fear I'm losing my mind. Please help!?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What does it sound like is wrong with me? + Should I go to my doctor? Please read and answer seriously?

    It started off feeling like I was a little foggy and such almost a week ago, but it got really bad the other night.

    About 3 nights ago, I was watching Investigation Discovery, and I was already feeling a tad unusual, but it was an episode about mothers murdering their children in terrible ways. Then I got to thinking, "What if I had a baby, and I killed it? Would I even feel remorse?" And I convinced myself that wouldn't even care, which made me think about it ALL night, and start panicking BAD. I had what seemed like days of continuous panic attacks, and if they leave, I still feel odd and anxious, and then the panicking comes back. It's like I can't get away from it.

    It's also been feeling like nothing is... "real". Like I'm in a dream, or maybe in some movie. And I've been over-thinking EVERYTHING. Like, why do we eat? Why do we like animals? And all of these stupid things that everyone usually accepts and ignores. But I keep feeling light-headed, dizzy, like I'm not really there, like I'm going to pass out, and just terrified. Like all of this is just my imagination. I KNOW it's not a dream, but I just kind of feel as if it is, if that makes any sense.

    I've also lost my appetite, been having digestion issues (diarrhea, upset stomach, etc), been shaking a lot and keep dropping things, been crying involuntarily, keep jumping from one stupid thought to the next, kind of feel like the past few days have been fake, and just like I can't believe/comprehend why I'm feeling/thinking this way all of a sudden out of nowhere. I'm petrified, like I am terrified, and have been panicking BAD. Every time I calm down a bit, like 5 minutes later I remember that all of this is going on, and then panic again. I feel all weird and uneasy, and I'm terrified something bad is wrong, and what if I never feel/get better? And I keep thinking bad thoughts, like "What if I want to stomp that dog?" or "What if I want to kick that child" and "Would I care if I killed someone?" And it's making me sooo scared and paranoid, and I don't know, I just feel like I'm going crazy. Like I'm becoming mentally psycho, and I'm SOOO SCARED. I don't know what to do. I've told my parents, and they're being understanding, but they say I'll feel better in a few days, and it may just be hormones. I don't know what to do. What if unthinkingly I do something violent or lash out/black out?

    Other things to know:

    - I'm 16 (soon to be 17 in a few months).

    - I'm female.

    - I've been taking generic Zoloft for anxiety since I was 11 (although I had panic attacks for feeling sick/nausea then, I've never experienced anything like this).

    - Just about 3 months ago I started taking Metformin, and a thyroid medication that I don't remember the name of and can't go look right now.

    I'm just shaking and am sooooo scared, and feel like everything isn't real, and am afraid the doctors can't find what is wrong with me/help me, and I just don't know! I'm a disaster, I just want to feel normal again! Please tell me what it seems is wrong, and if I should be worried about it. I just need reassurance I'm not going crazy or something terribly wrong isn't going on. I even went to the grocery store a bit ago, and was panicking, feeling like everything was so unusual and weird, feeling like I'm in a dream, feeling like I was going to pass out, but I feel it at home too. I've barely even been eating, as well.


    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Yes, I had to. How alike are we?

    () Your favorite color is black

    () Music saved your life

    () Your favorite music genre is either rock, punk, or metal

    () You adore cats

    () You hate where you live

    () You love Fall Out Boy

    () You love Marianas Trench

    () You are a sucker for blue eyes

    () Your favorite ice-cream flavor is mint chocolate chip

    () You hate mayonnaise

    () You have snakebites

    () You have/had your hair dyed an unnatural color (pink, blue, etc)

    () You are constantly on the internet

    () You hate One Direction's music

    () Cartoons are about all you watch

    () Your name starts with a B

    Thank you! c: ❤

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What would be some advice for someone who is wanting to start a band?

    Hi, I'm really wanting to start a band (preferably a rock band) within the next few years, and I was wondering (for someone who is in one / was in one) what are some tips I could use? Maybe things you've learned from being in one?

    Thanks so much. x

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago