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Desperate Wife

Favorite Answers13%
  • HORRIBLE Lower back pain....?

    I have been dealing with extremely bad lower back pain for over a month. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and she did a x-ray and said everything looks normal. She gave me a shot, muscle relaxers, and pain pills. None of which are helping. I have tried everything I know of to get this to stop. It is hurting at the bottom of my back. It's extremely painful to go from a sitting to standing position, walking, or trying to get out of bed. I am looking for anyone that could shine some light on what it is and how to make it better. For it to hurt while sitting is not good for me, as I work at a desk all day. If you have any insight as to what it could be, please let me know.

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Nausea linked to Thyroid cancer?

    I have been extremely nauseated for over two weeks now. I have difficulty eating from feeling as if I could vomit at any time. I had a thyroid ultrasound done last week. Two days later I was at the endocrinologist office having a biopsy of a "concerning" spot. I have several nodules, as the dr put it, but one of my right side is very concerning. It took her four times to get enough tissue as the nodule is "full of fluids" (doctor's terms). I have to wait a week until the results come back in to tell me if it's cancerous or benign. I have told my endo dr about all my other symptoms, hair loss, excessive weight gain, cold all the time, extensive family history of thyroid problems, nausea non stop, feeling of something being stuck in my throat, fatigue no matter the amount of sleep I get, tiredness all day, etc. I have noticed now that the nausea is not going away, even with nausea medicine. I have also noticed that my neck is EXTREMELY tender. If I turn my head I get a fullness, pulling sensation. I have not mentioned this to my doctor, as I am waiting on them to call me with biopsy results. I am worried that this is all connected and it's getting worse. Is the nausea caused by thyroid cancer? Is that what the discomfort when turning my head is from? Also, I have noticed for the past 6 months or so, every time I swallow my ears pop. Is that related to the thyroid as well?

    I know that the nausea is not from being pregnant, as I have an IUD and haven't had a cycle in two and half years.

    1 AnswerCancer7 years ago
  • HELP!!! Uncontrollable weight gain and other issues?!?!?!?!?

    I have gained nearly 30 pounds in the last 5-6 months. In this time, I have changed my eating habits to be more healthy, cutting out fried foods altogether. I have recently joined a gym. Nothing I am doing is helping me lose ANY weight. I actually gained 5 pounds this weekend, and didn't eat hardly anything due to being nauseated since early last week. I have a sensation of something being stuck in my throat, like if you swallowed a bunch of snot. I have been extremely tired for over a week, no motivation to do ANYTHING, constant nauseous. Please DO NOT say pregnant!!! I have been on the Mirena for over 2 years, and haven't had a cycle in that long. I know that is not what it is! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • HELP!!! Having serious health issues...?

    I am currently having LOTS of health issues that I am unsure what is causing it... I have been extremely nauseous, when this subsides I feel like I have diarrhea only to be unable to go, losing excessive amounts of hair, difficulty breathing while laying, extremely tired all day (to the point I fell asleep at my desk), sluggish feeling all day. My hands are from one extreme to the next, either ICE cold or sweaty. Any ideas of what this could be? My mother thinks it's due to my thyroid, as she had all of this going on before she had her surgery to remove it & it runs heavily in my family. I am unsure if this is causing it or not. Any help would be appreciated.

    I have my thyroid checked every year, due to it being so many in my family. I have developed a goiter that in the past year has gotten fairy large. All my blood work comes back normal. I know that this is not how I normally feel. And this week it has gotten significantly worse. I know my body and what is normal, and this IS NOT!!!

    Please any help or opinions would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Goiter, normal thyroid levels!?!?!?!?!!?

    I have had a goiter for over a year now. I have recently noticed that it is getting a larger. I told my dr about this at my last checkup. She ordered a blood test. The nurse called me back today and stated that my levels were normal, and that the dr wanted me to have an ultrasound. I have a lot of people in my family that are either hypo or hyper. I know that I have some symptoms of hypo, excessive hair loss, extremely sensitive to cold, cold hands, no weight loss even with healthy eating and exercise, tiredness all the time, loss of energy, memory loss. I have found that it's getting more difficult to swallow sometimes and my husband has recently started to complain that I snore. I have never snored in my life. Could this be an indication that the goiter is growing? I am wondering if this is normal procedure for normal levels and an enlarged goiter? Is it possible to have all these symptoms and it not be my thyroid? I know that my mother had to go to several docs before one finally found out what was wrong with her. Should I go to another doc?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Thyroid levels normal, Dr. ordered an ultrasound?

    I have had a goiter for over a year now. I have recently noticed that it is getting a larger. I told my dr about this at my last checkup. She ordered a blood test. The nurse called me back today and stated that my levels were normal, and that the dr wanted me to have an ultrasound. I have a lot of people in my family that are either hypo or hyper. I know that I have some symptoms of hypo, excessive hair loss, extremely sensitive to cold, cold hands, no weight loss even with healthy eating and exercise, tiredness all the time, loss of energy, memory loss. I have found that it's getting more difficult to swallow sometimes and my husband has recently started to complain that I snore. I have never snored in my life. Could this be an indication that the goiter is growing? I am wondering if this is normal procedure for normal levels and an enlarged goiter? Is it possible to have all these symptoms and it not be my thyroid? I know that my mother had to go to several docs before one finally found out what was wrong with her. Should I go to another doc?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Can a married woman be friends with a single man?

    I have been with my husband for 15 years. I love him dearly. We have two beautiful children together.

    I met this guy at work, he's 19 years old than me. With this age difference, I cannot believe how much we have in common. We use to just sit around and shot the s**t for hours at a time. He would always go out of his way to talk to me about anything, his dates or lack of, his family, life, medical problems, just like two friends do, nothing out of the ordinary. He has known that I am married from the very beginning. We have both done some minor flirting, nothing that anyone else doesn't do.

    I switched jobs and we still keep in contact via email. I don't talk to him in person or on the phone. We still just have goofy conversations that most would think are crazy. Nothing inappropriate AT ALL. About two months ago, I noticed that when emailing back and forth, if my husband is brought up. He disconnects from the emails for about a week or two then he starts back like nothing happened. It's kind of odd to me. I have brought it up to friends that still work with him, like yea I was talking to Jo and then my hubby came up and then he just stopped talking to me. To which every time this has occurred, I have casually brought it up to my girlfriends that work there, they always say that he has been in a horrible mood for about, and it's always the same time frame as when we stopped emailing.

    Is this my mind tricking me? Am I reading more into this than is probably really there? When we talk its as if we are just really good friends. We talk about everything besides sexual relationships. Does he want more than just the friends that we have become? In my mind, am I wanting this to be something more, since I continue to email him? I enjoy our conversations, we act goofy and talk about the silliest stuff. I find myself laughing all the time about something we have discussed in these emailing sessions.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • How do I make my husband not so gruchy?

    It seems that he is always in a bad mood... I frequently say "Can we have one day of no bitching?" I have tried to express my feelings with him and I cannot get him to stop. I don't know what else to do. He is constantly fussing about something, then he will ask me what's wrong with me and why don't I ever smile? I just say nothing to avoid him being in an even worse mood. I don't know how to make him happy any more. And I am not sure if I am in love with him any more. Suggestions please.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How do I know if it's time for divorce?

    I have been with my husband for 15 years and married for 8. We have two children together. I have a guy that I was working with, before I switched jobs, that I find myself thinking about all the time. I have not done anything inappropriate with this guy, I just cannot quit thinking about him and I often have non-sexual dreams about him(almost nightly). I have found that in the past year, everything that my husband does drives me CRAZY. I don't find pleasure in the things that we use to do together. I feel that we don't have as much in common as we did when we first got together (I was 15). One thing that brings on fights is the way he treats our oldest daughter. He yells almost constantly at her, for every little thing she does. She is only 6 and I think he has a hard time remembering this when she "acts up". I will correct him and then we have bouts of not talking to one another, because he thinks I am in the wrong. The other thing that we fight about is the normal money fights, or the lack of money. I often find myself thinking/dreaming about a life of us not together. IS this because we started dating when I was so young and I don't know what my life would be like if we were to split? Have I completely fallen for the other guy? Am I overreacting and this is just something that married couples go through? I have no really close friends that I can discuss this with and feel comfortable with this type of conversation. I don't feel that I can talk to my family as they all LOVE him and I am afraid that he would find out that I am even asking these questions.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago