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  • My ferret has a respiratory infection, how can I get her better?

    Took her to the vet and told me she has a respiratory infection. She's lethargic, sneezing, you can hear shes got mucus in her nose. I've been given an antibiotic called Enrofloxacin to give to her everyday. It's difficult to give it to her but I manage to do it somehow. I started the antibiotics on Thursday so this is her third day (saturday) taking her meds. I was also given a canned food to give her to eat. It's a bit liquidy and looks like it's more made for dogs/cats and it's only acquired through a vet. She won't drink and water though. I'm scared she won't get any better.

    Has anyone experienced this? Is your ferret ok? And what did you do to get it better? Please tell me your stories, I've had older ferrets but no babies so this is quite a new experience for me. I don't want to lose her. Help!!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Why isn't my bearded dragon growing as much as the other?

    I have a 6 month old female bearded dragon, and (I'm going to assume) a 3 month old female dragon. They get along fine, but my main concern is that when I put in the crickets for them to feed, I only see the 3 month old one eating one cricket while the 6 month old is devouring like 6 or more.

    I bought mealworms and fed the 3 month old outside the tank and in my palm and she was eating them fine. (I only gave her 3)

    And then I thought maybe if I take the 6 month old out, Callisto (3 month) will eat more....which I did, but she still didn't eat a lot. She is shedding but not a lot. I'm wondering if she's not eating much because she's still small? Or is it because of the dominance factor...

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Is it bad if I turn off the basking lamps at night for my bearded dragons?

    I asked a sales associate at a reptile store if their light needs to be on 24/7 and they said that I could turn it off at night and turn it back on once I wake up. But I read on a website that it should always be on and should never be below 70 degrees or something. Is this true? Is it really bad if I turn their basking lamps off?...because I don't want my girls to die or get any health problems if so.. :(

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What is my bearded dragon doing?

    She keeps runnig around clawing at the glass and then rubbing her head against the stuff on the floor. It's quite odd...I keep watching her thinking she's trying to shed but I look and theres no peel or anything. Is she just going crazy over her reflection or something?

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • How often does a bearded dragon shed and is it ok to help them out?

    Both of my bearded dragons are shedding right now. My real question is if it's ok to help them out with the process. I've read that you can bathe them or give them nutrients or something...but then I also read about someone saying to watch out for when they shed at the toes because they could get stuck there and cut off circulation. I don't want any of my beardies' toes being cut off or would it be bad if (when they were done shedding) I helped them out and took it off for them. Just at the toes.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Where can I get/order custom made fish tank backgrounds and wallpaper?

    I have bearded dragons and want to put a background in the back. I don't want that cheesy scenery crap...I was thinking more of something I could upload and a company prints it for me in that panoramic design. And for the wallpaper, I dont mean desktop wallpaper...I mean on my walls wallpaper. I've been going around google trying to find something but I can't find anything. Is there anymore with more knowledge about this stuff?? Please let me know :(

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • What could be the answer for weird lumps that feel like bruise near groin area?

    Ok. So i'm pretty positive it's not herpes or anything like that. There's no small pimples, it doesn't itch, doesn't smell down there. But about a week or so ago, I got sick and my whole body was aching a lot. When I started feeling better, I still felt sore but noticed it felt bruisey near my groin area. I didn't think anything about it because I thought it was just because I was sick and my body aches when I am. Anyways, when I was feeling back to normal I still felt that bruised kind of feeling down there. I was laying down in my bed, and normally (since it's been cold) I put my hands in my pants to keep my hands warm and I felt two lumps near my groin. It's not anywhere near my vagina or anything like that. It's at that crease where my leg and groin meet. There was one lump on each side...and the one on the left side was bigger than the right. I pressed down on them and they hurt like hell. Like a fresh new bruise you've just gotten and someone pokes the crap out of it.

    I told my mom the next morning and she told me its some weird word. I don't remember what she called it, but it was in Tagalog. She told me that it was just because I was sick and it would start to go down and go away and to just watch it just in case it was something else. So i did that, and they slowly started to go away...but barely. And then one day, my dog was sitting on my lap and decided to jump off. She propelled herself by kicking off of the right lump and it hurt SOOOOO bad. Later on that day it started hurting a lot, and ever since then if I sit down it will hurt sometimes. To the point where I will have a slight limp because it hurts to extend. It's not as bad anymore but the lumps are getting big I think? Before I never saw them with the bare eye...I would have to kind of feel for them, but now I can see a slight rise where they are.

    Does anyone know what they might be? My first thoughts were a cyst, but I'm not exactly sure if it is because I don't really know much about them.

    HELP! :(

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why is it SOOOO hard to get accepted for a credit card from Apple!?

    I've applied so many times. I've even asked my mom to apply, my dad, my cousins....and we've all gotten denied. Even my friend's dad who is an accountant, makes bank, and spends his money wisely got denied. I don't understand...what exactly are the requirements to get accepted?

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How do I remove hair removal wax from my hands?

    I just bought a Gigi wax pot and bought the All Purpose Honee Wax from Gigi as well.

    I go to school at Marinellos and the wax we used was sticky...but this wax I bought today was super sticky and it was getting frustrating because it was sticking to my nails and everything. I was just wondering what are a few remedies to get this wax off my hands and nails...I've been trying everything :(

    8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What happens if I take too much biotin?

    I went into Vitamin World asking if they had something to make hair grow faster and they introduced me to the 5,000 MCG of "Super Biotin". My hair is at my shoulders but I'm dying for them to grow back down to my boobs like it was before I even cut it. My question to you all is what would happen if I were to take like 10,000 Mg of the biotin (2 pills) or even 3 pills? Would there be a negative affect or would my hair just grow faster?

    17 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How much do hair stylists make? At least, at most, and inbetween?

    I've always wanted to do hair and go to school for cosmetology but I was looking out for myself for the long run. I'm sure I want to do it, but I'm not sure because of how much money it could make.

    So i wanted to know whats the least you could get paid, the most, and just like a regular wage or something.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost to go to the Marinello Beauty School?

    I've always wanted to do cosmetology, but I'm scared that I won't go far with it. Right now, I'm open to trying new things, so I wanted to try going to beauty school without it interfering with work or school. If anyone knows how much it costs to go to Marinello, please answer! <:)

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Would giving away sugar gliders w/ rehoming fee in California be illegal?

    I have sugar gliders which I got from a friend and was just curious if I could get into big trouble for that. I am trying to sell them because I can't really take care of them anymore, and also I need the money for school and a car....would it be bad if i gave a "rehoming" fee?

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What would happen if I took out a loan?

    I'm a high school student about to graduate and move on to PCC.

    Unfortunately, I live all the way out in Pomona (don't ask why I chose to go to PCC), and I need a means of transportation. I work part time at a dentists office, but its like 200 to 300 dollars every paycheck which comes in every 2 weeks. I start PCC a week after I graduate from high school, and I don't have any way of going to PCC, back, and to work. I want to take out a loan, but I'm scared...I just need money, and my parents aren't doing anything to help.


    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What is a "g.i."? Michael Scott says it in the office?

    In one of the episodes of The Office, Michael Scott says to Karen (When they first meet after the transfer), "You're very exotic looking, was your father a GI?" What is that???

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • What kind of lenses would work with my Nikon FG? And where can I find a leather case or whatever for it?

    I just recently purchased a Nikon FG, and it's film. I am barely working with film and I don't really know how to go about looking for lenses and stuff. Also I wanted those kind of leather cases that attach to the camera itself, like the old looking ones.

    Do you know where I can get those? And what kind of lenses I should use/find/get??

    4 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • How do you develop film in your own home? (i.e: dark room, red room...dunno exactly what its called)?

    I've always wanted to be able to learn how to develop my own roll of film and stuff.

    How do I do it?

    What materials/chemicals do I need?

    Is it expensive?

    Can someone with experience just please try to thoroughly describe this to me. I'm really interested and want to learn but don't know how to start.

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • I am pretty sure I just had an early miscarriage....?

    I am pretty sure I had an early miscarriage. It started out with me thinking I had my period because I saw that brown spotting on my underwear. Not only that but I had been cramping as well. I wasn't able to get a tampon or anything in because I was out the whole day and didn't get back home till night time. I thought by then I would've leaked through and was surprised to just see a brown spot on my underwear still. I put a panty liner to see if maybe my period wasn't coming, and I woke up the next morning with more spotting. (Might I add that the cramping had continued that whole day and was feeling a little worse as the day progressed). I got ready for school, and afterwards went to my friends house. On the way there the cramps began to get a little worse. I got to her house and used the restroom to see that I had blood on my underwear. I was bleeding a lot and more than usual and the cramps were almost unbearable at one point. These blood clot things would come out every time I used the restroom, and I would keep thinking it was just a heavy period. After 12 to the rest of the day, I probably used up about 4 to 6 tampons all getting full in under an hour and leaking on my underwear. Every time I pulled those tampons out, a whole mess of blood and clots would come out and I'd still continue to cramp and it would hurt. I felt at the beginning I might be having a miscarriage and was in denial the whole time until I was going to pee and saw myself leaking through a bigger tampon. I pulled it out and I got a huge gush of pain, and blood came out and I felt this huge rush, sort of pressure? idk how to explain it....and I see this big thing drop into the toilet. It was bigger than a pringles chip. I was freaked out and didn't know what it was but I had a feeling. I wasn't sure what to do. It was really big. And I've never bled this much, clotted this much, or even cramped this bad. After that day I started to look up symptoms and other girls' stories and they match up to mine. Except I think what you would consider mine to be is a 'chemical pregnancy'? Idk. But just an intuition, I'm pretty sure I had one. I've never ever experienced anything like this before. It hurt a lot. And I cramped really bad on one side as well. Its been a day after that happened and my cramps and bleeding is started to go down. It's still occuring but not as much and the clots are getting smaller than before... (i know it sounds weird, but its so hard to explain everything to what i experienced. its so hard to put exactly into words...)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how do i get rid of my side fat?

    i am very concerned with my body and would like to lose some fat..specifically on my stomach area. to be more specific, my sides where the "muffin tops" are. any useful workout tips or workouts i should do to help me tone up in my stomach area. i wanna lose the tops and perhaps get a slimmer, flatter stomach.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • When do I apply for Pasadena City College Fall Semester for 2010?

    I looked at their site and they're not letting me apply for fall semester. Its only for winter and spring apparently. But I don't understand why they're letting me apply for that semester when MT. Sac is already letting high school students apply for their fall semester. I tried looking deeper in PCC's site but couldn't find anything to help answer my questions...and I tried calling them and that just got me more confused. I was unable to talk to anyone or get any help from a worker there..instead it was a machine :/ So since those failed i found the email and emailed them saying I was very curious in that college and wanted more information....I got no reply back, so please help? Because I would like to be on top of my ****. Hah

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago