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  • Lease agreement / contract with my ex-wife?

    Pending our divorce, neither my ex or I wish to sell our house in this awful market. We have agreed for her to rent my half of the house from me while I move out.

    My question is; can I use a standard off-the-shelf lease agreement for this, or should I have an attorney draw up a custom one? I obviously have to protect myself here. We're not on bad terms, but I'm a 'trust-but-verify' kinda guy.

    I live in Nevada.

    Any help from practicing divorce or real estate law professionals would be appreciated. Thank you!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is there any study as to who the uninsured are?

    According to most propaganda, there are between 50 - 70 million uninsured in the US. That's around 1 out of 6. Is there any study as to who these people are? Their demographics?

    How many are Illegal Aliens?

    How many, as I was for nearly 20 years, are healthy young men who chose to gamble & keep my own money rather than pay the premiums for what I was pretty sure I wouldn't need?

    How many are religious fundamentalists who choose to stay out of the system on theological grounds?

    If we don't know who or why the uninsured are & why they are in their situation, how can we make en-masse judgments about what 'should be done for them'?

    I'd rather not be forced at gunpoint to pay for things not needed & not wanted, thank you.

    The words "Give me Liberty, or give me death" seem to be long gone & little remembered in this nation.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How much did the Presidential invocation @ NDU cost the taxpayer today?

    Typically, a university offers an 'honorarium' (read; payment) to the celebrity commencement speaker. Did NDU (as well as others) get the #1 desired speaker not only at no cost to them, but subsidized by the American taxpayer in these hard times? How much is it in terms of Secret service, military, Air Force 1, and all the required enterage, to have the president speak? As well as the local cost to the hosting community in terms of law enforcement, security, logistics, etc? Why are we paying for this? Shouldn't the university be responsible for the total tab, considering they are the only ones who reap the benefits from it? I'm fed up.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How about this for a 'fair' taxation theory?

    Keep in mind that this is purely for theory and entertainment purposes!

    Rather than continuing with the burdensome labor of collecting taxes from the citizenry for the running of the Federal government, what if the Fed just printed the money that it needed for its operations?

    Yes, we all know they do this anyway.

    It seems to me that this would be the ultimate in 'fair taxation'. As the currency was devalued and inflation went up, those that have the most in savings would automatically be taxed the highest, as their loss from a continually less valuable monetary savings would be the most.

    Conversely, those who earn & have the least would be be taxed nearly nothing, as they are always 'hand-to-mouth', and never hold money long enough for it to devalue in their possession.

    Inflation would be continual, and we would just have to adjust constantly.. shouldn't be too hard with modern data processing. Why not? The dollar is really worthless as it stands now anyway.

    Aside from the fed having no incentive whatsoever to 'save' funds anymore, it seems like it would be a rather 'fair' taxation system!

    Gold hoarding would have to be illegalized again, of course.

    And yes, I'm a big fan of Ben Franklin. (The MAN, not the bill!)

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Given the events in our country, and in the world, will we will be hearing a radio address from John Galt? ?

    anytime soon? With the nationalization of the banking industry, and today another 150 Billion in bailout for AIG (insurance nationalization), and soon the same for the Automotive industry. How bad will things have to get before Mr. Galt comes to save us? Does anyone know how I can reach him? I like his way of running things much better. Does anyone in Colorado know where he and his merry band might be hiding out?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • For most people in the USA over 50 years old; are the times today more or less tumultuous ?

    than during the Vietnam / Civil rights struggle era? Were we closer to falling completely apart then, or now? I have my theories, but I'd like your observations. I wasn't born quite yet, or was too young to know at the tail end.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • On AC/DC's (the band) exclusive record distribution deal with wall-mart; does anyone else feel betrayed?

    Maybe that's not right way to put it, but it does tick me off, and signal the beginning of a very disturbing trend. You can't buy it in any little mom-N-pop record store (of the twelve or so left in the country), can't buy it on Amazon, can't get it on Itunes, nowhere but at that traitorous retailer or at the band's website. (I guess this is the option that keeps them from an anti-trust violation). I'll never give them, nor their label another dime of my money, and will be sure to steal all of their material from now on. Anyone else upset about this? Have anymore inside info on it? Feel like writing some poison parody lyrics to verses of their songs that we used to love so much?

    "For those about to shop ~ WE WILL SCREW YOU!!!!"

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • What are the first three words or phrases that you think of when someone mentions the Libertarian party?

    I'm looking for truthful answers.. wondering how much reality or misconception is out there. Feel free to rant if it tickles you, too.. we believe in freedom like that!

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you were empaneled on a jury, would you exercise your right of jury nullification?

    Jury Nullification is the right of a juror to find a defendant 'not guilty' based not on the facts of the case, but on the opinion of the juror as to weather the jaw that the defendant is being charged under is a just law. An example would be; if you were a juror on a case concerning a cannabis possession law, and you did not think that the law was a just law, you have the right to acquit even though the facts of the case clearly show that the defendant broke the law. This can apply to many laws, so this is just one example. So, would you? And please explain why or why not.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • The '78 diesel VW Rabbit got almost 50 MPG. WTF happened?

    I knew people that claimed they got almost 60 MPG out of them. So; my question is, with THIRTY years of R&D between then and now, why can't they get even CLOSE to what they had then?

    Materials research, powerplant engineering, electronics, they have all improved, but the bottom line is still crap? Automotive engineers are especially encouraged to answer!

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Help; what adhesive do I use for the tile border in my Inground Pool?

    The pool is over 30 years old, concrete / plaster. About a dozen tiles have popped off all in one spot.. looks like a poor previous repair by a former owner. What material do I use to make a permanent repair, can you use ordinary flooring tile mastic, or is it something else since it's always immersed in water? Anything special about the surface prep?

    Then... the same question for the grout?

    And yes, I asked the guys at two different pool stores. They both tried to get me to hire their service guys instead of giving me a straight answer.

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago