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  • Compliments, random hugs and calling me a "player"?

    First time we were both drunk and she gave me this long hug and rested her head on my shoulder. All I remember is that I was teasing her before she hugged me.

    Second time, we weren't drunk. We were just talking, I was cleaning dishes and she sideway hugged me and rested her head on my shoulder. I should have pulled her closer, but stupidly I didn't really react.

    She didn't call me a "player" explicitly, but she said that I only talk to girls in my native tongue. I do this to tease her, and she seems to like it.

    Last night she was like "Where were you all day? You could have come to see me?"

    Why is she doing this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • Girl I like called me a “player”?

    She hasn’t explicitly said it, but she did say “You only talk in your native tongue to all girls”. 

    Despite this a few minutes later she’s hugging me and resting her head on my shoulder. 

    I like her, but she’s driving me mad. Sometimes she’s flirty and randomly comes up and hugs me and kisses my neck when she’s drunk, but then other times she pretty much ignores me or seems cold.

    She’s also told me she “doesn’t want to get attached”

    Tonight she even told me “I haven’t seen you in a while” when I’ve only been away for a day?!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • Is it just me or does this sound like my sister isn't over her ex?

    My sister and I are close, and for that reason, she came to me when her ex-boyfriend got in touch after 5 years of nothing. Instead of maturely telling her it was over, the coward decided to cut all contact with her, stop answering her, and blocking her on everything.

    Anyway, he sent her a message a few months back saying that he still has feelings for her and a friend request on FB.

    I asked her if she had considered just ignoring it and she said she probably would.

    4 months later, she's now accepted his friend request.

    A big part of me hopes this is just "platonic", but a small part of me thinks there's more to this...

    What do you think?

    Singles & Dating7 months ago
  • What are the chances my friend still has feelings for her ex?

    She was ditched by him like an old towel with no explanation whatsoever, and he’s waltzed back into her life saying sorry and telling her he still loves her. 

    She’s accepted his friend request. 

    I honestly find it hard to believe that she, knowing better than anyone what he’s capable of, has done this. 

    The only reason I can think is because she still likes him?

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating11 months ago
  • Pourquoi accepterait-elle la demande d'ami de son ex?

    Elle a été abandonnée par lui comme une vieille serviette sans aucune explication, et il revient dans sa vie en lui disant pardon et en lui disant qu'il l'aime toujours.

    Elle a accepté sa demande d'ami et je ne sais pas quoi faire à ce sujet.

    4 AnswersAmour et relations - Divers11 months ago
  • Why would she accept her ex’s friend request?

    She was ditched by him like an old towel with no explanation whatsoever, and he’s waltzed back into her life saying sorry and telling her he still loves her. 

    She’s accepted his friend request and I just don’t know what to do about it.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating11 months ago
  • My friend has accepted her ex’s friend request and I’m worried she will get hurt again?

    I’m really worried about my friend. 

    She’s accepted her ex’s friend request and I

    I’m scared she’ll get hurt again. 

    I don’t understand why she did, and he obviously wants her back because he told he still loves her (she showed me the message). 

    And I feel like she still has feelings for her and that’s the only reason she’s done this. 

    What can I do?

    3 AnswersFriends11 months ago
  • Worried about my friend, please help?

    I’m really worried about my friend. 

    She’s accepted her ex’s friend request and I’m scared she’ll get hurt again. 

    I don’t understand why she did, and he obviously wants her back because he told he still loves her (she showed me the message). 

    What can I do?

    2 AnswersFriends11 months ago
  • J’ai demandé à une amie si elle voudrait sortir avec moi?

    Je lui ai demandé si elle voulait qu’on mange ensemble, mais elle me répond « Ah merde! J’aurais dis oui mais je me suis déjà fait à manger »

    Puis elle m’a dis « T’aurais du me le dire plus tôt mdr! »

    Est-ce que c’est un non?

    11 AnswersCélibat et rencontre1 year ago
  • Did my friend reject me?

    I asked her whether she would be up to grab some dinner together.

    She replied:

    “Ah ****! I would have said yes but I’ve already made dinner”

    And then “You should have asked me earlier lol!”

    I mean, if she had just sent me the first text without rescheduling, I would have taken it as a rejection, but I just don’t know... I feel that maybe the door is open?

    What do you guys think?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Une nana que je viens juste de rencontrer veut qu’on voyage ensemble?

    Ça me paraît très bizarre, et je m’en méfie. 

    C’est une amie à un ami à moi et je l’ai rencontré qu’hier soir. 

    Elle me parlait de ses voyages, de l’Irlande et comment elle aimerait y retourner. 

    Elle me demande ensuite si je suis déjà aller là bas. 

    Puis « Génial, on devrait y aller ensemble »


    12 AnswersAmitiés2 years ago
  • Does the fact that my ex GF who I cut contact with is open to talk now mean I may have a chance?

    I cut contact with her five years ago, and have deeply regretted it ever since. I was such a selfish coward to her and I clearly put her through a lot of pain and distress. She told me all about it in her reply.

    She answers whenever I get in touch, and she hasn’t told me anything that would suggest she would want me to stop contacting her. She said she’s open to hear what I have to say to her.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • So I heard her call my name. Is that bad?

    So I was half asleep early this morning before work. All of a sudden I hear a female voice softly call out my name.

    I recognized the voice as that of a girl I once knew. I knew it was her because, although she’s only rarely spoken English to me, I know the tone of her voice. I just know it was hers.

    It felt comforting to hear her, but when I was fully aware she wasn’t there I got quite distressed.

    Is something wrong with me?

    What could this mean?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Do you think she might still have feelings for me?

    Recently got back in touch with the girl I cut contact with 5 years ago.

    I didn’t think she would respond, but a couple hours later she did and it was huge.

    She told me how badly it had affected her and still does. She said she thought I hated her. She said she has had issues in her relationships and has never felt the same.

    However, she also said “I like the idea of us trying something together, but I’m afraid of the result”

    I know what it means, but what did she mean by it?

    Is she conflicted between still liking me but worrying I’m just going to do it again?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Vous pensez qu’elle s’en fiche de moi?

    Cinq ans après que j’ai coupé contacte avec elle je lui ai envoyé un message. Je ne m’y attendais pas à une réponse.

    Par contre, elle m’a répondu et dans son long message elle m’a dit “J’aime l’idée qu’on fasse quelque chose ensemble mais j’ai peur du résultat”

    7 AnswersSanté mentale2 years ago
  • We haven’t spoken in 2 weeks, but this happened?

    My GF and I haven’t spoken in 2 weeks.

    However, on Monday I visited my best friend and his sister, who’s one of my GF’s friends, told me this: “I saw C (my gf) during the weekend, she said she’s going to come down to M (my town) because she hasn’t seen me in a while”

    What’s going on?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • On a pas parlé pendant 2 semaines. Pourquoi est-ce que son amie m’a dis ça?

    Ça fait depuis 2 semaines que ma copine et moi on parlé.

    Lundi, je suis passé voir un ami, et sa sœur qui est en faite ami avec ma copine m’a dis qu’elle l’a vu pendant le week-end. Elle me dit « J’ai vu C (ma copine) ce week-end elle m’a dit qu’elle pense passer à M (ma ville) parceque ça fait un moment qu’elle t’a pas vu »

    5 AnswersMaternelle2 years ago
  • J’ai donné de l’espace à ma copine parce que je pense qu’elle en a besoin. Combien de temps devrais-je attendre?

    Ou est-ce que je devrais attendre qu’elle me contacte?

    Elle m’a dit qu’elle se poser beaucoup de questions et que c’était le « bordel » dans ça tête, donc je lui ai dis que peut être ça serait mieux si elle prenne du temps pour penser à elle et ce qu’elle veut.

  • How much time should I give my girlfriend if it’s me who gave her space and should I let her get in touch with me?

    She’s been quite overwhelmed recently and told me what was going wrong and that her head was all over the place.

    I took the decision to give her space.

    How long should I give her?

    or should i just wait till she gets in touch with me?

    3 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • I’ve given some time/space to my GF so she can figure out what she wants. Did I do the right thing?

    Last night she said her head was all over the place, that she was asking herself a lot of questions, and that she was not used to being in a relationship.

    So I told her I appreciated her honesty, that I understood how she was feeling, but that it might be better that she takes some time to think about her and what she wants.

    It was really difficult to tell her this because I really like her, but I think some time off would do her some good.

    Did I do the right thing?

    3 AnswersMental Health3 years ago