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Lv 55,038 points

Son of Liberty!

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None of your business

  • With a 44% average on a citizenship test..should these people be governing us? ?

    Our illustrious Congress and Senate scored an average of 44% on a basic citizenship test. Are these people fit to be our "leaders"?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do Americans really want what Obama is cooking?

    During the debate, Barack Obama once again refused to condemn former President Jimmy Carter- who publicly supports Obama- for holding talks with the Hamas terrorist group, a group supported financially, politically and military by Iran.

    Barack Obama's foreign policy plans have even won him praise from Hamas leaders. Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Hamas Prime Minister said, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election. He has a vision to change America."

    Do we really want his kind of change?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Cold War Vets Remember When?

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Russian bomber aircraft approached a U.S. aircraft carrier off the Korean coast on Wednesday and was intercepted by American fighter jets -- the second such incident in less than a month, U.S. defense officials said.

    According to the U.S. officials, a Russian bomber came within three to five nautical miles and flew 2,000 feet (610 meters) above the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier and its accompanying ships.

    Two U.S. F/A-18 fighters were launched to intercept the Russian aircraft and escort it out of the area, according to one defense official.

    Russian bombers over the past year have increased their flights near U.S. territory and U.S. naval assets, demonstrating their long-range strike capability.

    In February, two Russian bombers approached the Nimitz near Japan and one flew over the carrier, escorted by a U.S. fighter jet. That was the first Russian overflight of a U.S. carrier since 2004.

    Is the Russian Bear coming out of hibernation?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For 10 easy points..who is?

    Lt. Colonel Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Don't care about the Super Bowl, who should your team draft in April?

    For me, the RAIDERS should go after:

    1st Rnd - Chris Long (DE) Virginia

    2nd Rnd - Big Play WR

    3rd Rnd - DL

    4th Rnd - OL

    14 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else gotten email from that a little Ron Paul suppoter Michael S?

    That coward sent me an email hiding behind YA! so I could not respond to his brainwashed dribble. This user is abusive and all my Dem friends he is not what the Repub Party is all about.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Wonder what life will be like under the Dems? Just look at the EU?

    BRUSSELS (AFP) - An internal European Commission study, seen by AFP Friday, criticises an EU plan to boost the use of biofuels in transport, concluding that their costs outweigh the benefits.

    A Commission spokesman downplayed the study and insisted that the use of biofuels remained at the centre of its strategy to cut greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.

    The unpublished working paper by the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's in-house scientific body, makes uncomfortable reading for the EU's executive body ahead of a meeting Wednesday where it is to detail a plan for biofuels to make up 10 percent of all transport fuels in the EU by 2020.

    The cost-benefit study looks at whether using biofuels reduces greenhouse gas emissions, improves security of supply and creates jobs and delivers an unenthusiastic opinion on all three counts.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hezbollah? Your thoughts?

    BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah's reclusive leader claimed Saturday the militant group had the remains of Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon during the 2006 war, saying the dead were left behind "in our villages and fields."

    Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's graphic description appeared aimed at pressuring Israel to accept a prisoner exchange. Israel is thought to be holding at least seven Lebanese prisoners while Hezbollah has two Israeli soldiers it captured in July 2006, triggering the war.

    "Your army left behind the remains of soldiers in our villages and fields," he said, in a mocking address to the Israeli people, during a speech to tens of thousands of Shiites taking part in commemorations marking Ashoura, their most important holiday. "They (Israeli army) were so weak on the field that they left behind remains not of one, two or three but a large number of your soldiers."

    AP 1-19-2008

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Pakistan heading towards civil war?

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — As President Pervez Musharraf grows more unpopular in Pakistan, his newly named successor as army chief is seeking to distance the institution from the Musharraf regime and pull back its virtual occupation of the top senior ranks of civilian ministries and state corporations.

    Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who was named to the top military job in late November, took two steps this week. First, he barred all senior military officers from meeting directly with Musharraf without prior approval and prohibited officers from having any direct involvement in politics. Second, he recalled many army officers from civilian job assignments

    McClatchy Newspapers 1-19-2008

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the old Soviet Bear out of hibernation?

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's armed forces chief said on Saturday Moscow could use nuclear arms pre-emptively if under serious threat, his comments marking no change in defense policy but underlining a renewed military confidence.

    Interfax news agency quoted Chief of Staff Yuri Baluyevski as saying also that Russia, rebuilding defenses under President Vladimir Putin after the decline of the immediate post-Soviet years, must guard against "excessive militarization" of society.

    Reuters News Agency 01-19-2008

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should we stick a fork in Romney and Guiliani's campaigns?

    Small Crowd Greets Romney's Mich. Push

    Jan 11, 2:56 PM (ET)


    WARREN, Mich. (AP) - Despite embracing Michigan as the heart of his bid to revive his campaign, Republican Mitt Romney was greeted by an anemic crowd Friday as he began his final push for votes in the crucial primary.

    No more than 150 people were on hand for his appearance at Macomb Community College's Center for Alternative Fuels, in a space set up for an audience twice that size.

    And in Rudy's camp..Staffers are now working without pay because his money is running out..Election 2008, you decide.

    McCain 2008

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this part of the continued sell out of America?

    Citi looks to secure further $14bn in new capital

    By Henny Sender in New York

    Published: January 11 2008 22:02 | Last updated: January 11 2008 22:02

    Citigroup is putting the final touches to its second big capital-raising effort in as many months, seeking up to $14bn from Chinese, Kuwaiti and public market investors.

    Under the proposal being discussed, the bulk of the money – roughly $9bn – would be most likely to come from China, people familiar with the negotiations say. The Kuwait Investment Authority would contribute about $1bn, while $2bn to $4bn would be raised through a public placement of shares.

    Story found on

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has Governor Arnold finally gone insane?

    He proposed today the early release of 22,000 inmates out the California Penal System in order to help offset the 14 billion dollar defecit in Cali. I am so glad I got out dodge before all this insanity.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What's going on in Pakistan?

    Two new reports on the assassination last month of Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto suggest that the killing may have been an ambitious plot rather than an isolated act of violence and that the government of President Pervez Musharraf knows far more than it's admitted about the murder.

    A police officer who witnessed the assassination said that a mysterious crowd stopped Bhutto's car that day, moving her to emerge through the sunroof. And a document has surfaced in the Pakistani news media that contradicts the government's version of her death and contains details on the pistol and the suicide bomb used in the murder.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hillary upstages Republicans with stimulus plan or just plain Socialism?

    Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton on Friday proposed $70 billion in emergency spending to stave off a possible U.S. election-year recession, upstaging Republican rivals who clashed over the economy but offered few specifics.

    The New York senator, who hopes to become the Democratic nominee in the November election, proposed $30 billion to help low-income families hit by the mortgage crisis and $40 billion in other spending, mainly for the poor and unemployed.

    The former first lady, trying to build momentum after her narrow New Hampshire primary victory over Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, also urged Congress to prepare an additional $40 billion in tax rebates for low- and middle-income families to be implemented if the initial stimulus fails.

    Story by Jeff Mason

    The 10 words I do not want to hear are "I am from the government, I am here to help." ~ Ronald Wilson Reagan

    I am one of those hit by the mortages but, do not want the government to be my savior.

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dennis Kucinich is paying for a recount in New Hampshire...?

    Does he believe voter/election fraud occurred or is this just another hack political stunt ? What do you think? especially since 35-38% of voters said they going to vote for Obama...might it be a good idea to do so.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What was Hillary's involvement in the Sandy Berger Affair? (Documents stolen from the National Archives)?

    Do you think Hillary directley ordered Sandy Berger, Former Clinton National Security Advisor and loyal Clinton soldier, to steal documents relating to the Clinton dealings with OBL and other foreign policy matters from the National Archives, the week before they were to be introduced into the 9/11 Commission? Maybe some very embarrassing revelations in those documents?

    And why isn't any National Media questioning her about the incident (Berger is unofficially on her campaign staff) and her involvement in it?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The campaign trail produced "a bumper-crop of falsehoods" why do the American People lay down and take it?

    Giuliani claiming New York was suffering "record" crime until he became mayor..crime was on the downward trend before he swore in.

    Romney telling voters "In the next 10 years, we'll see more progress, more change than the world has seen in the last 10 centuries." Also claimed as a boy he "saw" his father walk with MLK and then when challenged said "saw" figuratively.

    Clinton claimed in a TV spot that soldiers in the National Guard and Reserves did not enjoy health insurance until she took up their cause. How could she create something already in existence.

    Obama has been widely challenged for stating that there are more young black men in prison than in universities in the United States. In this case, Obama could point to a 2002 study by the Justice Policy Institute for evidence. But more recent data from the US Census Bureau concludes the opposite is true.

    When are we the people going to stand up and demand truth over substence or are we just voting for who looks best.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has the Pelosi-Reid led Congress really "Drained the swamp of the Alligators"?

    That was one of the campaing promises of the Libs to change the course of politics. Have they really done it? or was it just an empty promise to get elected? Like every other Politician's, Con or Lib, promises.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago